Speech On Religion

Speech On Religion

speech about african religion

Daftar Isi

1. speech about african religion

African Child by Eku McGred

I am an African Child
Born with the skin,the colour of chocolate
Bright,brilliant and articulate
Strong and bold;I'm gifted
Talented enough to be the best
I am an african child

Often the target of pity
My furture is not confined to charity
Give me the gift of a limetime;
Give me a dream,a door of opportunity;
I will thrive
I am an african child

Do not hide my fault
Show me my wrong
I am like any other;
Teach me to dream
And i will become
I am an african child

I am the son,daughter of the soil
Rich in texture and content
Full of potential for a better tomorrow
Teach me discipline,teach me character,teach me hardwork,Teach me to think like the star within me
I am an african child

I can be extraordinary
call be William Kamkwamba the
Give me a library with books
Give me a scrap yard and discarded electronics
Give me a broken bicycle;
Plus the freedom to be me
And i will build you a windmill
I am an African Child

We are the new generation
Not afraid to be us
Uniquely gifted;black and talented
Shining like stars we are
We are the children of africa
Making the best of us
Yes!I am an african Child

2. privilege speech about separation of religion​


Under the benevolent-neutrality theory, the principle underlying the First Amendment is that freedom to carry out one’s duties to a Supreme Being is an inalienable right, not one dependent on the grace of legislature. Religious freedom is seen as a substantive right and not merely a privilege against discriminatory legislation. With religion looked upon with benevolence and not hostility, benevolent neutrality allows accommodation of religion under certain circumstances


sana makatulong

3. what type of speech is commonly used in religion and laws​




Sorry I'm not sure

4. Which of the following BEST defines the underlined word in the following sentence? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. A. reduce B. promote C. exercise D. protect




Because A is my answer undertood

5. A list of professionals who used counseling in their work are the following except: * a. construction workers, ofw and pediatrician b. counseling / clinical psychologists, welfare workers and teachers c. physiotherapists, ministers of religion and voluntary and youth workers d. nurses, health visitors, and midwives, occupational and speech therapists and social workers


b. counseling / clinical psychologists, welfare workers and teachers


6. 24. Which of the following situations below illustrate an impromptu s A. Lea spent the whole night memorizing her speech. B. Era talks conveniently about her plans in the future. C. Ronie paused for a minute and started talking about his religion. D. Raymart reads the texts in his notebook. 25. Which of the following is inappropriate in ending a speech? A. Say "Thank you" to the audience before ending a speech. B. Greet the audience in the crowd. C. Leave a line that is relevant to the speech. D. End the speech with a quotation that the audience can remember 26. The following is a good way to start an entertaining speech excep A. Start with a light topic. B. Start with a funny story. C. Both statements are correct. D. Both statements are incorrect. mple of an informative speec​


C. Ronie paused for a minute and started talking about his religion illustrates an impromptu speech.D. End the speech with a quotation that the audience can remember is inappropriate in ending a speech.D. Both statements are incorrect. Starting an entertaining speech with a light topic or a funny story may be effective, but it may not always be appropriate or effective for every situation. A good way to start an entertaining speech may vary depending on the audience and context, and it is important to consider these factors when starting a speech

7. Write a three-paragraph speech about the topic of your choice. It must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Consider this audience profile: Youth, 17-20 years old college students Religion: Catholic, Christian and Muslim Economic Status: Middle Class

Ito na po yung sagot, thank you po

8. -what it is about you, your religion, or social or family background that can be used when it comes to giving greater ethos, or credibility, when writing your speech?-How did the speech (from ninoy aquino's speech) use pathos,logos to persuade the audience that the Filipino was worth dying for? What paragraph did he use to show this? explain​

Your search - -what it is about you, your religion, or social or family background that can be used when it ... - did not match any documents.


Make sure that all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.
Try fewer keywords.

9. how to make speech in English 8 religion yungg napilibko sanaaa matulongan:<​


Here are some steps that can help you in making a speech in English 8 religion:

1. Choose a topic: The first step is to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that relates to your course. It could be about the importance of religion in one's life, how religion helps people in their daily lives, or the role of religion in society.

2. Plan your speech: Plan out what you want to say and how you want to say it. This can include the introduction, the main points, and the conclusion. It is important to have a clear structure to your speech to make it easier to follow.

