K To 12 Curriculum Implementation In The Philippines

K To 12 Curriculum Implementation In The Philippines

are you in favor of the implementation of the K-12 curriculum? why?

Daftar Isi

1. are you in favor of the implementation of the K-12 curriculum? why?


Yes. Because our country is one of the last countries that doesn't have the grade 11 and 12, if we transfer to other countries who have grade 11 and 12 we will repeat or we will take it



are you in favor of the implementation of the K-12 curriculum? why?The K to 12 program promotes global competency by accelerating mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries. The new curriculum allows students to choose between three tracks which are the Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and the Sports and Arts strand.

Why is K-12 curriculum important?The K-12 Basic Education Program aims to provide every Filipino child with the education s/he needs to compete in a global context. ... The goal of the new curriculum is to give Filipino students enough time to master skills and concepts so that they are ready for tertiary education when the time comes.

Why is curriculum implementation important in education?- It helps to cope with new technology changes. - It makes the teacher to be systematic in delivery. - It helps to make the curriculum relevant to the needs of the learner and the society as a whole. - There is need to ensure effective use of curriculum resources so as to enhance maximum productivity in school.

What is K to 12 curriculum all about?The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, ...

So my answer is a YES

Hope it helps

Carry on learning

2. importance of blooms taxonomy in implementing k-12 curriculum​


Bloom's Taxonomy Revisited

In doing research on Bloom’s Taxonomy they found a large body of people seeking a Bloom’s Taxonomy revised approach to learning. Bloom’s Taxonomy is just one of the many systems we have researched to create the Education for Life Program and it divides educational objectives into three areas of focus: Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor. The focus of this methodology is that higher levels of achievement are dependent on having attained prerequisite knowledge and the skills at lower levels. A goal of Bloom’s Taxonomy is to motivate educators to focus on all three domains, creating a more holistic form of education. This page is meant to function as an ever-expanding archive of open source, free-shared, and duplicable Bloom’s Taxonomy inspired ideas that we organize into the primary components of the One Community Education Program: Curriculum for Life, Teaching Strategies for Life, Learning Tools and Toys for Life, and building The Ultimate Classroom. These components are designed to be combined to create endless “Lesson Plans for Life” purposed to grow and evolve what we feel will be the most comprehensive, effective, and diversely applicable free-education program and resource archive in the world. The One Community Foundations of Teaching, Leadership, and Communicating, combined with a collaborative Evaluation and Evolution Component (Portfolio Creation and Maintenance), help us to further grow and adapt both the program and as individuals.


Hope this helps sorry if I'm wrong follow and brainleist pls? sorry if it's too long...

3. what are your experiences in implementing the k to 12 curriculum?​


it's actually hassle for me (well kinda) because i'm getting extra two years of being a senior high school, which will also take 2 more years + 10 years (or even more) for me to graduate college and successfully have my dream job (which is being a lawyer)

(however if i failed, i'll just go with being a photographer, yep.)

4. What are examples of brain-compatible curriculum implemented in the philippines and in other countries?


Demonstrated Knowledge of Process

Student knows and was able to identify and explain necessary theories/ tasks for completion of the project. Relies on own memory skills to get task done.

Followed exact directions to activity given in lap book and by instructor,

Student was able to complete the tasks without assistance.

Student followed all safety rules.

Student was able to identify and explain necessary theories/ tasks for completion of the project with sorme assistance. Uses own words to describe the task.

Followed directions.

Student was able to complete the tasks with little assistance.

Good Student followed most safety rules but have forgotten some.

Student was unable to identify or explain concepts without major prompting. Requires adult assistance to get job done. Uses very little vocabulary to describe the task.

Moderately followed directions. Worked at a pace that was productive.

Student was able to complete the tasks with moderate assistance.

Fair Student attempted to follow safety rules but failed to meet several

Student was not able to both identify and explain major theories/tasks. Uses others views to explain the tasks and doesn't complete any steps on their own for any of steps.

Did not follow directions in any of the tasks and at times refused to slow down to do the tasks well.

Student was unable to complete the tasks without major assistance.

Undeveloped Student failed to follow a significant number of safety rules.

Student lacked interest in demonstrating knowledge of project and/ or process,

Student was non-compliant when given directions all the time.

Student refused or was unable to start the project when offered assistance

Non-Compliant Student was not safe enough to enter/ participate in class

Ability to Follow Directions

Level of Needed Assistance

Application of Safety Practices



The K to 12 system aims to improve Filipino students' skills in mathematics, science, and linguistics to further exhibit competence in the global job market. With the new curriculum, the Department of Education promises to offer higher quality education through the strands.


sana po makatulong

6. What is the similarities of philippines and korea in basic education like k to 12 curriculum?​


Continuing with our feature on how our Asian neighbors are dealing with the basic primary/secondary education cycle, we turn our attention to the Republic of Korea (ROK). Another country whose primary and secondary students have consistently ranked among the top performers in TIMSS, the Republic of Korea, like Japan, is in a unique situation in that its population speaks basically one language as compared to the Philippines’ 170 or so languages. And like the Japanese, the Koreans are among those avid learners of English as a second language.


