Icarus Is Foolish Evidence

Icarus Is Foolish Evidence

Icarus is foolish evidence

Daftar Isi

1. Icarus is foolish evidence

Icarus is foolish because he didnt follow to what his father told him

2. icarus is foolish evidence

Icarus is foolish.. I agree because he disobey his father's instructions not to fly too close to the sun.

3. Icarus is foolish. Evidence


Although he was warned, Icarus was too young and too enthusiasticabout flying. He got excited by the thrill of flying and carried away by the amazing feeling of freedom and started flying high to salute the sun, diving low to the sea, and then up high again. And Icarus soon saw his wings melting that led him fell into the sea and drowned.

4. Icarus is foolish evidence:agree or Disagree


Icarus is foolish evidence: agree or Disagree?

After being warned by his father Daedalus before they leaped off the tower and fly across the sea to escape, Icarus in his hubris, decided to ignore the advice which caused his demise. Yes, I agree that Icarus made a foolish decision when he flew higher towards the sun.  


Although Icarus did cause his own death, I would have to say that it was in an understandably youthful foolish way and here are the reasons why:

The youth are naturally foolish due to their innocence. The young naturally lack wisdom because of limited life experiences. They are obviously energetic. They are spontaneous in their decisions.  

When Daedalus wanted Icarus to stay within a certain zone in order to make their escape, he gave him these 2 warnings:

Don’t fly too close to the sea Don’t fly too close to the sun.

Icarus was overwhelmed by the ecstasy of flight that he decided to push his luck in order to reach greater heights which led to the very sad consequence of him to fall into the ocean and drown.  

This is nothing new, the youth are the ones you see jumping off cliffs, driving fast in their cars and on their bikes, getting too many tattoos, and other risky acts that are too numerous to mention. This is a prerequisite in life that everyone has to somehow go through and hopefully survive and gain wisdom from.

Click on the links for more information:

Why did Minos imprison Daedalus in the labyrinth? https://brainly.ph/question/126044

What did Daedalus invent to help them escape from Labyrinth? https://brainly.ph/question/129779

What happened to Icarus? https://brainly.ph/question/323952

5. What Is The Answer Of Icarus Was Foolish

yes because forgetting his fathers stern advice , icarus flew too close to the sun god helios, who was pulling the sun behind his chariat high in the sky.

6. Directions: State whether you agree or disagree with the given statementsand find evidence from the text to support your claim. Write your answers in youractivity notebook1. King Minos is cruelEvidence2. Daedalus is talentedEvidence3. Icarus is foolishEvidence:4. Daedalus and Icarus should have stayed in the island after escaping from theLabyrinth.Evidence:5. Daedalus is responsible for his son's death.Evidence​



-he is cruel because he is vengeful, isn’t especially forgiving and doesn’t let go of a grudge just like when Daedalus helped his wife to seduce the handsome bull by building a cow suit for her and aiding Theseus in his escape from the Labyrinth and it enabled Theseus to navigate the Labyrinth and run off with King Mino’s daughter. Instead of having a heart to heart conversation with Daedalus, King Minos imprisons Daedalus and Icarus that lead them to plan escaping.


-his name itself means “skilled worker”. He was a famous architect, inventor and master craftsman known for having created many objects that figure prominently in various myths. The successful inventions he did were the axe, boat sails, a big maze called Labyrinth, and fake wings for humans.


-although he was warned, Icarus was too enthusiastic at the fact that he was able to fly in the sky like a bird and started flying too high in the sky that resulted in it melting the wax on his wings and led him to fall into the sea and died.


-if they did stay in the prison, they would be dead knowing how powerful King Minos is and that he would be able to hunt both of them down easily.


-Daedalus already instructed Icarus not to fly too low close to the see because of the humidity and not too high and keep away from the sun as to not melt the wax. But Icarus became hard headed and cocky that he forgot what his father said. Daedalus was trying in vain to make Icarus understand that his behaviour was dangerous. After not listening to his father’s warning, he fell to the sea and drowned. It was not Daedalus’ intention to put his son’s life to death.

