What Is Skinning

What Is Skinning

what type of skin, a hot oil wash is recommended?a.oily skinb.flicked skinc.dry skind.sensitive skin​

Daftar Isi

1. what type of skin, a hot oil wash is recommended?a.oily skinb.flicked skinc.dry skind.sensitive skin​


c.dry skin


Dr. Green says hot oil treatments can be applied to both clean and dry or damp hair, and hair experts swear by it both ways.


a.oily skin


coz y not

2. What is their skin like? *a. skin with scalesb. skin with fur or hairc. skin with ferathers​

Who is "their"?


who is "their"?

3. what layer of the skin is " True skin"?​

"True skin" is another term for the dermis, which is the middle layer of the skin. The dermis is located below the epidermis, which is the outer layer of the skin, and above the subcutaneous tissue, which is the innermost layer of the skin.

The dermis is a thick layer of tissue that provides structural support and strength to the skin. It contains collagen and elastin fibers, which give the skin its elasticity and strength. The dermis also contains blood vessels, nerve endings, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands.

The dermis is responsible for many important functions in the skin, including sensation, temperature regulation, and the production of sweat and oil. It also plays a key role in the immune system, as it contains immune cells that help to protect the body from infections and other harmful substances.

Answer: Dermis

Explanation: ''True Skin''

is another term for the

dermis, which is the middle layer of

the skin. The dermis is located below

the epidermis, which is the outer layer

of the skin, and above the

subcutaneous tissue, which is the

innermost layer of the skin. The

dermis is a thick layer of tissue that

provides structural support and

strength to the skin.

4. D= light skin, d=dark skin. Hannah's mother is homozygous dark skin and Hannah's father is heterozygous light skin. What is the probability that Hannah has dark skin? ​




Punnett square




There are two genotypes of Dd and two of dd. Dd is light skin, dd is dark skin. Therefore, the chance of having dark skin is 50%.

Mothers genotype: dd

Fathers genotype: Dd

5. what the single word of skin eyes:tears- skin A.epidermis B.sweat C.glands D.fores

yeah, it is A. Epidermis because it involves about the outer layer of our skin.

6. 1.What is the outermost layer of the skin?2.It anchors the hair into the skin(it's a question)3.What is the innermost layer of the skin?4.What is the thickest layer of the skin?5.What accessory organ found at the tip of finger and toes?6.What is the oily substance produce in the sebaceous glands?​




Subcutis or Hypodermis






1. Epidermis

2. The hair follicle

3. Subcutis

4. Dermis

5. Nail bed

6. Sebum

7. What skin derivatives are directly or indirectly influenced by sensation perceived through the skin?​


Derivatives of the skin include sweat glands, sebaceous glands, mammary glands, hair, nails, and follicles.

8. What does “Glowing Skin” mean as a skin care business? (I need to explain my logo of “Glowing Skin”)


Glowing skin means different things to people. Many people use the term to refer to skin that looks healthy and “awake” rather than dry, dull, or unevenly textured. For some, healthy skin results in a natural sheen, or “glow.” Healthy skin is something that most people can work towards.


pretty skinn<3


Glowing skin is healthy skin, and achieving it begins on cellular level. Cellular regeneration is an essential first step in minimizing the effects of environmental damage that thwarts bright, plump, summer-ready skin.

9. What are the characteristics of frog's skin that enable it to function for cutaneous or skin respiration?


Gas exchange in tadpoles occurs across the skin to some degree in all species. Tadpole skin is highly permeable, similar to that of adults. Gas exchange across the skin is prevalent in bufonids and some torrent-dwelling species that do not develop lungs until metamorphosis. Microhylids, some leptodactylids, and some pipids have reduced gills, thus increasing their reliance on cutaneous respiration.