3. Research: Conduct research on your topic to gather information and statistics that can support your main points. This can include reading religious texts, articles, and other relevant sources.

4. Make an outline: Create an outline of your speech with the main points and sub-points. This will help you to stay on track during your speech and ensure that you cover all the important points.

5. Practice: Practice your speech several times before you deliver it in front of an audience. This can help you to feel more confident and comfortable with your material.

6. Use visual aids: If possible, use visual aids such as PowerPoint slides or videos to help illustrate your points. This can help to keep your audience engaged and interested in your topic.

7. Speak clearly and confidently: When delivering your speech, it is important to speak clearly and confidently. Speak slowly and enunciate your words to ensure that your audience can understand you.

8. Engage with your audience: Try to engage with your audience by asking questions or encouraging them to participate in the discussion. This can help to keep them interested and involved in your topic.

By following these steps, you can make an effective speech in English 8 religion that will engage your audience and leave a lasting impact.

10. discuss the problems connected with religious revelation and rational morality. what if one's religion prohibits certain types of speech that is punishable by death penalty, can a rational dialogue be possible? ​


The major world religions have taken varied positions on the morality of capital punishment[1] and as such, they have historically impacted the way in which governments handle such punishment practices.[2] Although the viewpoints of some religions have changed over time, their influence on capital punishment generally depends on the existence of a religious moral code and how closely religion influences the government.[3] Religious moral codes are often based on a body of teachings, such as the Old Testament or the Qur'an.[3]


Ewan ty sa point


Ml ka nlang po




it began to morph into a religion around 200 AD

12. One of the activities of the Campus Ministry office in our school is the Interfaith Dialogue. Interfaith dialogue means the communication, dialogue and cooperation between groups of different faiths and religion. It happens when two or more people with different religion or faith gathered and share about their faith. Each of them must open their minds about one's faith.In line with this, you will make an essay to deliver a speech to your group about your faith as Christian. or as Muslim or any other religion you belong. You will share about the basic teachings of your religion particularly your creed or what you believed in. You will also discuss in your essay about the meaning and purposeof your life and how you will live it based from the teachings of your religion. Your essay should be composed of 3 paragraphs (introduction, body and conclusion). In your introduction, you will put something that could catch the attention of your audience and give them the interest to listen. The discussion about your religion will be put in the body part of your essay. Lastly in your conclusion you will putwhat you wanted to emphasize in your essay that will remain in the minds and hearts of your audience.​




in my Church my pastor's will teach us if how to grow as a christian. And they will teach us if how we can share the word of God

13. 16. What type of speech style is fixed and remains unchanged?a. Intimateb. consultativec. formald. frozen17. What speech style is considered to be "private"a. casualb. consultativec. intimiaied. formal18. Which among the speech style is shared between or among close family memiJalsaa. casualb. frozenc. intimated. formal9. Which speech style is unidirecilonal and is used in formal seilings?a. casualb. Intimatec. frozend. formal5. Which speech style is commonly used in religion and laws?1. casualb. frozenC. consultatived. formal​


16. D. Frozen

17. C. Intimate

18. C. Intimate

9. D. Formal

5. D. Formal


16. What type of speech style is fixed and remains unchanged?

a. Intimate

b. consultative

c. formal

d. frozen

17. What speech style is considered to be "private"

a. casual

b. consultative

c. intimiaie

d. formal

18. Which among the speech style is shared between or among close family memiJalsa

a. casual

b. frozen

c. intimate

d. formal

9. Which speech style is unidirecilonal and is used in formal seilings?

a. casual

b. Intimate

c. frozen

d. formal

5. Which speech style is commonly used in religion and laws?

1. casual

b. frozen

C. consultative

d. formal​

14. •Construct persuasive speech on the given topic below."Religion and Science Can Go Hand in Hand"​





15. ScoreQuarter I - MELC 4MINOR OUTPUT"An Informative Speech"ion:Directions: Compose an informative speech with correct usage of cohesive devices- signals that indicate coherence.The speech will be about the given introductory paragraph. You can research for facts or details. Write 2 paragraphsfrom your research (at least 6 sentences each). Give the speech a good conclusion.African culture is expressed in its arts and crafts, folklore and religion, clothing, cuisine, music andlanguages. Expressions of culture are abundant within Africa, with large amounts of cultural diversity being found notonly across different countries but also within single countries.​


ano po gagawin? Message me right awat

16. Make a written speech about the gift of Sacraments and the presence of Jesus in the Sacraments. Include in your written speech the effect of receiving the Sacraments and the importance of the Sacraments in one’s life.Christianity or catholic religion


