Significance Of Function In Real Life Situation

Significance Of Function In Real Life Situation

significance of functions in real life situations​

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1. significance of functions in real life situations​


It can help other people realize that their are other people experience same as what you had experience in your life

2. significance of function in showing real life situations


It can help other people realize that their are other people experience same as what you had experience in your life

3. significance of function in showin real life situations​


Functions describe situations where one quantity determines another. ... Because we continually make theories about dependencies between quantities in nature and society, functions are important tools in the construction of mathematical models.

Functions are mathematical building blocks for designing machines, predicting natural disasters, curing diseases, understanding world economies and for keeping aeroplanes in the air. Functions can take input from many variables, but always give the same output, unique to that function.

Step-by-step explanation:




Using functions and operations on them, such as derivatives and integrals you can predict how the objects will move and behave.

Step-by-step explanation:

pls brainliest. i beg you :3

4. Significance of function in showing real life situation?


Functions are mathematical building blocks for designing machines, predicting natural disasters, curing diseases, understanding world economies and for keeping airplanes in the air. Functions can take input from many variables, but always give the same output, unique to that function.

5. what is the significance of function in real life situations?​


nrjeeekm llak

Step-by-step explanation:


6. what is the significance of function in real life situation​


understand various types of patterns and functional relationships; ... use symbolic forms to represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures; use mathematical models and analyze change in both real and abstract contexts.


Almost everything most people think of as math involves a function. In fact, if math is used for any real life purpose you can be sure at least one function is used.

7. In three to five sentences. write the significance of function in showing real life situations.

ano po Yan what subject?

8. three to five sentence,write the significant of function in showing real-life situations​



9. In three to five sentence write the significance of function in showing real-life situations​


In mathematics, function define as a binary relation between two sets that in every element of the first set as input has corresponding value in the outpu or another element of the second set.

Significance of Function in Real Life

The application of function is in terms of input-output of items in the field of finance and statistics. One application of function (input-output table data) is a thermometer which it has an input-output table form of Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. In area of a circle, also in circumference it is an application of function of a circle, we can see various design in real word that use circle, sphere and cone like plate, glass, and other items or things with circle shape. In economics, the flow of money also an application of function specially in compound interest, salary function and even in the supply and demand of the product.

Step-by-step explanation:

nakita ko lang po yan

10. In three to five sentences,write the significance of function in showing real life situation

In mathematics, function define as a binary relation between two sets that in every element of the first set as input has corresponding value in the outpu or another element of the second set.

Significance of Function in Real Life

The application of function is in terms of input-output of items in the field of finance and statistics. One application of function (input-output table data) is a thermometer which it has an input-output table form of Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. In area of a circle, also in circumference it is an application of function of a circle, we can see various design in real word that use circle, sphere and cone like plate, glass, and other items or things with circle shape. In economics, the flow of money also an application of function specially in compound interest, salary function and even in the supply and demand of the product.

Learn more about the importance of function, here at



11. write the significance of function in showing real life situation​


i don't know e.sorry te huh sorry haha

12. write the significance of function in showing real life situations?​


Significance of Function in Real Life

The application of function is in terms of input-output of items in the field of finance and statistics. ... In economics, the flow of money also an application of function specially in compound interest, salary function and even in the supply and demand of the product.

13. In three to five sentence write the significance of function in showing real life situation?


It can help to gain knowledge. Teach you to be more friendly to others and lastly you can show what you had experience in your life.

14. In 3-5 sentences, write the significance of function in showing real-life situation.​


In mathematics, function define as a binary relation between two sets that in every element of the first set as input has corresponding value in the outpu or another element of the second set.

Significance of Function in Real Life

The application of function is in terms of input-output of items in the field of finance and statistics. One application of function (input-output table data) is a thermometer which it has an input-output table form of Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. In area of a circle, also in circumference it is an application of function of a circle, we can see various design in real word that use circle, sphere and cone like plate, glass, and other items or things with circle shape. In economics, the flow of money also an application of function specially in compound interest, salary function and even in the supply and demand of the product.


15. what is the significance of function in showing real life situations​


In mathematics, function define as a binary relation between two sets that in every element of the first set as input has corresponding value in the outpu or another element of the second set. The application of function is in terms of input-output of items in the field of finance and statistics.

16. write the significance of function in showing the real-life situation​


This question illustrates one of my favorite pet peeves about mathematics: the definition of functions. First of all, functions are normally taught to beginners with the notion that functions are some sort of rule such as “take any number and double it” without any concept that the definition of a function must include two sets that are commonly called the domain and the range (or codomain). Indeed, beginning students are often asked to derive the domain and range of a function from the rule. That’s just silly because the domain and range are part of the definition of the rule, and not something to be derived from the rule. Why beginners are subjected to this silliness, I’ll never understand.

