Consumer Education Meaning

Consumer Education Meaning

meaning of consumer education​

Daftar Isi

1. meaning of consumer education​


always make sure what u buy is always safe found and non toxic items and safe for any contact with human body

2. Meaning ofThe rigth of consumer education?​


Means the right to acquire the knowledge and skill to be an informed consumer throughout life. Ignorance of consumers, particularly of rural consumers, is mainly responsible for their exploitation. They should know their rights and must exercise them.



Right to Consumer Education

Means the right to acquire the knowledge and skill to be an informed consumer throughout life. Ignorance of consumers, particularly of rural consumers, is mainly responsible for their exploitation. They should know their rights and must exercise them.

3. Direction: Search the meaning of the following.1. Redress2. Representation3. Consumer education4. Healthy environment5. Redress​


1.Redress, reparation, restitution suggest making amends or giving indemnification for a wrong. Redress may refer either to the act of setting right an unjust situation (as by some power), or to satisfaction sought or gained for a wrong suffered: the redress of grievances. (as a picture or symbol) that is a sign or portrayal of something else. 2 : the act of doing something on behalf of another or others : the state of doing something on behalf of another or others (as in a legislative body) representation. noun.

3.Consumer education is the preparation of an individual to be capable of making informed decisions when it comes to purchasing products in a consumer culture. It generally covers various consumer goods and services, prices, what the consumer can expect, standard trade practices, etc.

4.Surroundings or conditions that provide the means and opportunity to achieve physical and/or mental wellbeing.

5.Redress, reparation, restitution suggest making amends or giving indemnification for a wrong. Redress may refer either to the act of setting right an unjust situation (as by some power), or to satisfaction sought or gained for a wrong suffered: the redress of grievances.



1. Redress- relief from distress

Legal Definition of redress

1a : relief from distress. b : a means of obtaining a remedy. 2 : compensation (as damages) for wrong or loss.

2. Representation-  It is a process of informing patients of medical procedure risks. ... Whether patient representation is formal, informal, individual or collective, it is an important emerging development in health care.

3. Consumer Education- CONSUMER HEALTH EDUCATION Consumer Health Education is the process of assisting you to acquire the correct information and understanding so that you will able to make wise decision about a certain health item.

4. Environmental health is the science and practice of preventing human injury and illness and promoting well-being by. identifying and evaluating environmental sources and hazardous agents.

5. remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation).

1 and 5 are found in the dictionary

4. ARTS. Multiple Choice. Read the statement carefully. Circle the letter of the correct answer. C. I do not know C. None of these C. image C. symbols C. All of them C. it uses a variety of platforms like magazines, websites, apps, and television B. created for commercial purposes, primarily advertising 1. The history of Logo design begins A. long time ago B. at present has/have different meanings. B. Cartoon Character buses. 2. B. False 4. One of the most basic levels of logos are B. game A. is an art used in advertising and selling 7.A person who does commercial art? A. seller D. manager 8.. What is the primary purpose of commercial art? 8. communication D. games B. designs 6. What is commercial art? D. all of the above C. commercial artist B. consumer A. advertising C. education A. Logo Design 3. Logos can be found in billboards, television, and A. True A. colors 5. Another name of logo can be. A. text​













5. HEALTH Modified True or False: Write APPROVED if the statement is correct if not, write the word/s that make the statement wrong. 1. The Philippine Institution of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) coordinate various activities and programs in the traditional and alternative health care delivery system. 2. Consumers Act ims to prote the rights of professionals alone. 3. The Consumer Act also covers the quality of gadgets sold in the market. 4. There are hazardous products in the Philippines that are on sale. Hence, the consumer should inspect labeling and packaging before purchasing. basic rights that only students can practice. 6. The AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 promotes discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS. 5. Consumer Education is one of the 7. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act builds its foundation on five pillars. 8. Family planning means improving the quality of life, which includes regulating and spacing of childbirth. 9. Cybersquatting is the acquisition of a domain name over the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive others. 10. The Consumer Act covers the quality and safety of different products such as food, drugs, cosmetics, and devices. ​


