Today s Topic

Today s Topic

Do you find our topic interesting ?what have you learned form today s Episode​

Daftar Isi

1. Do you find our topic interesting ?what have you learned form today s Episode​

I learned that i love someone

2. Learning Task 3 Fill in the missing word/s to complete the sentence that summarizes out the topic for today. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.​








Pa Brainliest

3. Learning Task 3 Fill in the missing word/s to complete the sentence that summarizes out the topic for today. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.​








pa brainlest po kung tama

4. Jumbled letter's Try to arrange the letters. Get a piece of paper and try to re arrange the letters to come up with our lesson topic for today.E S A D R C S M C I U1.(6 WORDS)2.(5 WORDS) ​




yan Po sagut ko

5. There are three ways on how a learner can make connections:MakineText-to-self connections are highly personal connections thata reader makes between a piece of reading material and thereader's own experiences or life.Example:This story reminds me of a vacation we took to my grandfather'sfarm.Text-to-textreadersconnectionswhenoccurreminded of what they have read/viewed with the otherbooks by the same author, stories from a similar texttypes, or perhaps on the same topic. Readers gain insightduring reading by thinking about how the informationthey are reading connects to other familiar text.areHerExample:This character has the same problem that I read about in a story last year.Text-to-world connections are the larger connections that areader brings to a reading situation. This allows the reader'sideas about how the world works that goes far beyond ownpersonal experiences. We learn about things throughtelevision, movies, magazines, and newspapers. Often, it isthe text-to-world connections that teachers are trying toenhance when they teach lessons in science, social studies, and literature.making connection is truly vital s a comprehension skill since it helps you relate and connect what you heard read and viewed Moreover it enhances your understanding of the text passeges or videos you read or viewed lets take this picture as another example for you understand the competency at hand clearly learning task 4 Examine the picture vbelow then answer the question that follow write your answer in your notebook ,What does this remind me of in my life,How will you relate or connect the picture to your growth and development,How is it also connected to what is happening in the world today​


An effective assessment is always appropriate to its purpose and able to be readily administered by the practitioner. In selecting an appropriate assessment, consideration is given to these characteristics: reliability, validity, inclusivity, objectivity and practicality.

6. CHOICES FOR # 1-5 Identify the statement givena. Nomination b. Topic Control c. Repair d. Termination1. “Hi! What`s new about you?”2. “Have you heard about the students Cheating in the examination?”3. “Hey! Are you honest on your exam? Once caught, then you`ll FAIL.”4. ”Don`t you know that sharing answers to your classmates leads you to failed grades?”5.. “How`s your examination? Are you honest?”CHOICES FOR # 6-10-Identify its elementa. Message b. Barrier c. Speaker d. No Answer6. It is the hindrance to communication.7. It initiates the communication process.8. It is the essential element to be sent.9. It receives the message sent.CHOICES FOR # 10-14-Identify its kinda. Assertive b. Directive c. Commissive d. Expressive10. “There`s only one who can sing in the class.”11. “Kindly love me truthfully.”12. “I`ll promise to love you even more”13. “My apology for always cheating while answering this exam because cheating will lead me to a life that is nothing”14. “Today, I am going to be Honest in all of my answers by not asking for the other answers to my classmates.”CHOICES FOR # 15-19 Identify the statementa. Vividness b. Clarity c. Ethics d. Brevity 15. Usage of words must be understood.16. Brief explanation is more effective than longer one.17. Figurative words make the speech more attractive. 18. Considering the audience in making a speech is necessary.29. Be direct to the point in giving speeches.CHOICES FOR # 20-25 Identify its answera. Control b. Motivation c. Information d. No Answer20.When a Teacher delivers an argumentative speech.21. A reporter tells a non-fiction story22. Someone expresses her feelings toward someone.23. Josua confesses his emotions.24. Raymart & Lolito shares experiences about Jasmine.25. Sean inspires his classmates to be better in studies​









i tried✨

7. Before we proceed with our lesson for today, let's check if you are ready with our topic for today. Answer the following questions using your activity notebook. TRUE OF FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. 1. Computer/digital arts make use of electronic and mechanical devices, rather than the artist's own hand, to produce the desired images and effects. 2. It was they who began to recognize the potential of artistic expression through application of scientific and mathematical principles. 3. The main focus of this art are traditional subjects like human beings, landscap animals, and still life elements. 4. Personal gadgets such as laptops, tablets, and android phones are considered as a tool in computer/digital arts. 5. Filipino illustrators earned quite a reputation for their talents and were highly in demand in animation from 1960's to 1900's. V. Learning Activities​