Step-by-step explanation:

17. Write the significance of function in showing real life situation


Functions in real life situations help in viewing the different situations given. For example in parking lots that requires payement ,it can be different rates per hour or so on. Instead of having a hard time of understanding the situation why not view the situation through a graph? This is why function is important, because it helps us view the situation easier.

Step-by-step explanation:

18. significance of function I showing real life situations​


A weekly wage is a function of the rate of hourly pay and the amount of hours worked. Initial expenditure, interest rate, and time are a feature of compound interest. Supply and demand: As cost rises, demand declines.

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope that helps a little

19. Write the significance of function in showing real life situations

functions are important tools in the construction of mathematical models. In school mathematics, functions usually have numerical inputs and outputs and are often defined by an algebraic expression.

20. What are the significance of function in showing real life situations?


Functions are mathematical building blocks for designing machines, predicting natural disasters, curing diseases

Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for the area of a circle is an example of a polynomial function. ... The graph of the function then consists of the points with coordinates (x, y) where y = f(x).

21. example of significance of function in showing real life situation​


tsunami 1234567891012345678910

Step-by-step explanation:

22. in tree to five sentences write the significance of function in showing real-life situation​

Step-by-step explanation:

i can't understand your splenium explanation

23. what is the significance of function in showing real life situation​


functions are important tools in the construction of mathematical models. In school mathematics, functions usually have numerical inputs and outputs and are often defined by an algebraic expression

Step-by-step explanation:

24. and 3 to 5 sentences write the significance of functions in showing real life situations​


im sorry  just need some pts god bless

Step-by-step explanation:


Significance of Function in Real Life

The application of function is in terms of input-output of items in the field of finance and statistics. One application of function (input-output table data) is a thermometer which it has an input-output table form of Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. In area of a circle, also in circumference it is an application of function of a circle, we can see various design in real word that use circle, sphere and cone like plate, glass, and other items or things with circle shape. In economics, the flow of money also an application of function specially in compound interest, salary function and even in the supply and demand of the product.

In mathematics, function define as a binary relation between two sets that in every element of the first set as input has corresponding value in the outpu or another element of the second set.

25. significance of function in showing real life situation​

In mathematics, function define as a binary relation between two sets that in every element of the first set as input has corresponding value in the outpu or another element of the second set.

Significance of Function in Real Life

The application of function is in terms of input-output of items in the field of finance and statistics.

One application of function (input-output table data) is a thermometer which it has an input-output table form of Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.

In area of a circle, also in circumference it is an application of function of a circle, we can see various design in real word that use circle, sphere and cone like plate, glass, and other items or things with circle shape.

In economics, the flow of money also an application of function specially in compound interest, salary function and even in the supply and demand of the product.

Learn more about the importance of function, here at



26. in three to five sentences , write the significance of function in showing real - life situation.


get a hold my breath haven't heard from her since she is not a hold of the money I will be there for interview tomorrow and will get the info

hi there I am interested in the position and would like to know if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time


27. Significance of function in showing real life situations five sentences

In mathematics, function define as a binary relation between two sets that in every element of the first set as input has corresponding value in the outpu or another element of the second set.

Significance of Function in Real Life
The application of function is in terms of input-output of items in the field of finance and statistics. One application of function (input-output table data) is a thermometer which it has an input-output table form of Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. In area of a circle, also in circumference it is an application of function of a circle, we can see various design in real word that use circle, sphere and cone like plate, glass, and other items or things with circle shape. In economics, the flow of money also an application of function specially in compound interest, salary function and even in the supply and demand of the product.

28. in three to five sectences, write the significance of function in showing real-life situations​


Function is an expression, rule, or law that defines a relationship between one variable (the independent variable) and another variable (the dependent variable).In the 'real-world,' functions are mathematical representations of man.Functions are everywhere in real life. That is why they are so important in mathematics. Any time an action influences another, you have a function. One common example is ownership. Almost everything you come into contact with has an owner. This implies there’s a function from objects to their owner.

29. The significance of function in showing real life situations

Sana makatulong po goodluck

30. . In three to five sentences, write the significance of function in showing real-lifesituations.​


Functions and procedures are the basic building blocks of programs. They are small sections of code that are used to perform a particular task, and they are used for two main reasons. The first reason is that they can be used to avoid repetition of commands within the program.

Functions are mathematical building blocks for designing machines, predicting natural disasters, curing diseases, understanding world economies and for keeping airplanes in the air. Functions can take input from many variables, but always give the same output, unique to that function.

ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎ hope it helps !! and uhm can I get the brainliest answer ? (nf !!)

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