1 true

2 true

3 false

4 true

5 true

6 flase

7 false

8 true

9 false

10 true

6. please look at the picture.Activity: Fill MeDirections: Read the statement carefully and fill in the missing word(s) in the space provided.The Republic Act No. 7394 or better known as 1. was created to protect the interests of the consumer, to promote his general welfareand to establish standards of conduct for 2. Towards this end the state shall implement measures to achieve the following objectives. First, protection against 3. to health and safety. Second, provision of 4. and education to facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of consumer rights. Fourth, Provision of adequate rights and means of redress. And finally, involvement of consumer representatives in the formulation of 5.policies. please look at the picture.​


1. 'Consumer act of the philippines'

2. Business and Industry

3. Hazards

4. Information

5. Social and economic policies

7. Activity 2. Matching Type Direction Match oohum Alcoh Witte the letter of your ancer on the space ponded COLUMNA Health Information 1 COLUMN in the process of misting you to acquire the correct information and understanding so that you will able to make vise decision about a certain health item 2 Spendthrin b. using or expending something of value onrelomily, extravagantly, or to no purpone. 3. Health Services e. means a natural person who is n purchaser, lossen, recipient or prospective purchaser, lenser or recipient of consumer products, services or credit. 4. Bargain Addict d. occurs when consumers buy unusually large amounts of a product in anticipation of', or after, a disaster 5 Consumer Health Education e. is the data and facts you got from medin and people including the professionals and agencies. 6. Wasteful f. is someone who spends money prodigiously and who is extravagant and recklessly wasteful, often to a point where the spending climbs well beyond his or her means 7. Intelligent g. consumer that only buys sale or bargain products, 8. Health Products h. refers to health information, actions, procedures or work furnished, or supplied to help satisfy your needs and wants as a consumer. 9. Panic Buyer - i. is one who has a clear understanding and knowledge of the product or service being supplied. 10 Consumer j. are those substances, materials or equipment prepared or manufactured for you to buy and use in the maintenance of health and the treatment of diseases.​




8. The philippines enacted (1.)______or Consumer Act of the philippines on july 2,1991.It is aimed to (2.)______the interest of the filipino (3.)______and establish standards for business and industry by protecting the consumers against hazards to health and safety and against deceptive and (4.)_______sales practices,i nforming and educating consumers on sound choice,providing means for redress ,and involving consumers in policy decisions.​


1. Republic act 7394

2. Protect

3. Consumers

4. Unfair

9. Test li: Read the statements carefully and identify whether the statement is correct or wrong. If thestatement is correct write True on the blank and if its not write False on the blank.1. Qualitative research is known for providing meaning to understand an existingphenomenon.2. The development in any fields such as in education, business, medical, and healthAllied services and etc. is not made possible by qualitative research.3. Analysis is one of the commonly and widely employed approaches of narrative research.4. Qualitative research is time-consuming.5. Qualitative research is more difficult to analyze.6. Qualitative research cannot generalize the findings to study the population.7. Qualitative research cannot provide more detailed information to explain complex issues.8. Qualitative research can be naturalistic but not all the time.9. Phenomenological research may use narrative, but narrative research does notnecessarily need phenomenological.10. Qualitative research is cost-efficient.​













I jist answered it

10. Write letter T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. 1. Analyze and use information about products wisely. 2. The government helps ensure that consumers have a large selection of all kinds of goods and services, from energy to medicine. 3. It is the policy of the state that consumers have the right to a healthy environment and the right for consumers to have basic needs met. 4. Hazardous substances, such as household cleaners, must have a warning label if they’re toxic, flammable, or explosive. 5. It is our right to have access to programs and information that help make better buying decisions. 6. Once government safety standards are set, consumers no longer need to concern themselves with ready warning labels or performing maintenance. 7. This is the consumers’ right to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to be an informed customer. 8. When a consumer notices a mistake on her credit card bill, she should contact the credit card company to explain the problem, but the company is not required to formally acknowledge the complaint. 9. Some state governments require high school or college students to take consumer education classes. 10.Sustainable consumption means making considerate choices about your purchases and the​