7. A. Tell whether the statement is a fact or not. Draw WINGS before each number if the statement is a fact and SUN if otherwise. _______ Daedalus was an inventor. _______ King Minos wanted to kill the Minotaur. _______ It would be easy to find your way out of the Labyrinth. _______ Icarus design his own wings. _______ The wings were made of chicken feathers. B. State whether you agree or disagree with the given statements and find evidence from the text to support your claim. 1. King Minos is cruel. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. Daedalus is talented. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. Icarus is foolish. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 4. Daedalus and Icarus should have stayed in the island after escaping from the Labyrinth. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 5. Daedalus is responsible for his son’s death. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

1. Fact

1. Yes..
statement: He imprison daedalus and icarus in the labyrinth
2. Yes..
statement: Daedaus was a famous architect, inventor, and master craftsman known for having created many objects ....
statement: Icarus forget his fathers advice he flew too close to the son that made him fell and drown to the sea..
4. Yes..
statement: So that icarus must not die
5. Yes..
statement;: daedalus cried and grieved for his son death

8. icarus is foolish can you search this??

icarus is a foolish person and son because even his father warned him about what are the he will encounter,he disobeyed it and he fell down to the ocean then die.

9. Icarus is foolish? Evidence.

Icarus is foolish because he didn't listen to his father's advice that caused him death. He was overwhelmed by his feelings.

10. icarus is foolish evidence

Because he didn't remember his fathers advice.All he want is just to fly and fly,without knowing the effect of it.

11. icarus is foolish evidence​


ha...true yes truebsjkjaa

12. A. Tell whether the statement is a fact or not. Draw WINGS before each number if the statement is a fact and SUN if otherwise. _______ Daedalus was an inventor. _______ King Minos wanted to kill the Minotaur. _______ It would be easy to find your way out of the Labyrinth. _______ Icarus design his own wings. _______ The wings were made of chicken feathers. B. State whether you agree or disagree with the given statements and find evidence from the text to support your claim. 1. King Minos is cruel. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. Daedalus is talented. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. Icarus is foolish. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 4. Daedalus and Icarus should have stayed in the island after escaping from the Labyrinth. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 5. Daedalus is responsible for his son’s death. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

A 1WINGS from his own name 2SUN because he only want is to imprison his pet 3SUN because Daedalus the own inventor of Labyrinth cannot escape it without using a artificial wings 4SUN because Daedalus create the two artificial wings 5SUN because theres nothing flying animals mention in the bookA.

1.) True
2.) True
3.) No, it's very complex.
4.) No, daedalus made them.
5.) True

13. 1. King Minos is cruel. Evidence: 2. Daedalus is talented. Evidence: 3. Icarus is foolish. Evidence: 4. Daedalus and Icarus should have stayed in the island after escaping from the Labyrinth. Evidence: 5. Daedalus is responsible for his son's death. Evidence: Additional Activity


1. King Minos is cruel. Evidence:Agree

*King Minos is cruel because when he think that Daedulus is a threat to him, he imprisoned Daedalus in a high tower in his palace together with Daedalus innocent son Icarus. ______________________________________________________________

2. Daedalus is talented. Evidence:Agree

*Daedalus is talented because he was known as an great architect and inventor_and made the Labyrinth where King Minos locked up the Minotaur _______________________________________________________

3. Icarus is foolish. Evidence:Agree

*Icarus is foolish because he fly towards the sun and have forgotten the warning that his father said to him ______________________________________________________________

4. Daedalus and Icarus should have stayed in the island after escaping from the Labyrinth. Evidence: Disagree__

*Beacause I think if they have stay in the island after they have escaped the Labyrinth the guard would have notice them and would capture them and be imprisoned again. _________________________________________________________

5. Daedalus is responsible for his son’s death. Evidence:Disagree

Daedalus is not responsible for his son’s death because he taught Icarus how to fly and warned him not too close the sea because it would be harder to fly and not __too close to the sun because the wax will melt

14. 2. Daedalus is talented.Evidence:3. Icarus is foolish.Evidence:4. Daedalus and Icarus should have stayed in the island after esLabyrinth.Evidence:5. Daedalus is responsible for his son's death.Evidence:​


2.Because he create many different things

3.Because he still flew up even through he knows that the candle wax will melt

4.They should have stay so that Icarus didn't die.

5.Because he created a thing that have a disadvantage.


2. because he's a great inventor.

3.because he didn't obey and remembered his father instructions before they flew above the sky.