pa brainliest po I'm sure with my answer

8. А. On your paper, answer each question with a YES or NO. 1. Is a hill a small mountain? 2. Is a scrub a kind of plant? 3. Is task a synonym of work? 4. Is muskie a kind of animal? 5.s a trail as wide as a highway? 6.Does a pine tree grow very tall?7.Do bushes grow tall? 8.Does a crew lead a group?9.Is a valley a low land? 10.Are bass (a kind of fish) and bass (a male tone) pronounced alike?B. Which topics can be used in a compare-and-contrast text? Write your answers on your paper. 1A tree and a bush 2A highway and a trail 3How to get to the oceanarium4The causes of traffic congestion 5Traffic in the city and in the countryside 6Helen Keller and Florence Nightingale 7Mt. Fujiyama and Mayon Volcano 8The excessive use of the Internet 9The effects of too much homework10School today and school in the future. C. How can you develop your talent and make the best out of it? Explain your answer in five (5) sentences. Do this on your paper ​











9. ESSAY:Answer the following question below showing the usage of general and specific statements.TOPIC: ONLINE CLASS - What can you say about the effect/s of online class in your learning of today’s educational situation? Is it worth trying? Defend your answerNONSENSE REPORT PO​


1. it will help me learn more about my lessons, yes


hope it helps po ☺️


[tex]\red{ \rule{999999pt}{999999pt}}[/tex]

[tex]\red{ \rule{999999pt}{999999pt}}[/tex]

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tana ol nakababa haha

10. Activity 1: Jumble the letters below to introduce our topic today. Write the word on the provided space below. I E X B T I F L I Y L S R T H T C E E E R S S E X I C



Flexibility Stretch Exercises


I do not know if tama ung order.

11. In this activity you are tasked to recall your previous knowledge on relatedtopics in today's module. You are to match the word/s in Column A with thedescription given in Column B. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.Column A1. Sprinklera. used for cutting and slicing planting materialsColumn B2. Bolob. a broad scoop attached to a handle. It is usedto dig, lift, and throw loose matter.3. HoseIc. used to cultivate soil around the plant4. Shovel5. Pruning Shearsd. used for cutting grass and shaping the plantor shrubsLo. Glovese. used to transfer heavy materials from oneplace to another7. Knifef. used for digging or cutting earth or sand8. Wheelbarrowg. any substance added to the soil that promotesthe healthy growth of plants.9. Spade10. Fertilizerh. used to water plants in a wide areai. used for cutting small branches andunnecessary branchesj. used for soil cultivationk. a container with a spout to water plant for itto grow healthierL. used while working in the garden, made ofstrong rubber to protect from thorns andwithstand punctures.​


1.) K

2.) E

3.) H

4.) B

5.) D

6.) L

7.) A

8.) J

9.) C

10.) G

12. For your task today, create 15 sentences using the ff. signals Your sentence should follow this idea development - you begin with the general topic then end with the particular topic/s. SIGNALS: for example, namely, in fact, such as, for instance, in other words, like, that is, indeed Example: The Solar System has a lot of planets like Earth, Venus, and Jupiter. The topics that you will create should be anything INCAT-related.​


         It is a software development company that provides custom software solutions and consulting services to businesses and organizations across various industries.

Here's the 15 sentence that you should understand the INCAT SOFTWARE SOLUTION;

1. INCAT is a software development company that specializes in creating innovative solutions for businesses.

2. For example, one of INCAT's successful projects is a web-based inventory management system for a retail company.

3. INCAT's team of developers and designers work closely with clients to understand their needs and deliver customized solutions.

4. In fact, INCAT's expertise in software development has earned them a reputation as one of the top companies in the industry.

5. Such as their focus on using the latest technology and best practices to create cutting-edge software solutions for their clients.

6. It has developed a mobile app for a food delivery company that has revolutionized their business operations.

7. In other words, INCAT's solutions help businesses streamline their processes and increase their efficiency.

8. Like their software solutions, they could consult services provide clients with expert guidance on how to optimize their operations.