please follow


and follow back

11. 1. The history of Logo design begins A long time ago B. at present C. I do not know 2. has/have different meanings. A. Logo Design B. Cartoon Character CA All of them 3. Logos can be found in billboards, television, and buses. True B. False C. None of these 4. One of the most basic levels of logos are m. colors B. designs C. symbols 5. Another name of logo can be A. text ® game C. image 6. What is commercial art? A. is an art used in advertising and selling B. created for commercial purposes, primarily advertising C. it uses a variety of platforms like magazines, websites, apps, and television 6. all of the above 7. A person who does commercial art? A. seller B. consumer commercial artist D. manager 8.. What is the primary purpose of commercial art? A. advertising B. communication education D. games 9... What is the basic gadget that we can use in advertising? computer B.cellphone D. tarpaulin C. billboard 10. It is a kind of commercial art used to promote and advertise products. A. entertainment B. Publishing and Web Design C. Promotion and Advertising "1.A2.C3.A4.A5.B6.D7.C8.C9.A10.B​



thank you ml tauo













yan sagot ko

12. The Philippines enacted (1.)___ or Consumer Act of the Philippines on July 2 1997. It is aimed to (2)___ the interests of Filipino (3)___ and establish standards for business and industry by protecting the consumers against hazards to health and safety and against deceptive and (4)___ sales practices. informing and educating consumers on sound choice providing means for redress and involving consumers in policy decisions it was on (5)___ where the former US President(6)___ enacted the declaration of the four basic consumer rights: (7.)___ ; (8.)___ ; (9.)___ ; and (10)___. The United Nations later on added four more rights Right to satisfaction of basic needs right to redress right to education; and right to a healthy environment. These (11.)___ rights summarize l consumer nights all over the world. On April 9. 1985, UN adopted the Guidelines for Consumer Protectionwhich embraced the principles of the eight consumer rights.The necessity of being fully informed and aware rises as we face the dawn ofthe advancement in (12.)___, where buying goods and devices are at the convenienceof our smart-phones, tablets, and personal computers. This raises the question on howthe service providers could improve their (13)___of their services, which online​ services could the costumer trust, what happens to consumers data which they share (14.)___, and what are the consumer rights when it comes to consumer (15.)​


The Philippines enacted (1.) Republic 7394 or Consumer Act of the Philippines on July 2 1997. It is aimed to (2) protect the interests of Filipino (3) consumers and establish standards for business and industry by protecting the consumers against hazards to health and safety and against deceptive and (4) unfair sales practices. informing and educating consumers on sound choice providing means for redress and involving consumers in policy decisions it was on (5) March 15, 1983 where the former US President  (6) John F. Kennedy enacted the declaration of the four basic consumer rights: (7.) right to choose ; (8.) right to safety ; (9.) right to be heard ; and (10) right to be informed. The United Nations later on added four more rights Right to satisfaction of basic needs right to redress right to education; and right to a healthy environment. These (11.) eight rights summarize l consumer nights all over the world. On April 9. 1985, UN adopted the Guidelines for Consumer Protection  which embraced the principles of the eight consumer rights.  The necessity of being fully informed and aware rises as we face the dawn of  advancement in (12.)technology , where buying goods and devices are at the convenience  of our smart-phones, tablets, and personal computers. This raises the question on how  the service providers could improve their (13) quality of their services, which online​ services could the costumer trust, what happens to consumers data which they share (14.) online, and what are the consumer rights when it comes to consumer (15.)​ products.

13. the best answer in your NOTEBOOKthe sentence and write the letter one of the social factors affecting businesses that focuses on people's attitude towards healthy diet andaffects businesses like fitness centers and demands for organic food.A Population growth rate B. Changes in social preferences C. Heath Consciousness D. Education2. Which among the social factors affecting businesses states that decline in the birth rates mean demand will decrease? Italso indicates greater competition as the total consumers fall.A Population growth rate B. Changes in social preferences C. Heath Consciousness D. Education3 it is defined as the rise in the general level of prices.A. Inflation rateB. Consumer rateC. Exchange Rate D. Interest rate4 The following are the effects of inflation on businesses, exceptA. Investment8. Foreign ExchangeC. Price Changes D. Unemployment5. It is simply explained as the cost of labor which is used to support or make direct labor more efficientDirect Labor CostB. TaxesC. Indirect Labor Cost D. Minimum Wage6. The amount of money individuals eams from their daily economic activities, be it employment, business, or investment:A. WageB. IncomeC. SalaryD. All of the abovez. It is defined as the ability to survive. In a business sense, that ability to survive is ultimately linked to financialperformance and position.A. ViabilityB. ReliabilityC. PositivityD. Negativity6. Maya's suppliers and costumers are slowly fading away. What should Maya do to maintain the business?A. Close the businessB. improve product image, brand name, and reputationC. Disregard costumer attraction, satisfaction, and loyaltyD. Punish employees9. Why should employers learn how to manage labor cost?A To have minimal profit B. To have income deficitC. To incur bigger cost D. To maximize profits10. Which of the following statement is FALSE?A. Salaries and wages form the biggest part of the companies costB Panic buying is evident among consumers during inflation.The companies suffer more than the employees during Inflation.0. During inflation, a higher currency makes a country's exports more expensive and imports cheaper in foreignmarkets​











