Why Do You Think Some Students Don t Listen In Class

Why Do You Think Some Students Don t Listen In Class

why do you think some students do not listen in class

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1. why do you think some students do not listen in class

Distractions Make Students Not Pay Attention In Class

They always need something to do with their hands or feet to be able to focus on what you're saying. For this group of students, try placing some items on the table for them to play with while you teach so they can concentrate better.

2. why do you think some students dont listen in class?​



My answer is they're Bored or They are not interested on class

Some Students Wants to play outside and sone wany to stay home

So think they don't listen on class


3. why do you think some students don't listen in class?​

I think it is because sometimes the lesson that the teacher is teaching is kinda boring and not interesting.



Because they dont want to listen

4. Why do you think some students don't listen in class? in your own words, wrap it up in 5 sentences.​


Its either this things:

1. the class is boring or they are not interested on the current discussion.

2.their talking to somebody or have their attention to someone and not in the class.

3.sometimes students are hungry or thirsty.

4.thinking of something or someone (huge distraction)

5.lastly some students is already familiar to the discussion that's why they didn't take attention.


hope it helps ( appreciate If this answer is the " brainliest " thanks! )

5. a. Why do you think some students do not listen in class? in your own words, wrap it up in 5 sentences.b. what particular value is displayed when listening takes place. give only one and elaborate.​


Because they were talking each other, not listening, drawing an sleeping

or they were bored at school..

Explanation: Sorry if its not 5 sentences

6. Why do you think some students don't listen in class give five sentences


Hope this helps Thx sa points =)

7. A. Why do you think some students don't listen in class?In your own words, wrap it up in 5 sentences.​

1. They want to go to lunch and eat.

2.Play games with their classmates

3.They sometimes get sleepy at class

4. They get bored or like the topic isnt so exciting or interesting

5.They think that they are smart.

8. A.Why do you think some students don't listen in class?in your own words,wrap it up in 5​


Because they are busy playing or they don't want to listen

9. 50 points!! answer pls A. Why do you think some students don't listen in class? in your own words, wrap it up in 5 sentences. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________


they are bored too long in school...their mind is in outside world

10. why do you think some studient don't listen in class?​


It’s a habit – They are so used to ignoring directions that it has become second nature.


Beacuse there are way too busy at talking at friends and if they listen to their teacher welp they just look

11. why do you think some student do not listen in class wrap it five sentence​


Some students does not listen in class because they are bored which means they are not interested to the topic. It can also be because of the way how the teacher teaches them. For instance, the way how she/he talks when discussing or explaining something. Another, they might be distracted which makes them not to listen. Maybe they are thinking of something like problems in their family.

12. Why do you think some students do not listen in class? In your own words, wrap it up in 5 sentences

Answer and Explanation:

Why do you think some students do not listen in class?


Obedient students will just study what they are forced to study. But disobedient students will question why and what are the subjects for?

Without knowing the reason, students will not develop the interest towards it. As a result, they will not listen in class.


Some students just need attention. If a teacher can be a little involve in the students' lives, they will have a friendly teacher. Class will be more interesting.


This can be clearly seen. If THE  surrounding is bad, of course, students will not listen. Comparing a hot, stuffy room to an air-coned, comfortable room. Which one serve as a better classroom? Obviously the latter.

Possibly surrounding distractors:

1. Temperature - Not too hot and not too cold

2. Sound - a classroom beside a construction site is definitely not the most conducive place to study

3. Ventilation - proper air-flow of classroom is important for the brain.

4. Equipments - Sometimes, being too high tech can be distracting!

5. Friends - type of friends either serve as aiders or distractors.


As the older we grow, the less motivated the teachers. The worst teachers are normally professors. They are good in their field but once they open their mouth to teach, it is not much different than asking a dog to teach. Because sometimes students don't understand a single Martian he/she is talking about.


Some teachers don't stop and listen to what their students got to say, questions to ask, problems to solve. Thats why they won't listen to them in return with their school lectures.

13. as a student why do you think you should not stop listening​


to know the topic


that's it

While you're a student, KEEP practicing active listening in order for you to:

Follow instructions.Understand what was said.Cooperate well will with your team.Address problems or concernEstablish relationship with a person.

14. Why do you think some students don't listen in class?In 5 sentences​




because they are lazy too to acompany of what are sayin to there teacher.

I think students didn’t listen in class because there not interested in class or subject, also they are really lazy so that they didn’t listen into it...and also maybe they do something else while in class.

15. why do you think some students dont listen on class?


As a student, I think others don't listen on class is because they are bored and the teacher whose teaching it is boring too. Or some students are very rude .

sana makatulong po


Why do you think some students don't listen on class?

       There are a lot of factors that interrupts students to listen. First, noise of any forms can easily take away their ability to listen. They can be noise from vehicles or from people around them. Second, they could be uninterested with the subject or the topic. They could be thinking of something or someone else aside from the lesson. Third, the teacher doesn't use appropriate teaching pedagogies that may suit the listening skills of their students. Other factors such as being sleepy or hungry could also contribute to the issue.


16. why do you think some students don't listen in class? ​

I think some students don't listen in class because they are not interested with topic or there are destructions to them.


for me correct grammar

bahala ka na kung isasagot mo

Why do you think some students don't listen in class?

Not all students are interested in learning from their teacher and some only wanted to do what they want to do.

Some students don't listen in class because either they find the topic boring, they have their classmates to talk to, they already know the topic or they want to do something else that is not important. In result, they will not fully learn when the classes done and some of them cannot answer the given quiz or test.

What must a teacher do?