Recent studies show that some reptiles, once thought not to exchange gases through the skin, may use cutaneous respiration for as much as 20–30% of total gas exchange. In some aquatic species, such as Acrochordus and Sternotherus, gas exchange across the skin is especially significant for carbon dioxide (Fig. 6.20). Even in terrestrial taxa such as Lacerta and Boa, measurable amounts of gas exchange occur cutaneously. A sea snake, Pelamis platurus, frequently dives and remains submerged. During these dives, oxygen uptake equals 33% of the total, and 94% of the carbon dioxide loss is through the skin. Exchange does not occur through scales but rather through the skin at the interscalar spaces.

10. My skin is very dry, what part of my skin is not working?​


Dry skin (xerosis) often has an environmental cause. Certain diseases also can significantly affect your skin. Potential causes of dry skin include: 1. Weather.Skin tends to be driest in winter, when temperatures and humidity levels plummet. But the season may not matter as much if you live in desert regions. 2. Heat.Central heating, wood-burning stoves, space heaters and fireplaces



While dehydrated skin lacks water, dry skin lacks natural oils (also called sebum). Also, dry skin is a skin type, while dehydration is considered a condition. Skin types are classified as normal, dry, combination, and oily..


correct me if I'm wrong po

11. 1. What is the best material for making puppets? a. Snake skin b. Goat skin c. Crocodile skin d. buffalo skin​


d. buffalo skin


because buffalo skin was the best material for making puppets.

I hope it's help thank you.#@@######@###@@#########@###@########@@@@@@####

12. what is the differencebetween chicken skin and human skin​


Porcine dermal collagen is similar to human dermal collagen biochemically. In mouse skin, the dermis is once again way thinner than in humans. The hypodermis is the fatty subdermal layer of the skin. In humans and pigs, this fat layer is the main insulation component even though it is much thicker in pigs than humans


God bless

13. what skin do yuo think:give at least one skin name on miya skins.@^o^❤❤❤​

ml player ka pala anong rank mo

sorry di ko kasi alam name skin nya

14. What determines the color of skin, and what is the process that darkens skin when it is exposed to uv light?


What determines the color of skin, and what is the process that darkens skin when it is exposed to UV light? The pigment melanin, produced by melanocytes, is primarily responsible for skin color. ... Exposure to UV irradiation stimulates the melanocytes to produce and secrete more melanin.

15. what is the differences between chicken skin and human skin


What are the main differences between human and animal skin structure? ... As the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis is the main skin barrier, it is constituted mostly of keratinocytes. Pigskin has a similar epidermis as human skin, with a comparable thickness. Small mammals have a much thinner epidermis.

btw, yan lang nakita ko hope na makatulong


chicken skin is so soft and human skin are thick


chicken skin is smooth

and human skin are not (sometimes)

16. what is skin diseases give right color of the skin with a ring shape​


Ringworm. The most common cause of a circular rash on the skin is ringworm, but other issues can also leave this distinctive mark. A doctor diagnoses the cause of a rash after examining it and asking about symptoms. Ringworm is a contagious fungal infection caused by common mold-like parasites that live on the cells in the outer layer of your skin. It can be spread in the following ways: Human to human. Ringworm often spreads by direct, skin-to-skin contact with an infected person.


17. what part of the skin undergoes shedding when new skin cells are created?​


The Basal Cell Layer The basal cells continually divide, and new cells constantly push older ones up toward the surface of the skin, where they are eventually shed. The basal cell layer is also known as the stratum germinativum due to the fact that it is constantly germinating (producing) new cells.


pa brainlest answer po

18. What are the benefits of advertising skin care products? What are the possible drawbacks of advertising skin care products?


What benefits do quality skin care products provide?

Quality ingredients: Similar to the benefits that healthy food provides for your body, quality skin-care ingredients can improve your skin.

Protection from environmental damage: such as pollution.

Help fighting the effects of aging: such as wrinkles and sunspots.