9. That is why INCAT's clients range from small startups to large corporations in various industries.

10. INCAT's commitment to innovation and quality has earned them numerous awards and accolades.

11. Such as being recognized as one of the fastest-growing companies in their region for multiple years in a row.
12. For example, It was recently awarded a contract to develop a custom software solution for a major government agency.

13. INCAT's capabilities and expertise extend beyond the private sector and into the public sector as well.

14. It should be the team of developers and consultants work together to create solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.
15. INCAT's software solutions and consulting services help businesses and organizations achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition.

Please red more about NCAT Software Solution, please click this link;

13. A. Give the criteria in evaluating literature employed in the following statements. Choose you answers from the box below. Write youranswers on the space provided. accuracy objectivity coverage reliability authority currency 1. “This paper is a little too outdated. This won’t do.” _________________ 2. “This does not go along with my research topic. I won’t need this.” ______________ 3. “This paper has just been conducted last year. This suits my study.” ____________ 4. “This paper went through a peer evaluation. This must be a thorough research.” ______________ 5. “Upon reading the title, I thought it is relevant to my study, but as I readon, it is not.” ______________ 6. “I have read the qualifications of this author and he is a doctor. I will include this.” ______________ 7. “The results of this research were also proven in the previous research I read. I will include this.” ______________ 8. “I wonder why the conclusion of this research was not congruent to his results. I will discard this.” ______________ 9. “This study was conducted in the late 90s. This does no longer apply in today’s world. I will look for another.” ______________ 10. “Oh, this education-related research was conducted by a professor emeritus from Harvard University. This shall go on my list.” ______________ Sub 31's


1. accuracy

2. authority

3. objectivity

4. currency

5. coverage

6. currency

7. accuracy

8. currency

9. coverage

10. Authority

14. Activity 4: Editorial Writing Directions: Express opinion on the causes and the solutions of the indolence of the Filipino people according to Jose Rizal by writing an editorial. Use the simplified format below with brief discussion on the content of each part. I. Introduction - (May include brief introduction about the topic, key concepts/ideas, and justification for the topic) II. Analysis – (May include analysis of the time and place it was written and the situation at the time, credibility, intent (to the extent discernable), main argument or thesis, claims based on the evidences presented or other available evidence at the time, compare points of view and identify biases) Identify at least 3 causes of indolence of the Filipino people during the Spanish colonization that are evident until today. What solution/s can you suggest to end if not to minimize the indolence of the Filipinos? III. Conclusion - (May include realizations, concepts/ideas learned) IV. Recommendation - (May include propose solutions, recommendations, and plans)​



The issue of the alleged indolence of the Filipino people during the Spanish colonization has been a longstanding debate. One of the notable personalities who discussed this topic is Jose Rizal. In his essay "The Indolence of the Filipino," he presented his views on the causes and solutions to the Filipino's perceived lack of work ethic.


Rizal wrote his essay during the late 19th century, a time when the Philippines was enduring colonization by the Spaniards. In his writing, he attempted to debunk the stereotype that Filipinos are lazy and unproductive. Rizal argued that the Filipino people's seeming indolence was due to several reasons.

First, he pointed out that the rampant corruption within the government has demoralized the people. They see that officials abuse their power and enrich themselves and their families at the expense of the masses.

Second, he emphasized that the lack of educational opportunities prevented Filipinos from advancing their skills, knowledge, and capabilities. As a result, they failed to develop a sense of pride and dignity in their work.

Third, Rizal highlighted the negative impact of the tropical climate on the people's health and productivity. The heat and humidity, coupled with poor sanitation practices, made it difficult for them to work for extended periods.

To solve the issue of Filipino indolence, Rizal suggested several solutions. Firstly, he advocated for the government to reduce corruption by promoting social justice and imposing strict laws against graft and corruption. Secondly, he urged the authorities to provide more educational opportunities to the people to enhance their knowledge and skills. Lastly, Rizal recommended that people should embrace the value of hard work and discipline to overcome the adverse effects of the climate.


The indolence of the Filipino is not a deeply ingrained trait but rather a product of the environment and the prevailing social and economic structures. It is crucial to address the underlying causes to help Filipinos change their attitudes towards work.