7. in general , are you favor of the implementation of K-12 curriculum ? Yes or No? Justify your answer ?​


The K to 12 program promotes global competency by accelerating mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries. The new curriculum allows students to choose between three tracks which are the Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and the Sports and Arts strand.



8. What is the focus of K-12 curriculum in the Philippines? which is not?


What is the focus of K-12 curriculum in the Philippines?

The K to 12 system aims to improve Filipino students' skills in mathematics, science, and linguistics to further exhibit competence in the global job market. With the new curriculum, the Department of Education promises to offer higher quality education through the strands.


9. if you are to compare k to 12 curriculum with all the other implemented curriculum in the department of education, what do you think is the most important feature that make it distinct from the rest?​


The K to 12 program covers kindergarten and 12 yrs of basic education to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle level skills development, employment and entrepreneurship


10. Read on the development and implementation of the K-12 curriculum in the Philippines. Look for an example of a K to 12 curriculum guide. Based on your analysis, which type of design has influences the K-12 curriculum? Explain your answer. Provide at least five (5) concrete and specific examples to support your answer.​


Ito Po ang sagot mag thank you kayo

11. is the philippine ready for the transformation of curriculum to k to 12? why?​


MANILA, Philippines - Education Secretary Armin Luistro yesterday reiterated that the Philippines is ready to implement the K to 12 program, which will add two years in the country's basic education program. ... It is time to simply act on an educational reform we should have done many decades ago,” he told The STAR.


yan lng alam ko

12. what is k-12 curriculum in the philippines​

Kinder to Grade 12 curriculum

13. Why should DepEd, CHED, and TESDA coordinate in the implementation of K to 12 curriculum?


With the implementation and presence of the K to 12 Curriculum, it will be easier to produce such graduates. In coordination with colleges and universities, CHED should provide activities and programs that would cater the needs of the students in terms of being prepared for the real world.

14. What are examples of brain-compatible curriculum implemented in the Philippines and in other countries?​

1:Emotional Climate
2:Physical Environment
3:Learning Design
4:Teaching for Mastery
5:Teaching for Application
6:Evaluating learning

Hope It Helps #Carryonlearning Welcome po!

15. The K-12 Basic Education Curriculum was officially implemented by virtue of what law?


R.A. 10533


i hope this help

16. What personal experience do you have with the implementation of the K-12 curriculum?​


Personalized learning is a path in education that takes into account the specific strengths, interests and needs of each student and creates a unique learning experience based on those individual traits. Students and educators work together to create customized learning plans for the classroom.

I'm not sure but I hope it's help

17. 1. What is the relationship between the teacher and the school curriculum? 2. What is the importance of the teacher and the school curriculum? 3. What is K-12 curriculum? What is the rationale of K-12 curriculum? 4. What is K-12 curriculum? What is the rationale of K-12 curriculum? 5. What are the challenges of teacher in curriculum? 6. Can all students use the curriculum? . 7. How have you integrated technology into your lessons? 8. What attributes of a curriculum do you think are most important?​



2. mabait

3. matulongin

4 . mapag bigay

5. masipag


18. why do we need to use technology in the implementation of k-12 curriculum?​


because of the subjects that are hard to answer

19. Are you in favor of the implementation of the K-12 curriculum? why or why not GIVE ME SENTENCE 6-7-5




because I am there for who to follow.

20. Give 4 purposes of the K-12 Curriculum. Are these implemented well?


why are you rich Heh! my lord need some problem

21. what can you recommend in the learning institutions of our country in order to successfully implement the k-12 curriculum?​

The K to 12 program promotes global competency by accelerating mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries. The new curriculum allows students to choose between three tracks which are the Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and the Sports and Arts strand.

22. How k-12 curriculum better that the 10 year curriculum?


because there is more time for the student to be prepare at different scenarios and they can understand things deeper because the time of studying is a lot longer than before

23. compare the old curriculum and k to 12 curriculum


Whereas the old curriculum offers a broad and linear curriculum, it did not include enough practical applications like the K-12 does. Starting with Kindergarten as the foundation for lifelong learning and development, the 12-year curriculum aims to give students the journey in education that they deserve.


source google 'hope it helps'


The old curriculum and the K to 12 curriculum are two different educational systems that are used in different countries or regions. Here are some key points of comparison between the two:

Length of Education: The old curriculum typically covers a 10-year basic education cycle (e.g., primary and secondary education), while the K to 12 curriculum extends the basic education to a 12-year cycle, typically consisting of Kindergarten, 6 years of primary education, 4 years of junior high school, and 2 years of senior high school.

