Support Your Church

Support Your Church

comment about supporting your church

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1. comment about supporting your church

All through history God has used pastors to shake up the status quo, to call his people to repentance, to turn the world upside down. The Apostle Paul caused riots in Greek cities preaching about Jesus. Martin Luther thundered against the Pope, and gave the scriptures back to the people after 300 years of darkness and ignorance. John Knox was a galley slave for two years, and made the queen of England fear his prayers more than an invading army. John Wesley preached to prisoners, miners, and angry mobs. Colonial pastors like Jonathan Mayhew preached that their church members had God-given rights, igniting the American Revolution. And Dietrich Bonhoeffer told the people of Nazi Germany that Jesus, not Hitler should be their leader.

The role of the pastor is one of the most difficult callings in the world, because he is entrusted by God to be the Spiritual Teacher, Leader, and Shepherd of his people. Studies have shown that after a few years about 80% of ordained pastors drop out of the ministry. They suffer from great discouragement, stress on their marriage and family, feel inadequately prepared, and struggle with conflict within their churches. They almost never have a weekend off, and are essentially on call 24/7.

When a new pastor is hired, he is always compared with the pastor he replaced. If his predecessor was excellent, he will be expected to have similar gifts and strengths, even though all pastors are unique and have different personalities, experience, and spiritual gifts.

I will support church in the good ways like what I have done in my environment I will show it too to my God because God is the glory of anything so if you didn't respect your church and you are not responsible on it maybe one day you will be gone in this world!!!

2. how the church would support your family​


attend church every Sunday


para mag karoon ng pananampalataya sa Diyos


providing support and advice for people on low incomes or families that are struggling. providing temporary financial support. running food banks and providing homeless shelters. giving relationship advice to couples.

3. The church provides the necessary context and support for the individual members' following of Christ. How canyou show your support to the teachings of the Catholic Church? ​


i'll share what i've learned from  church to my friends and to the other peoples who needs god's word


4. compose a prayer expressing your support for the mission of the church​


I ask that you bless us in our direction and point us toward how we can do more in you. Lord, I ask that when people enter our church they feel you all around them. I ask that we remain hospitable to each other and to outsiders, and I ask for your grace and forgiveness when

5. What is the true Church in the Bible? Stand your answer with Biblical supports. Thank you.​


The church of God is composed of those who "have truly repented and rightly believed; who are rightly baptized ... and incorporated into the communion of saints on earth." The true church is "a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation," and "a congregation of the righteous.


6. our church leaders are representatives to our Lord Jesus Christ. Give specific examples on how you can show your support to the initiatives of our church leaders​

Our church leaders are representatives to our Lord Jesus Christ


This would be a sign of solidarity with your church's leader if you listened and even went into taking notes.Make a commitment to the church and let them know that they can rely on you.Assist in the removal of sources of conflict and division that can stifle the church's unity.Pray for all individuals in positions of authority, particularly those in positions of spiritual authority.Respect their authority and work with them. Accept that God has seen fit to place them in this capacity rather than questioning their right or worthiness to serve in it (Rom. 13:1). It is up to you to seek them out, develop them, and put them to use with the help of your spiritual leaders.

Our church leaders are representatives to our Lord Jesus Christ. Give specific examples on how you can show your support to the initiatives of our church leaders​:


7. can blessed oscar romero be considered as modern day prophet in the church of el salvador? provide evidence to support your answer.


I agree with your statement. He had an important role when great unrest unraveled in El Salvador. An evidence to support his role as a modern day prophet is found in this beautiful transcript from The Violence of Love.


The violence we preach is not the violence of the sword,the violence of hatred.

The violence we preach is notthe violence of the sword,the violence of hatred.It is the violence of love,

The violence we preach is notthe violence of the sword,the violence of hatred.It is the violence of love,of brotherhood,

The violence we preach is notthe violence of the sword,the violence of hatred.It is the violence of love,of brotherhood,the violence that wills to beat weapons

The violence we preach is notthe violence of the sword, the violence of hatred.It is the violence of love,of brotherhood,the violence that wills to beat weapons into sickles for work.