4. so Icarus won't die and Daedalus won't blame his self because of his son's death for the rest of his life.

5. ofcourse because if he didn't took his eyes off on his son when they were still flying above Icarus won't be dead.

15. Icarus is Foolish? Give Evidence

icarus is foolish becaus he didn't listen to his father that causes him to death

16. icarus is foolish agree or disagree




carus is foolish because he didn't listen to his father's advice that caused him death. He was overwhelmed by his feelings

Can you help me reach a new rank by marking my answer as the brainliest :) its ok if you dont want to

Answer: I agree that Icarus is foolish.

Evidence: After being warned by his father Daedalus before they leaped off the tower and fly across the sea to escape, Icarus in his hubris, decided to ignore the advice which caused his demise. Icarus made a foolish decision when he flew higher towards the sun.

17. Why is Icarus is Foolish ?

Icarus is not foolish..he dis obey his father

18. icarus was foolish?give evidence

Yes because he didn't follow the rules of his father. If I were him, I will follow the reminders of my father because he knows a lot better than me. You should obey your father because he doesn't want his child to be in danger.
All parents wanted their children to be in a better situation which is more comfortable and convenient for them. 
He was also foolish because he got too excited and he wanted to show off to the people below his skills in manipulating his wings in spite of knowing the limitations of his wings.

19. State wether if you agree or disagree and your evidence. 1. king minos is cruel. Evidence: 2. Icarus is foolish. Evidence: 4. Daedalus and Icarus should have stayed in the island after escaping from the labyrinth. Evidence: 5. Daedalus is responsible for his son's death. Evidence: can you answer this guys. you have 20 pts if you answer this

He forget his father advice and he became careless so at the end he fell to his death drowned in the sea

20. A. Tell whether the statement is a fact or not. Draw WINGS before each number if the statement is a fact and SUN if otherwise. _______ Daedalus was an inventor. _______ King Minos wanted to kill the Minotaur. _______ It would be easy to find your way out of the Labyrinth. _______ Icarus design his own wings. _______ The wings were made of chicken feathers. B. State whether you agree or disagree with the given statements and find evidence from the text to support your claim. 1. King Minos is cruel. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. Daedalus is talented. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3. Icarus is foolish. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 4. Daedalus and Icarus should have stayed in the island after escaping from the Labyrinth. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 5. Daedalus is responsible for his son’s death. Evidence: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


1. AGREE. Because he let the people be a food for the Minotaur. (RIP english XD)
2. AGREE. For creating a maze to prison the Minotaur. And making a shell for the contest.
3. AGREE, because even though Daedalus warned him not to be too close to the sun and water, Icarus disobey him.
4. DISAGREE. They will die beacuse of hunger.
5. AGREE. Because he could have saved Icarus by catching him in the air.

21. Icarus is a foolish. Give evidence

Because his Father warns him that he is not allowed to get near in water nor in the sun because of the feathers are stuch together by wax and if he get near from it, it will melt and his wings will fade. And because of disobedience. He died.

22. evidence that icarus is foolish?

Because he did not listen to what his father told("Icarus, my son, I charge you to keep at a moderate height, for if you fly too low the damp will clog your wings, and if you fly too high the heat of the sun will surely melt these wings of yours that I have created for you.")

23. is icarus a foolish boy?​


No he is not


He just had a time that he was listening and at the same time forgotten everything, that doesn't make him foolish.

24. icarus is foolish give evidence

He flew close to the sun and he didn't follow the instruction of his father

25. what is the evidence of daedalus was foolish

Daedalus was foolish because he fly too close to the sun that the wax in the wings that his father has made has melted . And so, he fall and drowned to the sea and die.

26. is icarus a foolish boy?​


Icarus is foolish. ---Agree, Daedalus told him to stay close to him but he did not follow his father's warning he also flew close to the sun despite of Daedalus telling him not to because it will melt the wax that keeps their artificial wings together thus his foolishness led to his death

27. Icarus Is foolish Evidence:

agree,because he disobeyed his father

28. what is evidence of icarus is foolish?​

Evidence 69 of the gravity of the mf earth because it is what it is for something to be foolish

29. icarus is foolish ? give an evidence

Because he didnt obey his father command that dont fly near the sun because his feather may melt.

30. Icarus was foolish.​


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