14. port Directions Tell whether each statement is a Fact (F) or Bluff (B). 1. Media simply refers to a vehicle or means of message delivery system to carry an ad message to a targeted audience. 2 Print media includes newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboards, intemet, radio and television. 3. The significance of print media mainly rely on their audience coverage. 4. The magazine is the major source of information for a large number of readers. A newspaper is a specialized advertising media that serves educational, informational, entertainment and other specialized needs of consumers, businesses, and industries. 6. Examples of outdoor advertising are billboards and transit posters. 7. Outdoor advertising is usually used to support advertisements placed in other media. One of the greatest strengths of outdoor advertising is as a directional marker to point customers toward your business. 8. A yellow page ad is often used to "complement or extend the effects of advertising placed in other media. 9. A print joumal is any journal that is available in printed form. 10. Many consultants feel that direct mail is the best way for a small business to begin developing awareness in its target consumers. dirigrit store in v moduspasagot plss​












15. Activity Matching Type Directions: Match column A to Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided. 5 COLUMN A 1. Health Information 2. Spendthrift 3. Health Services 4. Bargain Addict Consumer Health Education COLUMN B a. is the process of assisting you to acquire the correct information and understanding so that you will able to make wise decision about a certain health item. b. using or expending something of value carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose. c. means a natural person who is a purchaser, lessee, recipient or prospective purchaser, lesser or recipient of consumer products, services or credit. d. occurs when consumers buy unusually large amounts of a product in anticipation of, or after, a disaster. e. is the data and facts you got from media and people including the professionals and agencies​

1. A. Health Information is the process of assisting you to acquire the correct information and understanding so that you will be able to make wise decisions about a certain health item.

2. B. Spendthrift means using or expending something of value carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose.

3. E. Health Services refers to services provided by healthcare professionals to maintain or improve the health of individuals.

4. D. Bargain Addict Consumer occurs when consumers buy unusually large amounts of a product in anticipation of, or after, a disaster.

16. on pie a leon istor 1. The history of Logo design begins A. long time ago B. at present C. I do not know 2. has/have different meanings. A. Logo Design B. Cartoon Character C. All of them 3. Logos can be found in billboards, television, and buses. A. True B. False C. None of these 4. One of the most basic levels of logos are A. colors B. designs C. symbols 5. Another name of logo can be A. text B. game C. image 6. What is commercial art? A. is an art used in advertising and selling B. created for commercial purposes, primarily advertising C. it uses a variety of platforms like magazines, websites, apps, and television D. all of the above 7.A person who does commercial art? A. seller B. consumer C. commercial artist D. manager 8.. What is the primary purpose of commercial art? A. advertising B. communication C. education D. games 9.. What is the basic gadget that we can use in advertising?​



a yan na salamat geh bye

17. What does it mean to improve quality of life? a. Cybercrime Prevention . b. Family Planning c. Consumer Education d. Cybersquatting​