We can notice immediately that this statement is very identical to a prophet's words. If John the Baptist or Elijah would be in this world today, he would used the pulpit and denounce the wrongdoings that the higher power does, like John the Baptist, who denounced King Herod's lust and cost his life. Through his sacrifice, he freed El Salvador from great unrest. He used his voice as a way for people to hear the voice of God. That violence is never right, but greatly denounced.

8. support your church-when we help our church, we help our creator in his works on earth-whenever we help our church, we show love for our neighbors.Your comment:​

This passage thrives people to go to the church to show love and help for our creator and when we go to the church and pray,we also show love for our neighbors.

9. If you will be asked who establish the catholic church to wich you belong,who will be your answer?what proofs will you present to support your answer​


Jesus Christ

The Catholic Church teaches that it is the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church founded by Jesus Christ in his Great Commission, that its bishops are the successors of Christ's apostles, and that the pope is the successor to Saint Peter, upon whom primacy was conferred by Jesus Christ.


Catholics believe the Sacrament of Confirmation is the supernatural equivalent of the growth process on the natural level. It builds on what was begun in Baptism and what was nourished in Holy Eucharist. It completes the process of initiation into the Christian community, and it matures the soul for the work ahead.

The one whom established the Catholic church is our lord Jesus Chris, for he was the reason our religion was discovered and made. During ancient period, people claim that he made miracles, sacrifice himself for our sins and is a son of god, and because of that he was worshiped and word has spread about his existence. From then on, people decided to build a place to worship which is called "church" and established the Catholic religion till this day.

10. Write agree or disagree then support your answer. 1. The church should participate in partisan politics in order to endorse a competent and trustworthy political candidate who could bring about effective socio-economic reforms in the country.


saan yung tanong?


diko makita yung tanong eh

11. Do you agree that the church must not confine itself or limit itself on the things they are accustomed to?support your answer​

The joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ. Indeed, nothing genuinely human fails to raise an echo in their hearts. For theirs is a community composed of men. United in Christ, they are led by the Holy Spirit in their journey to the Kingdom of their Father and they have welcomed the news of salvation which is meant for every man. That is why this community realizes that it is truly linked with mankind and its history by the deepest of bonds.

12. How to advice a friend of yours who like to gossip?She sides with whomever she is talking to.(Support your advice with scripture or church teachings)​


I will advice her that gossip with whomecer is not right cause when you gossip the people or animals they will be hurt. Why? because saying saying someone to people is not right and gossip it to everyone.She don't know that she can hurt a people by gossip something to whomever that not true.That is why gossip is a wrong thing that you never do.



13. the church provides necessary and support for the individual members following of christ. how can you show your support to the teaching of the Catholic Church? give specific examples​


The core Christian belief is that, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, sinful humans can be reconciled to God and thereby are offered salvation and the promise of eternal life in heaven. Catholics believe in the resurrection of Jesus.


OK ... That's all .


14. answer the following questions:. 1. what is the relationship between science and religion are they in conflict with each other ? explain. 2.should the church be involved in politics? support your answer. 3. Is there still a place for religion in our life​

Answer:Science concerns itself with the natural, religion with the supernatural.Explanation:Science focuses on testable claims and hypotheses, whereas religion focuses on individual beliefs. The relationship between science and religion has typically been characterized as one of conflict, especially on the issue of origins (creationism vs. evolution).


15. Our Church leaders are representatives to our Lord Jesus Christ Give specific examples on how you can show your support to the initiatives of our Church leaders.​


Giving tithes

- Giving tithes (10 percent of your income) to your Church leaders is one way on how you show your support to them. It is a big thing for them because some of them have no fix income.

Giving Goods

- When you have extra foods or you more stocks of goods in your house, you can give it to them, be sure you are not hesitant to give. You can also offer them a meals like after Attending Church Service, you can offer them a meals especially when the Church Leader's house is far away from their assigned Church.

Church Activity

-You are present in attending Church activities like Sunday Services, Prayer meeting and Fellowship.