It is incumbent upon the government and the people to work together to improve the situation. Officials should be held accountable for their actions, and educational opportunities should be made available to all. Additionally, Filipinos must embrace a work ethic that values hard work and discipline, even in challenging circumstances.


sana po maka tulong pa brainliest narin po

15. DIRECTION: Fill in the missing word/s to complete the sentences that summarize our topic for today.In your lesson you have learned the ______ (1) ______ is a product of partial or complete fermentation of the juice of grapes. There are two methods of extracting fruite juice, by _______ (2) _______ and by _______ (3) _______.To insure success in wine making, all utensils used must be clean and if possible ______ (4) ______ in boiling water. Aging develops the ______ (5) ______ of the wine; the older the wine, the darker it's color.​





4.water vapor



hope its help

16. Learning Opportunity 9 Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions below. Despite historic progress on developing new tools to fight COVID-19 including nine vaccines listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for emergency use -- inequitable access means the pandemic is actually worse today than it was a year ago. Last December, I wrote about COVID-19's confirmed global death toll of 1.5 million. Just one year later, that number stands in excess of 5 million. So far, the world has delivered 7 billion vaccines and counting, but they are being distributed unequally. According to Our World in Data, more than eight times as many boosters are administered globally every day than are primary doses in low income countries. It is a global injustice, and the most vulnerable people remain the most at risk. Only 1 in 4 health care workers in Africa have been fully vaccinated despite serving on the pandemic's front lines, for example, according to WHO. QUESTIONS 1. What is the main topic of the text? 2. What is the tone of the text? 3. Is the writer positive about covid-19 vaccines? What line proves your answer? 4.What reasons did the author include to present the intended meaning of the text?pa answer po pwede​


1. Developing new tools to fight covid-19

2. Explaining

3. "So far, the world has delivered 7 billion vaccines and counting.

4. to inform the reader


mark me as brainlist:)

17. 3G 15:11 0.00 KB/s 66% of Lent fasts 40 days to represent the amount of time Jesus spent in the desert, fast and preparing for his ministry. 4. Mammals are vertebrae animals constituting the class Mammalia, and characterized by the presence of mammary glands which in females produce milk for feeding their young. 5. Reptiles are tetrapod animals in the class Reptilia, comprising today's turtles, crocodiles, snakes, amphibians, lizards and their extinct relatives. Some people love to make reptiles as their pet. Activity 3: Take the Challenge! Read the statement in each number. In letter A, write a factual statement/sentence that will serve as your evidence to prove that the said statement or topic is a FACT. In letter B, give your own opinion or idea about the given statement or topic.. Example: There are seven (7) days in a week. There are seven (7) days in a week namely: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We go to mass on Sunday and children must go to school from Monday to Friday. 1. Urdaneta City is one of the cities in Pangasinan. A B 2. Health is wealth. A B 3. Time is gold A B 4. Honesty is the best policy B 5. Every child has the right to education A B ​

pa brainlist po plss thank you

18. Directions: Supply the missing word/s to complete the paragraph that summarizes our topic for today. Write your answer on your activity notebook.Importance of Quality Packaging are ______(1)______, storing and transporting. _____(2)______maintains the quality of products when transported. ______(3)______ products are transported or delivered in far distances that it needs quality packaging or ______(4)______. During rainy season the products must be safe from being ______(5)______.Pasagot po please





3 and 4 I'm not sure pa brainliest please

19. ctivity sheet.of the page. Follow instructions 1inished, you will find a message in the chart Use1. Cross out all the words that begin with letter S.2. Cross out contractions (for example, can't).3. Cross out words that consist of ten or more letters.4. Cross out all words that consist of letter O in column 25. Cross out words that consist of five or less letters.OILTHEAIRSMOGNONENOISEWON'TFLASHFLOODSFOGCOMMUNITYDOESN'THEALTHACIDTHROWREDCORALSSICKFOSSILSANDSMOKETREESABOUTDONTPREVENTIONTHROWPOLLUTIONENVIRONMENTDEFORESTATIONSMOKINGADVOCATESThe message reads:What have you understood about the message? Kindly answer the followingquestions. Write your answer in your activity notebook.1. What does the message tell us? Explain your answer.2. Is acquiring health in the community relevant? Why?3. What do you think is our topic for today?​


shrb tvreggeaxverfefwfeff


I dunno


sooorrrry guys hehe sory

20. What I Have Learned Directions: Fill in the blanks with the missing word/s to complete the paragraph that summarizes our topic for today. Write your answer on your activity notebook. I learned that you should consider the 1. and network problems in preparing for maintenance and repair. PCs require continuous maintenance to ensure a great experience. But all of this can be easily done using some useful PC maintenance 2. __________, materials, equipment and 3. Check the 4. to meet the computer and network system requirements for each component. Students will also need to be aware of the type of 5. that are possibly present in their work environment.​