The sacraments are rituals that teach, strengthen and express faith. They are relevant to all areas and stages of life, and Catholics believe that the love and gifts of God are given through seven sacraments, which are: Reconciliation. Anointing of the sick.

mark me brainliest answer please


B. consultative style


afternoon po

18. The use of Vice-admiralty courts in smuggling cases denied the colonists what right protected by the English Bill of Rights? a Trial by jury b Freedom of speech c No quartering of soldiers in private homes d Freedom of Religion


d im not sure

but correct me if im wrong

19. Modified True or False. On the blank before the number write TRUE if you agree with the statement,otherwise, write FALSE. Write your justification after each sentence.1. A good speaker should also be a good writer.2. The duration of the speech must depend upon the audience's engagement or boredom.3. The physical aspect of speech delivery must only be secondary to the speech itself4. The vocal aspect of speech delivery adds inore flavor to the speech5. One cause of a speaker's nervousness is being unprepared.6. Eye contact of the speaker suggests sincerity or hypocrisy.7. A brilliant speaker considers his/her audience's education, background, religion andposition on some controversial issues.8. Every idea shared in speech delivery must have a corresponding body gesture.9. A speaker's posture and appearance speaks so much about his credibility andbelievability10. All speeches must leave a message to the audience​




ito sagot ko kung mali man pakitama ty.

20. what it is about you, your religion, or social or family background that can be used when it comes to giving greater ethos, or credibility, when writing your speech?​please sana may sumagot...


Different backgrounds can create different experiences that you personally go through,giving good credibility when you are talking about something that you are familiar with because it is familiar with your background.Does that make sense?

21. 3. SCIENCE NOT IN CONFLICT WITH RELIGIONCan science be reconciled with religion?This was the argument discussed in the open forum during thescience seminar-workshop held July 18 at the school social hall inobservance of National Science and Technology Weel.This stemmed from the speech of Mr. Ernesto L. Damasce of theNational Selenee and Technology Association whe said that only truthdoes not change.There is no contraindication between science and religion when bothare properly understood. What is needed is a proper knowledge ofreligion and a more scholarly interpretation of the Bible, the Koran andother similar books, for there can be a contraindication between anytruth revealed by God in the Holy Seriptures and any findings ofscience, properly tested and verified.Holy scriptures of whatever religion, are not textbooks of science,Their purpose is all the same = to inculcate moral, spiritual andreligious truth.The subject matter science, on the other hands, is the physicaluniverse. Its purpose is to discover the law of nature.Religion and science move in essentially different orbita. Religion isconcerned primarily with spiritual realities, with moral values, with theIntangibles, which elude both the pills and the test tubes, scienee withmatter and energy which can be seen, weighed and measured.Religion has no fear of selence. It does not tremble before diseussion,but before ignorance. It welcomes with eager hospitality every newsfindings. The further mam goes into outer space, the better vision hehas God, and the deeper insight he acquires into the DivineAdministration of the universe.Type of editorial:​



Can science be reconciled with religion?

This was the arg

ument discussed in the open forum during the

science seminar-workshop held July 18 at the school social hall in

observance of National Science and Technology Weel.

This stemmed from the speech of Mr. Ernesto L. Damasce of the

National Selenee and Technology Association whe said that only truth

does not change.

There is no contraindication between science and religion when both

are properly understood. What is needed is a proper knowledge of

religion and a more scholarly interpretation of the Bible, the Koran and

other similar books, for there can be a contraindication between any

truth revealed by God in the Holy Seriptures and any findings of

science, properly tested and verified.

Holy scriptures of whatever religion, are not textbooks of science,

Their purpose is all the same = to inculcate moral, spiritual and

religious truth.

The subject matter science, on the other hands, is the physical

universe. Its purpose is to discover the law of nature.

Religion and science move in essentially different orbita. Religion is

concerned primarily with spiritual realities, with moral values, with the

Intangibles, which elude both the pills and the test tubes, scienee with

matter and energy which can be seen, weighed and measured.

Religion has no fear of selence. It does not tremble before diseussion,

but before ignorance. It welcomes with eager hospitality every news

findings. The further mam goes into outer space, the better vision he

has God, and the deeper insight he acquires into the Divine

Administration of the universe.