16. How can you encourage your family, relatives, and friends to support Church activities, particularly in this time of pandemic


Remember the Sabbath

Volunteer your skills

Stay connected

Encourage generosity:

Invest in tech

Try something new

17. Compose a thanksgiving prayer expressing your support to the mission of the Church. (10 points)


Our God the Creator, we all give thanks Honor and Praises to you. Our God we all lacking in so many ways please grant us hope and faith to obey your words and laws that given to us, so that we can be called Gods people.

please be with us until the end to achieve the mission of our Church where you dwell, so that you were pleased and blessed us with your Grace and blessings of Eternal Life. all these I pray in the holy and mighty Our Spiritual Father and Mother in Heaven. Amen.

18. In Catholic churches, can you still hear the antiphonal and responsorial singing nowadays? Support your answer


My answer is that yes I hear responsorial song

19. . In Catholic churches, can you still hear theantiphonal and responsorial singing nowadays?Support your answer.​


Most of the churches i've been to here in our province, yes.


here in our place we still hear the antiphonal and responsorial singing.

20. As a Christian, do you believe that your church was founded by Christ Himself? Support your answer.​


I frimly believe that our church is the church that our Lord Jesus Christ built on the times He was here on earth. It is not about the name of church, not about of the number of members, not about the richness, but about the doctrine that Jesus Christ, Apostles, together with Apostle Paul (the Apostle of the Gentiles) gave to His(their) true church. THE ONENESS OF GOD.


Yes, I do.


Jesus Christ said:

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

21. answer on your answer sheet. 1. It is located in Olongapo City, Zambales and was built in 1885 and served as the entrance to the original Spanish naval station that provided repair, ammunition, supply, and medical support for ships. A. Calle Crisologo B. Spanish Gate C. Tumauini Church 22 D. Abucay Church​


B.spanish Gate


Spanish gate, located in olongapo city, zambales was built in 1885 and serves as the entrance to the original Spanish naval atation that provides repai, ammunition, supply, and medical support for ship.

22. write a prayer expressing your support for the mission of the church.PA ANSWER PO THANK YOU PAPASA KO NA POW.​

Heavenly Father, I pray that you would provide encouragement to the leaders and organizers of our mission trip. Help them remain faithful with the things you've entrusted to them. Let them set examples in speech, life, love and faith. Give them discernment to deal with any problems that may arise.


23. * In Catholic churches ,can you still hear the antiphonal and responsorial singing nowadays? Support your answer​


Yes Because antiphonal is a liturgy song


I do a research

24. In Catholic churches, can you still hear the antiphonal and responsorial singing nowadays? Support your answer.​


Most of the churches I've been to here in our province. Yes I still here them

25. Write agree or disagree then support your answer. The church should initiate campaigns against mining, deforestation and massive exploitation of natural resources in order to promote ecological integrity.




agree hmm I thing

it's agree

26. how can you concretely support your parish or church in all is tsk activities for the children ​


Monthly Liturgical Membership

27. the church is calling you to support, protect, and appreciate christian marriage. show in your drawing how you live this challenge. ​


As Christians, we know that applying biblical principles to marriage will give us a stronger foundation than those of our unbelieving friends and neighbors. Surely we know this, but what are we doing about it? In other words, what makes a marriage “Christian”


28. From your readings and experience has the church come to worship in a style envisioned by the council? Give supporting references​.


Yes, the Church followed the Council of Trent most exactly, for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, it did NOT follow later councils. Vatican Council I never addressed the liturgy, and Vatican Council II specifically decree that Latin was to be retained in the Latin Rite.

29. does our church stress both her visible and invisible aspects?support your answer

Roman Catholic theology, reacting against the Protestant concept of an invisible Church, emphasized the visible aspect of the Church founded by Christ, but in the twentieth century placed more stress on the interior life of the Church as a supernatural organism, identifying the Church, as in the encyclical Mystic

hope it's help po correct me if I'm wrong thanks.

30. Do you think the Church should intervene in scientific activities? Explain and support your answer.


The church has nothing to do or is not related to any scientific activities but they have the rights to react or speak up if they know that the scientific activity that will be done is against mankind or against the will of God.


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