b i think but b is the answer

18. . What services are provided by medical practitioners?A. Health Education C. Health InformationB. Consumer Services D. Health Services6. Which of the following offers health services?A. Health Services C. Health Consumer B. Health Consumer Services D. Health Care Providers7. How can you tell if the source of information is credible? If…A. it is a mere hearsayB. the information is not updated.C. the information is coming from a reliable source.D. the product statement is fabricated.8. What terminology tells about the accuracy, provision, and completeness of information?A. content B. credibility C. disclosure D. interactivity9. When can you tell that if the product is bound for disclosure?A. The information disseminated is wrong.B. The marketing purpose gets sloppy.C. This tells about the purpose and caveat of the information.D. This tells that the product is available and you at your own volition.10.Which of the following words refers to the feedback mechanism and means of information exchange between the source and the consumer?A. content B. credibility C. disclosure D. interactivity11. What do you call the individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied health programs?A. caregiver C. health professionalsB. health providers D. careless practitioners12. Collectively, hospitals, walk-in surgery centers, health centers, and extended healthcare facilities are known as:A. Healthcare Centers C. Healthcare FacilitiesB. Health Centers D. Health Providers13. What is used to refer to the financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of healthcare costs?A. Health Insurance C. Insurance for LifeB. Healthcare Insurance D. Sun Life Insurance14. Which facility offers surgery without the patient being admitted to the hospital?A. Hospitals C. Walk-In Surgery CentersB. Health Centers D. Extended Healthcare Facilities15. Healthcare Practitioners and allied health professionals are also known as: A. Caregiver C. Health ProfessionalsB. Careless Practitioners D. Health Care Provider​













Yan po sana makatulong ❤️

19. History of Alternative and Traditional Medicine in the PhilippinesThe Philippines enacted (1.).or Consumer Actof the Philippines on July 2, 1991. It is aimed to (2.).theinterests of Filipino (3.).and establish standards for businessand industry by protecting the consumers against hazards to health and safety andagainst deceptive and (4.).sales practices, informing andeducating consumers on sound choice, providing means for redress, and involving​








General Provisions

ARTICLE 1. Short Title. — This Act shall be known as the “Consumer Act of the Philippines.”

ARTICLE 2. Declaration of Basic Policy. — It is the policy of the State to protect the interests of the consumer, promote his general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for business and industry. Towards this end, the State shall implement measures to achieve the following objectives:

a) protection against hazards to health and safety;

b) protection against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices;

c) provision of information and education to facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by the consumer;

d) provision of adequate rights and means of redress; and

e) involvement of consumer representatives in the formulation of social and economic policies.

ARTICLE 3. Construction. — The best interest of the consumer shall be considered in the interpretation and implementation of the provisions of this Act, including its implementing rules and regulations.

20. D. HEALTH Education VI *Give the meaning of the following terms or words: 31. Consumer 32. Solidarity 33. Environmental health 34. Social Concern 35. Medicine 36.testimonial 37.Bandwagon 38.Plain Folks 39.Glittering generality 40. Propagandaplss i need help with this nonsense awnser-report and block​


31. Consumer- A consumer is a person (or group) who pays to consume the goods and/or services produced by a seller (i.e., company, organization).

32. Solidarity- Solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one.

33. environmental health- the branch of public health concerned with monitoring or mitigating those factors in the environment that affect human health and disease.

34. Social Concern- A social concern is any issue, problem, or conflict that is a high priority for a society to solve or prevent

35. Medicine- a substance or preparation used in treating disease.

36. testimonial- a statement testifying to benefits received

37. Bandwagon- used in reference to an activity, cause, etc. that is currently fashionable or popular and attracting increasing support.

38. Plain Folks- Plain folks" is a form of propaganda and a logical fallacy. A plain folks argument is one in which the speaker presents him or herself as an average Joe — a common person who can understand and empathize with a listener's concerns.

39. Glittering generality- A glittering generality or glowing generality is an emotionally appealing phrase so closely associated with highly valued concepts and beliefs that it carries conviction without supporting information or reason. Such highly valued concepts attract general approval and acclaim

40. Propaganda- Propaganda is the dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumours, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion.