Advertisers target women into buying beauty products by making them seem like problem-solving products. Advertisers make it appears these products will fix the flaws of a person's appearance, and that by using beauty products, the consumer will be as attractive as the person featured in the advertisement

19. 3. What was Sanshin made of? A. bear skin B. snake-skin C. chicken skin D. deer skin fingin Albio​


The sanshin (三線, lit., "three strings") is an Okinawan and Amami Islands musical instrument and precursor of the mainland Japanese shamisen (三味線). Often likened to a banjo, it consists of a snakeskin-covered body, neck and three strings.

PA brainliest po

20. What are the best ways to care for your skin? What are some skin care activities that people do that unknowingly damage the skin?


The best way to take care of your skin is to keep it cean and people smoke cigarettes,taking long,hot showers, and not getting enough sleep can damage your skin

21. if the wife has a white skin and the husband has a white skin either and the baby has a black skin. what does it mean​


its not like both of people have a white,black,normal skin or brown even the familys


22. What is the principle in glovings "Glove to Glove" Skin to Skin"​


The problem part 1

True or false

23. 1. What are the parts of the chicken skin?2. . Human skin contains hair follicles. What type of hair follicles might you find in the chicken skin?3. Why is it important for skin to be elastic and strong?​​


1. Chicken Skin

Chicken skin is a highly valuable material as it is high in connective tissue, thus increasing juiciness in finished products, is rich in flavour and, at the same time, is an inexpensive material.

2.Keratosis pilaris (KP) (also follicular keratosis, lichen pilaris, or colloquially chicken skin) is a common, autosomal dominant, genetic condition of the skin's hair follicles characterized by the appearance of possibly itchy, small, gooseflesh-like bumps, with varying degrees of reddening or inflammation.

3.Your skin is elastic. A protein called elastin gives your skin the ability to stretch and move without breaking or tearing. Elastin also makes your skin smooth and even in color.


希望对你有帮助/ Hope it helps you

24. 1. What is better white-skinned or browned-skinned? why?


in my opinion is brown skin


because you dont have to be white you were better in your skin even black or anyone else.

hope it helps

25. What is true about DermisA. Layer of the skin that lies beneath epidermisB. Layer of the skin that lies under epidermisC. Layer of the skin that above the the skinD. Layer of the skin that over the skin​




It is layer of skin that lies under the epidermis

Question:What is true about Dermis?

Answer:a. Layer of the skin that lies beneath epidermis b. Layer of the skin that lies under epidermis c. Layer of the skin that above the the skin d. Layer of the skin that over the skin


26. what is skin?????????????

skin is the thin layer of tissue forming the natural outer covering of the body of a person or animal

largest organ of the integumentary system.

27. In what way does the skin of amphibians differ from the skin of other vertebrates?


They live on land but lay their eggs in water. They have smooth, moist skin, no claws and no proper ribcage. Their eggs are shell-less and jelly-like, and when they hatch they go through a larval stage which is initially limbless, and has gills.

28. What are the privileges that white skinned people get compared to dark skinned people? ​


Discrimination based on skin color, also known as colorism, or shadeism, is a form of prejudice and or discrimination in which people who share similar ethnicity traits or perceived race are treated differently based on the social implications that come with the cultural meanings that are attached to skin color.[1]


They are more well respected and a lot of people will look up to them compared to a dark skinned person in the same field.


This is because people think highly of white skinned people. And it also has been a stereotype that white people are cleaner(metaphorically) in terms of their source of income and what they do.

29. what are the differences between your skin and chicken skin​



4 Mar 2020 — Animal skin models have been widely used to predict human skin response, however animal skin differs greatly


Mark me as brainlest

30. What are the characteristics of frog's skin that enable it to function for cutaneous or skin respiration?


Amphibian skin is highly glandular. There are two basic types of skin glands: mucous and granular. Mucous glands are numerous and found over the entire body surface. They secrete a slimy mucus, which serves to keep skin moist and facilitate cutaneous respiration


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