1. Computer system failure

2. Tools

3. Testing Devices

4. Specifications

5. Hazards


Sana po makatulong:)

21. onduct an interview about the other festival in the Philippines not mentioned in our topic today. You may interview your grandparent, parents or relatives. From the information you will get, answer the following questions below: Name of Festival/s: ___________ Brief description of the Festival: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. What are the major function of music in a festival? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How does the music connect with the people in a festival? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Sinulog. This is by far the most celebrated festival in the Philippines.

Dinagyang Festival. On the fourth Sunday of January, Iloilo City takes the reins with its own gathering to honor Santo Niño.


Pahiyas Festival.

Parada ng Lechon (Roasted Pig Parade)

MassKara Festival.

Giant Lantern Festival.


not exact answer but I hope it will help u


I don't understand


can you explain

23. REFLECTION Write your reflection in your answer sheet. In writing your reflection, follow this format: 1st paragraph: Today, I learned about... 2nd paragraph: The skill/s that I gained in this lesson is/are... 3rd paragraph: Using information from news reports can help me in... 4th paragraph: The activity that I find difficult to do is... but I overcame it by... Your reflection will be graded based on its content, organization, relevance to the topic and mechanics of writing ​

its that full question?? i dont get it.

24. I.Summarize the given text : Technology integration was the topic of this week’s chapter assignment. The chapter discussed two learning theories for a foundation to integration: Directed models and Constructivist models. The directed theory revolves around behavior and the processing of information. The constructivist theory deals with more of a “hands on” and social aspect approach. I would imagine most students at the early levels of learning are more visual and social learners taking more from experiences than a book. I guess it just depends on your beliefs and how you can best implement a strategy based upon your classroom. I personally feel that the classrooms in Piaget’s day were a lot less diverse than today’s. I think a teacher’s theory should be like a floating floor adjusting to its new room constantly. Integrating technology into a classroom can be very tedious and there are many things that teachers need to take under consideration. The (TIP) or Technology Integration Plan is a model that is used to “help teachers (especially those new to technology) plan for effective classroom uses of technology” (Roblyer & Doering, 2010). I was pretty impressed with the model and how it went into detail with each of its phases. The phases are broken down easy with the teacher in mind. The first stage allows teachers to set learning goals for themselves. The next phase assists the teacher in deciding whether the lesson would be better with or without technology. I mean, it really breaks it down very well with each of its six stages. There is also a lot of information in books and online. I found a pretty cool article that discussed seven different ways teachers could integrate technology into the classroom. Create a clear vision of what a technological classroom looks like, build an on-campus and online learning network, and invest in yourself as a teacher. These are just a few things that will help in integrating technology into the classroom. The chapter discusses vital conditions to be present before and during integrating technology. Just as I have learned to create a clear vision of what a classroom integrated with technology looks like. It is also important to share your vision so that all levels of the school and district can properly plan for what will be needed. Policies have to be put in place to ensure safe and ethical use of the internet. There are so many things that can happen these days with viruses and hackers. You definitely would not want to have a parent file a lawsuit on you or the school for inappropriate matter on the internet. Schools also have to implement technical assistance and skilled personnel that would help mentor, train, coach, and model how the technology works. Unfortunately, that is one area where teachers are at a loss. The training department for teachers is not what it should be. Teachers are constantly taking training courses that are more like daily workshops. Technology should be set up differently because of the many facets that it entails. Finally, teaching strategies are the key to success. Teachers have to find an accurate and efficient way to teach and assess their students. I believe that once a teacher has many of these things in place the classroom will be transformed into a new, more advanced classroom; A classroom that works with the teacher and for the students. It is easy to see how fast technology is growing. It is a decision of the schools to decide what kind of technology program to implement. It is the schools responsibility to stick with the plan and back that plan so that it has the best chance for success. The teacher’s role is a vital one while integrating technology. They are the ones that will be using, teaching, and assessing students. There are several resources available to teachers outside of the school. Teachers who really want a classroom integrated with technology will have to work for it. There is a place for technology in every classroom around the world no matter the size. Resources Cheska, M. S. (2010, April 17). 7 Ways to increase teacher technology integration in the classroom. Retrieved from Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2010). Integrating educational technology into teaching. New York, NY: Pearson Education Inc.II. Write a thesis statement regarding the text you have just read.PA HELP PO NEED LANG



25. BOLBOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOLENGLISH 6 - WEEK 5TOPIC: Evaluates Narratives on How the Authors Developed the setting and CharactersLearning Task 1: Solve each problem. Write the corresponding letter from the answer you've got in a pieceof paper. This will form words that we will be learning today, .А36K72E50O24M105G12Q87F41P79Z80H100R64120S40B22L80V3563T2839N32х6188wY71111131.4x38x45x44x77x410x58x516x420x22.6х610x1012x28x8 12x3 6x4 14x2 25x2the following sentences.​




add all number then multiple it

26. c. Assessment/Application Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s.2020)Part A: IdentificationDirections: Identify what is described in the following statements in relation to thetopic on dye classification. Use separate sheet of paper for your answers1. A term for the sources and other materials from which the dye isextracted2. It is a substance, which aids the chemical reaction that takes placebetween the dye and the fiber so that the dye is absorbed3. A chemical compound used to impact or add long lasting colors inmaterials such as fibers, yarns, and fabrics.4. They are the best-known group of dyes in use today because of theirall-round fastness to washing and sunlight on cotton and rayon5. They are mostly utilized in copying papers, printing inks and textileapplications which do not require lightfastness that much.​


1. dyestuff

2. mordant

3. dyes

4. vat dyes

5. triphenylmethane dyes


sana makatulong

27. Directions: Below are some general topic and issues the world is facing today. Choose only one topic and write a positive or negative definition and formulate a claim of fact for your chosen topic. Then, make sure to prove your claims by searching or researching piece/s of evidence. (Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.)​


no not onr


28. II. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is False. In addition, if the statement is incorrect, write down the wrong term or phrase and write alongside it the correct term or phrase. Write your answer/s at the end of each statement. 7. In Emma Watson's speech, her speaking of gender-equality for women's rights has too often become synonymous with man-hating. 8. From her speech, she narrated that Helen Keller (1997) made a famous speech in Beijing about women's rights but many of the things she wanted to change are still true today. 9. Feminism by definition is: "The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. 10. Effective listening is considered a passive form of listening because the listener is not judging, criticizing, or evaluating the message but is simply listening to understand it. 11. Tay (2020) identifies some of the effective informational listening approaches like refraining from judgement 12. With good memory, we can recall experiences and information from our lives to help make sense of information in informational listening. 13. If listening to a panel discussion, rebutting to further grasp the information as the speakers are talking can mean that the listener is truly comprehending the information that is being said, 14. Noting details plays intermittent part in gathering truthful information for everyday life usage. 15. The Outlining Method in noting details organizes information into main topic and sub-topic by using numbers, roman numerals and letters.​











29. Directions: Fill in the missing word/s to complete the sentence that summarizeour topic for today. Write your answer on your activity notebook.In your lesson you learned the steps and procedures in (1)a cake. And also the different kinds of icing that you can used to finished your(2)The seven types of icing are, (3)(4)(5)(6)(8)(9)pahelp po heheh​

In your lesson, you learned the steps and procedures in (1) baking a cake. And also the different kinds of icing that you can use to finish your (2) cake.

The seven types of icing are (3) buttercream, (4) flat, (5) foam, (6) fondant, (7) fudge, (8) royal, and (9) glazes.


30. Complete this topic outline using the information you learned in today's class. Keywords and phrasesbeen provided to help you. You may consult your notes or work with a seatmate to help youPREVENTION OF FOODBORNE ILLNESSESKEEPING THE ENVIRONMENT CLEANA CLEANB AVOIDREGULAR HANDWASHINGBEFORE AND AFTERHELPINGIDUCHINGEATINGAFTERUSINGILTOUCHING AP& SCIMTOUCHING MWAND CFOOD PROPERLYFOOD PROPERLYSACHECKING THEUSINGPROTECTING FOOD FROMAND OTHERpa help po thank you​


i dont understand lol sorry.


i have never been this vonfused ever in my life.

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