Hope it helps❤️

21. Multiple Choice. Read the statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. The history of Logo design begins ____________. A. long time ago B. at present C. I do not know 2. ____________ has/have different meanings. A. Logo Design B. Cartoon Character C. All of them 3. Logos can be found in billboards, television, and buses. A. True B. False C. None of these 4. One of the most basic levels of logos are ____________. A. colors B. designs C. symbols 5. Another name of logo can be ____________. A. text B. game C. image 6. What is commercial art? A. is an art used in advertising and selling B. created for commercial purposes, primarily advertising C. it uses a variety of platforms like magazines, websites, apps, and television D. all of the above 7.A person who does commercial art? A. seller B. consumer C. commercial artist D. manager 8. What is the primary purpose of commercial art? A. advertising B. communication C. education D. games 9. What is the basic gadget that we can use in advertising? A. computer B. cellphone C. billboard D. tarpaulin 10. It is a kind of commercial art used to promote and advertise products. A. entertainmentB. Publishing and Web Design C. Promotion and Advertising D. fashion design ​




Im not sure sa 9-10


1. A

2. A

3. A

4. C

5. C

6. D

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. C

22. 1.The history of Logo design begins ____________. A. long time ago B. at present C. I do not know 2. ____________ has/have different meanings. A. Logo Design B. Cartoon Character C. All of them 3. Logos can be found in billboards, television, and buses. * A. True B. False C. None of these 4. One of the most basic levels of logos are ____________. * 2 points A. colors B. designs C. symbols 5. Another name of logo can be ____________. * A. text B. game C. image 6. What is commercial art? * A. is an art used in advertising and selling B. created for commercial purposes, primarily advertising C. it uses a variety of platforms like magazines, websites, apps, and television D. all of the above 7. A person who does commercial art? * A. seller B. consumer C. commercial artist D. manager 8. What is the primary purpose of commercial art? * A. advertising B. communication C. education D. games 9. What is the basic gadget that we can use in advertising? * A. computer B. cellphone C. billboard D. tarpaulin 10. It is a kind of commercial art used to promote and advertise products. * A. entertainment B. Publishing and Web Design C. Promotion and Advertising D. fashion design


1. A

2. A

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. A

10. B


not sure sa mga answers ko but hope this helps

23. Assessment Direction: Read the following statements carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not 1. Qualitative research can be used in various fields of knowledge. 2. For advertising, qualitative research proves useful in identifying what consumer wants. 3. Social works employ qualitative research for giving meaning to people's traumatic experiences. 4. To understand findings from clinical trials, researchers use qualitative methods. 5. An education insider is a sociologist. 6 In education, qualitative research is commonly used to study classroom dynamics. 7 The purpose of using qualitative research in technical communication is to smoothen the process 8. In-depth interviews are used in technical communication for probing. Qualitative research can provide the best answers to research inquiries in various fields of knowledge 10. Qualitative research is useful in different fields of knowledge by providing numerical data.












24. 1.A pair of small Caribbean gourd rattles with interior beads played by shaking,classified as idiophones.A.Djembe B.Mbira C.Maracas D.Mariachi2.A song style in which a singer or musician leads with a call and a group responds much like a question and answer sequence in human communication A.Dance music B.Blues C.Standard music D.Call and response 3. Photo editing tool used to transform the image into square, narrow or wide.A. BrightnessB. CropC.RotateD.skew4. What will be manipulated if you want to add words on your photo?A. FrameC. TextB. GrungeD. Vignette5. Which of the following is not a positive outcome of personal fitness?A. Improved physical appearanceB. Enhanced self-esteemC. HypertensionD. Stress reduction6. What physical exercise in which a specific muscle or tendon is flexed, inorder to improve the muscles, felt elasticity and achieve comfortablemuscle tone?A. IsometricB. Work-outC. Cool-downD. Stretching7. It is the law that protects the interest of the consumer, promotes generalwelfare of consumer, and establishes standards of conduct for businessand industryA. Consumer ActB. National Environmental Awareness and Act Education ActC. Philippine Aids Prevention and ControlD. Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act8. It provides for the regulation of narcotic and other related substancesbeing sold/imported in the countryA. Philippine Aids Prevention and ControlB. Consumer ActC. Comprehensive Dangerous DrugD. Anti-hazing Law9. What is the meaning of BERT?A. Barangay Emergency Response TeamB. Batang Emergency Resilient TeamC. Barangay Emergency Resilient TeamD.Batang Emergency Response Team10. The BERT Organization intended to:A. Form a mechanism for involving children activity in the communityB. Lead safety and security actions when disaster happens while they arein schoolC. Never give responsibility as an adultD. All the above are correct answers.​