Emphasis on Skills: The K to 12 curriculum generally places a greater emphasis on developing skills, such as critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. It aims to produce graduates who are better equipped for the demands of the modern workforce and global economy.

Focus on Specializations: The K to 12 curriculum includes a Senior High School (SHS) program, which offers specialized tracks or strands that allow students to focus on specific fields, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Humanities and Social Sciences, Accountancy and Business Management, and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) among others. This allows students to explore their interests and passions earlier in their education.

Alignment with International Standards: The K to 12 curriculum is often designed to align with international standards and best practices in education, which can enhance the competitiveness of graduates in the global job market.

Enhanced Basic Education: The K to 12 curriculum places a greater emphasis on strengthening the foundational skills of students in primary and secondary education, such as literacy, numeracy, and values education, before proceeding to specialized tracks in senior high school.

Integration of Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE): The K to 12 curriculum may include the integration of the students' mother tongue as a medium of instruction in the early years of primary education, which is believed to improve learning outcomes and preserve local culture.

Extended Learning Opportunities: The K to 12 curriculum may offer additional learning opportunities through work immersion, on-the-job training, internships, and other experiential learning activities, to better prepare students for the demands of the workplace.

Curriculum Flexibility: The K to 12 curriculum may provide more flexibility for schools to design their own curriculum within the framework of the national standards, allowing for customization and adaptation to local contexts.

It's important to note that the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum may vary across different countries or regions, and there may be ongoing debates and discussions about its effectiveness and impact on education. It's always best to refer to specific guidelines and policies in your locality for accurate and up-to-date information.


paki brainliest po thank u <3

24. How can we improve the K-12 Curriculum in the Philippines?


Improving the K-12 curriculum in the Philippines is a multifaceted and complex task that requires careful consideration of various factors, including the needs of learners, the demands of the workforce, and the goals of education. Here are some suggestions on how the K-12 curriculum in the Philippines can be improved:

1. Relevant and Responsive Curriculum: The curriculum should be relevant and responsive to the needs and interests of learners, as well as the demands of the workforce. It should align with the current and future needs of society, economy, and technology. This may involve revising and updating the curriculum regularly to reflect emerging trends, skills, and knowledge.

2. Flexible and Diverse Learning Pathways: The curriculum should offer flexible and diverse learning pathways that cater to the diverse strengths, interests, and aspirations of learners. This may include incorporating multiple tracks, such as academic, technical-vocational, and arts and sports tracks, to provide learners with a range of options based on their interests and career goals.

3. Enhanced Teacher Training and Professional Development: Teachers play a crucial role in delivering the curriculum effectively. Enhancing teacher training and professional development programs can help teachers stay updated with the latest teaching methodologies, technologies, and best practices. This may involve providing ongoing training and support for teachers to ensure they are equipped to deliver the curriculum in an engaging and effective manner.

25. What are the special features of these gifted curriculum models Implemented in the Philippines?


Renzulli's School Wide Enrichment Model (SEM) a widely used model which appeals to a broader definitions of giftedness.

26. What are examples of indigenous curriculum implemented in the Philippines?​


Family life


The Indigenous People curriculum is focused on their daily lives. For example: family life, health, nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, health and food

Sna makatulong


The Indigenous People curriculum is focused on their daily lives. For example: family life, health, nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, health and food


hope it's help

#Carry on learning

27. what is the main reason why they implement the kto12 curriculum in the philippines?

> Prior to the implementation of the K 12 curriculum guide, the Philippines was one of only three countries in the world and the only one in Asia that still had only 10 years in basic education.

This has always been seen as a disadvantage for our students who are competing in an increasingly global job market. The longer educational cycle of the K 12 curriculum is seen as critical in giving Filipino students a higher quality of education.

28. do you think our Philippine k-12 curriculum embraces inclusion? ​


Inclusive Education is a learning environment where children with and without disabilities are taught together, as equals. ... The LCD Philippines Foundation Inclusive Education program was initiated in 2005 in response to a perceived need for a remodification of the current educational system for CWDs in the Philippines.



This law is known as the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. It was popularly called K to 12 because the act, (RA 10533), enhanced the Philippine Basic Education System by strengthening its curriculum and increasing the number of years for basic education.


30. what are the special features of these gifted curriculum models implemented in the philippines?​


1 maganda ang boses ko sa kanya ng mga pilipino sa patuloy na suliranin isyu at hamon sa kasarinlan bilugan ang bawat sagot na mahanap ang mga naging pagtugon ng mga pilipino sa patuloy na suliranin isyu at hamon sa kasarinlan bilugan ang bawat sagot na mahanap ang became respondents of sa patuloy na became responses to filipinos suliranin isyu at hamon sa kasarinlan bilugan ang bawat sagot na mahanap

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