If their students don't really want to learn, then they should also give recitations in the middle of the class so everyone will participate to get a high score. Some students think their teacher is not that strict, so some students may learn to listen when they are scolded, but some will not. So correct discipline is the key.


17. why do you think some students don't listen in class in your own words wrap it up in 5 sentences​


because they bored or they hate the subject


yan lang alam ko


Because other students doesn't want that subject, they're bored, they are naughty, feeling sad or they are lazy.


I hope it helps.

18. A. why do you think some students do not listen in class? in your own words wrap it up in 5 sentences. __________________________________________________ B. what particular value is displayed when listening takes place give only one and elaborate. __________________________________________________​


A.) because students are distracted by the things that they are thinking besides the topic. The topic for them isn't interesting enough. They are either playing with their friends or doing other stuff like drawing or making notes. Phones can be distracting as well.

B.) i don't understand the question.

19. why do you think some students don't listen in class give five sentences​


There are many possible reasons why some students don't listen in class.


Possible reasons:

1. They lack interest in the subject.

Some students lose interest because they find it hard to follow and                understand the discussion. The students don’t find the topic interesting.

2. They don’t feel well.

Some students go to school even if they are sick.  Some students unpredictably get sick when they are in school.  

3. There might be some issues or problems that are distracting them.

There could be some family issues or personal problems that the students keep thinking about.

4. The teacher is not demonstrating well enough.

Maybe the teacher lacks energy in his/her discussion.  It is very necessary for the teacher to get the students’ attention during the session.  

5. The students don’t feel comfortable inside the classroom.

It is also very important to have space conducive to learning. The teacher should make sure that the classroom is not dark and well ventilated.  


Below are links about the value displayed when listening takes place: https://brainly.ph/question/9167509 https://brainly.ph/question/9461378  


20. Why do you think some students don't listen in class?​

because when they are called to answer they can't answer because they are not listening

21. Why do you think some students do not listen in class? ( wrap it in 5 sentences )​


They are bored


Because sometimes some students is not really into studying there more into playing, watching, drawing, and more


maybe some students love to have fun while learning but their lesson may kinda long and there is no thrill

22. if you did the same example in an english class with the same number of students do you think the results would with the same why or why not​



Step-by-step explanation:

sometimes it different

23. why do you think some students do not listen in class brainly


They get bored


They get bored while using brainly

24. why do you think some students don't listen in class?in your own words, wrap it up 5 sentences​

their attention is on the outside so they do not listen to what the teacher is teaching.They also do not listen because they cannot cosintrait because of the noise next to them or the noise outside their room

yun lang alam ko po

25. Why do you think some student don't listen in class​


Students sometimes do not listen in class because they are distracted in their surroundings.


dahil may mga bagay na nakakapagpa istorbo sa kanila


correct me po if I'm wrong

26. Why do you think some students don't listen in class? In your own words, wrap it in 5 sentences.


I think maybe bc they dont wanna learn anymore or maybe bc they are bored so they do something else and not pay attention to class.But sometimes they get distracted.Students get distracted easily since all they hear is their teachers voice and its sometimes boring!

And also maybe some students don't get the topic easily so they just want to do something else. Students just want what they wanted to do.


Because they have different reasons why they don't listen to their teachers. Some students got bored. Some students are distracted. Some students think that reading books is better than listening to the teacher. Some students didn't listen because they dislike the teacher and many more reasons why they don't listen to their teachers.


27. why do you think some students do not listen in class? ( give 5 sentences )​


- Another reason some students don't speak up in class is that they feel other students' opinion matter more. They feel that their own perspective on the material isn't very valuable so there's no point in sharing. This feeling often stems from insecurity or social anxiety.

-  A student's processing problem might signal the presence of another problem. For example, the child might have an ear infection, a hearing problem, or an attention deficit. Also, consider whether she might be bored, distressed, or oppositional.

- Second-language listening is difficult for several reasons, most of which stem from the differences between oral and written channels (Brown, 2011). These include perception problems, issues of memory and attention, and strategy choice. ... Also, words don't usually sound the way they look in writing.31 Aug 2018

- Close listening requires students to actively listen to information that is being provided by a speaker. ... Listening skills are helpful to engage students in the environment that surrounds them, to better understand a concept or what is expected of them to correctly complete a task.

- Teachers don't pick on students just out of boredom or bias. They single people out to discipline them and make sure the learning environment stays focused. Students who disrespect teachers are, to put it mildly, extremely inconsiderate. This is not only to the teacher, but to other peers in the classroom.


#Keep on learning.




28. Why do you think some students do not listen in class?In your own words,wrap it up in 5 sentences.I WILL BRAINLIEST THE CORRECT ANSWER​


As a student myself i think the reason is Because they do not like the subject  Or is not interested in the topic--And does not know where to start. They are most likely not motivated to do anything since it is online classes and online games has been distracting them. Or either the teacher talks too much and the student does not like it.


29. A. why do you think some students don't listen the class? in your own, wrap it up in 5 sentence​


Perhaps some students are not listening in class because they are not interested in the topic or they have difficulty understanding the lesson.hope it helps, pa brainliest po<33


based on my experience there are 4 different students who face problems in their lives.first there are overthinking, depression,anxiety because of their assessment second have a family problems and third they are they are too tired of taking care of their assignments and project and forth it's easy for them to get bored when it comes to discussion that's one of my reasons why students don't listen to class

30. Why do you think some student don't listen ​


Maybe they feel drowsy


Ganyan kasi ako pag hate ko ang subject


Because they are not interested in the topic or there are destruction to them.


for me

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