I hope I helped

25. harest cute Notes and resta have suctiva values which of the towing the chest RTS. Multiple Choice, Read the statement carefully. Chele the letter of the correct answer The history of Logo design begins A long time ago B. at present ci do not know has/have different meanings A Logo Design 3. Cartoon Character C. All of them Logos can be found in billboards, television, and buses A True 3. False C. None of these One of the most basic levels of logos are A colors B. designs C. symbols Another name of logo can be A text c.image S. What is commercial art? all of the above A is an art used in advertising and selling B.created for commercial purposes, primarily advising It uses a variety of platforms like magazines, websites, apps, and television 7 A person who does commercial art? A seller B. consumer C. commercial artist 0 manager 8. What is the primary purpose of commercial art? A. advertising B. communication C. education D games 9. What is the basic gadget that we can use in advertising? A. computer B. cellphone billboard D. tarpaulin​


1. A









hope it helps

26. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided for 1. Which is NOT a factor that affects your physical fitness? a. Wants/Needs b. Gender с Age d. Heredity d 2. Tess changed her activity after finding out that she is not losing any weight. She needs to change the number of sessions that she is performing every week that means she needs to do her activity more often during the week. a. Type b. Frequency c. Intensity d. Time 3. Which of the following statement that is NOT a benefit of active participation in Recreational Activities? a. Road map to improved quality of life b. Relaxation, revitalization and rest c. Bonding with family and friends d. More friends means more competition 4. Ana is playing tennis and while playing, her knees get injured. What does she need to do first prior to playing? a. Wear proper gear and outfit b. Drink water c. Warm up d. Check the place if it is slippery 5. Which of the following statement that best describes the concept of weight loss? a. Energy consumed is greater than energy expended more food intake but less physical exertion b. Energy consumed is less than energy expended, less physical exertion but less food intake c. Energy consumed is less than energy expended, more physical exertion but less food intake. d. Energy consumed equals energy expended, physical exertion is the same with food intake 6. If you want to be a basketball player, what skill do you need to have to be an effective player? a. Agility b. Power c. Flexibility d. Strength 7. It is a rough measure of body composition that is useful for classifying the health risks of body weight a. RPE b. Target Heart Rate d. BMI8. Evaluate the skill needed for swimming. a. Agility b. Cardiovascular Endurance c. Speed d. Strength​


1 c


kasi kapag gender diba kasarian kapag wants or needs mga panganga ilangan

27. True or False1.Package is a box, plastic wrapper, or any covering material to protect, seal, and hold a product. 2.Serving size should have a reference to the nutrition facts based on the food pyramid guide.3.Medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina which means “the art of forgiving”.4.OTC drug is intended to treat major ailments such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease.5.Prescription medicine are protected by patent laws for certain number of years which means that the drug company is responsible for creating a prescribed drug which can price their exclusive drugs. 6.The condition of the sick person is prolonged or worsened if he uses quack medicine.7.The Department of Health (DOH) promotes the general health and well-being of the public. 8.Consumer education helps a person make proper purchases. 9.Health Information refers to those substances, materials or equipment prepared or manufactured for you to buy and use in the maintenance of health and the treatment of diseases. 10.Over-the-counter medicine is also known as nonprescription medicine. ​


all of their dascription is righr



28. 1.Package is a box, plastic wrapper, or any covering material to protect, seal, and hold a product. TrueFalse2. Serving size should have a reference to the nutrition facts based on the food pyramid guide. TrueFalse3. Medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina which means “the art of forgiving”. TrueFalse4. OTC drug is intended to treat major ailments such as diabetes, cancer or heart disease. TrueFalse5. Prescription medicine are protected by patent laws for certain number of years which means that the drug company is responsible for creating a prescribed drug which can price their exclusive drugs. TrueFalse6. The condition of the sick person is prolonged or worsened if he uses quack medicine. TrueFalse7. The Department of Health (DOH) promotes the general health and well-being of the public. TrueFalse8. Consumer education helps a person make proper purchases. TrueFalse9. Health Information refers to those substances, materials or equipment prepared or manufactured for you to buy and use in the maintenance of health and the treatment of diseases. TrueFalse10. Over-the-counter medicine is also known as nonprescription medicine. TrueFalse​