Type of editorial:

22. Which speech style is commonly used in religion and laws?a. casualb. frozenc. consultatived. formal​



not sure

23. Modified True or False. On the blank before the number write TRUE if you agree with the statement,otherwise, write FALSE. Write your justification after each sentence.1. A good speaker should also be a good writer.2. The duration of the speech must depend upon the audience's engagement or boredom.3. The physical aspect of speech delivery must only be secondary to the speech itself4. The vocal aspect of speech delivery adds more flavor to the speech.5. One cause of a speaker's nervousness is being unprepared.6. Eye contact of the speaker suggests sincerity or hypocrisy.7. A brilliant speaker considers his/her audience's education, background, religion andposition on some controversial issues.8. Every idea shared in speech delivery must have a corresponding body gesture.9. A speaker's posture and appearance speaks so much about his credibility andbelievability10. All speeches must leave a message to the audience​













Hope it helps

24. what aspects do we need to considrt in selecting the appropriate speech act strategies and the linguistic forms for realizing it?a. gender and ageb. culture and religionc. language and educationd. social status and the culture of the interlocutors​


C. Language and Education


Selecting the appropriate speech act strategies and the linguistic forms for realizing it depends on.

25. choices audience profileintroductionlogical organizationbodydurationconclusionwordchoiceproblem-solution ordergramatical correctnesschronological order16. This refers to the length of your speech.17. It refers to the arrangement of thoughts when it comes to speech writing can be defined as all aspects ofyour writing that help the reader move smoothly from one sentence to the next, and from one paragraph to another.18. It is a principle about knowing your audience specifically their general age, gender, educational level,religion, language, culture and group membership is one of the most important aspects in developing your speech.19. It is a speech writing principle which underscores that the speaker should carefully use the correct wordin writing the speech20. It is the most crucial part of the speech. It is generally only 10 to 15 percent of the time the speakerspends speaking21. It is about using correct grammar when you give a speech is important to prevent misunderstanding andmisinterpretation between you and the audience.22 It is the core part of the speech that addresses the main ideas and principles of the speech.23 It is a method of organization in presenting the body of the speech which explains the problem andsuggests a possible solution24. It functions as the summarizer of the entire speech.25. It is a method of organization in presenting the body of the speech that is a historical or time approachwhich is from the past to the present. It presents idea in time order.plzz help,(。•́︿•̀。)​

16. Duration
17. Logical Organization
18. Audience Profile
19. Word-choice
20. Introduction
21. Grammatical Correctness
22. Body
23. Problem-solution order
24. Conclusion
25. Chronological Order

26. Write a three-paragraph speech about the topic of your choice. It must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Consider this audience profile: Youth, 17-20 years old college students Religion: Catholic, Christian and Muslim Economic Status: Middle Class


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27. Create a persuasive speech (5 sentences) that underscores the common themes among the 3 Abrahamic religions and that shows how the dynamics of the three religions can help promote an action that can address an ecological crisis.


Ladies and gentlemen, as members of the human race, we all share a common responsibility to protect and preserve our planet. The three Abrahamic religions; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share a common belief in the stewardship of the earth and the importance of caring for the environment. By working together, we can promote an action that can address the ecological crisis we face today. Our common values of compassion, justice, and responsibility can unite us in the fight against climate change. Let us embrace these shared values and work towards a sustainable future for ourselves, our children, and future generations. Together, we can make a difference.

28. speech of religion and science can go hand in hand​


Religion and science are indeed incompatible. Religion and science both offer explanations for why life and the universe exist. Science relies on testable empirical evidence and observation. Religion relies on subjective belief in a creator.

29. You are elected as the new president of the philippines for the year 2022 to 2028. what will be your first state of the nation address?Directions:You will create a 1500 words speech addressing the following aspects to society:Economic and non state institution, education, health, religion, and government​


ano pong gagawin Dyan dko alam eh

30. How do you think one should prepare for his or her speech?Why is it important to consider the members of the audience'sage, religion and culture, and educational and professionalbackgrounds?​


Audience analysis involves identifying the audience and adapting a speech to their interests, level of understanding, attitudes, and beliefs. Taking an audience-centered approach is important


because a speaker's effectiveness will be improved if the presentation is created and delivered in an appropriate manner.

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