1). true

2). false

3). true

4). true

5). false

6). true

7). true

8). true


10). true


sana po naka tulong

29. 1.which of the following is the person or individual's behavior over an application or product over the net?a. user participation b. user as a contributor c. user experience d. user demand2. Which of the following fields does multimedia play a vital role as it encourages the learners to interact the class?a. industrialsb. entertainmentc. educationd. advertisement3. which of the following BEST describes multimedia today?a. images and audiob. moving images and textc. programs that combine text and images on a television screend. integration of still and moving images, text, and sounds by means of technology5. People use online platforms to make their daily activities easier. therefore, ecommerce website is fora. a revolution in business practicesb. selling your home on the netc. getting money from your computer onlined. business to business transactions and business to consumer pasagot po :(​

1) C

Hope it helps

30. problem no. 1: the graduate record exam (gre) is a standardized test required to be admitted to many graduate schools in the united states. a high score in the gre makes admission more likely. according to the educational testing service, the mean score for takers of gre who do not have training courses is 555 with a standard deviation of 139. brain philippines (bp) offers expensive gre training courses, claiming their graduates score better than those who have not taken any training courses. to test the company's claim, a statistician randomly selected 30 graduates of bp and asked their gre scoresproblem no. 2: group 2: the minimum wage earners of the national capital region are believed to be receiving less than php500 per day. the ceo of a large supermarket chain in the region is claiming to be paying its contractual higher than the minimum daily wage rate of php500. to check on this claim, a labour union leader obtained a random sample of 144 contractual employees from this supermarket chain. the survey of their daily wage eamings resulted to an average wage of php510 per day with standard deviation of php100. the daily wage of the region is assumed to follow a distribution with an unknown population variance perform a test of hypothesis at 5% level of significance to help the labour union leader make an empiricalbased conclusion on the ceo's claimproblem no.3: a brand of powdered milk is advertised as having a net weight of 250 grams. a curious consumer obtaining the net weight of 10 randomly selected cans. the values obtaining are: 26,248,242,245,246,248,250,255,243 and 249 grams. is there reason to believe that the average net weight of the powdered milk cans is less than 250 grams at 10% level of significance? assume the net weight is normally distributed with unknown population varianceproblem no. 4: a researcher used a developed problem solving test to randomly select 50 grade vi pupils. in the sample. x=80 and s-10. the mean μ and the standard deviation of the population used in the standardization of the were 75 and 15, respectively​


problem no. 1: the graduate record exam (gre) is a standardized test required to be admitted to many graduate schools in the united states. a high score in the gre makes admission more likely. according to the educational testing service, the mean score for takers of gre who do not have training courses is 555 with a standard deviation of 139. brain philippines (bp) offers expensive gre training courses, claiming their graduates score better than those who have not taken any training courses. to test the company's claim, a statistician randomly selected 30 graduates of bp and asked their gre scores

problem no. 2: group 2: the minimum wage earners of the national capital region are believed to be receiving less than php500 per day. the ceo of a large supermarket chain in the region is claiming to be paying its contractual higher than the minimum daily wage rate of php500. to check on this claim, a labour union leader obtained a random sample of 144 contractual employees from this supermarket chain. the survey of their daily wage eamings resulted to an average wage of php510 per day with standard deviation of php100. the daily wage of the region is assumed to follow a distribution with an unknown population variance perform a test of hypothesis at 5% level of significance to help the labour union leader make an empiricalbased conclusion on the ceo's claim

problem no.3: a brand of powdered milk is advertised as having a net weight of 250 grams. a curious consumer obtaining the net weight of 10 randomly selected cans. the values obtaining are: 26,248,242,245,246,248,250,255,243 and 249 grams. is there reason to believe that the average net weight of the powdered milk cans is less than 250 grams at 10% level of significance? assume the net weight is normally distributed with unknown population variance

problem no. 4: a researcher used a developed problem solving test to randomly select 50 grade vi pupils. in the sample. x=80 and s-10. the mean μ and the standard deviation of the population used in the standardization of the were 75 and 15, respectively

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