Possible Questions In Bullying

Possible Questions In Bullying

who are the possible targets of the bullies?​

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1. who are the possible targets of the bullies?​


Kids because it's tiny little kids.


Why kids Are bullying? Because It's Kid.

2. possible way to address bullying?​


Telling bad words or saying bad words


Parang nakikipag away kalang Ganon po

3. What are the possible solutions to Bullying?​


a cctv so that the cctv will record the scene and then the officials will decide to what punishment will they do to the persons bullying.

4. question about bullying that you want to further discus about bullying​


Why does it happen? or What causes someone to bully?



What is the proper way to Discipline the Bully at School that would be effective?


Sometimes Teachers ignore them cause they dont know how llolol

5. What are the possible reason of cyber bullying

The possible reason of cyberbullying is that the internet world is a big medium for bullying a person without even knowing the identity of the bully. Everyone can read what the bully is saying to the one he was bullying and that makes it even worse. In cyberbullying also, there are no certain laws that can really punish the bully if the bully is hiding his identity.

6. Give 3 Question for Bullies ​


What is your reason to bully others?

Do you have any problem that you want us to know?

Can someone do something for you to change your attitude or it is because of someone or something that is hurting you?

7. possible immediate response of the body if tou are bullied by a classmate​


It is mostly possible for the child to cry when she/he is bullied by their classmate.

8. list down the possible emotions that a bullied person experience. if you were the person being bullied would you manage your emotion?​


Some people become depressed sometimes they will lose the will to live.

Some people bottle up their own emotions that will eventually cause them more pain.

Some became more aggressive and they will mirror their bully's behavior.

Some people use their experience to become stronger to strive to be better than their aggressors.


I was part of the depressed fraction before I met my friends they partially got me out of my depression but I'm still suffering from bullying right now. I wish they would stop and listen to the teachers just this once to know that their behavior towards me hurts me.

9. what could be the possible reflection about bullying


Bullying is a serious problem. Whether it’s verbal, cyber or physical, bullying can change a person’s life in many ways. Some people may take a constructive route and speak up about their struggles from being bullied. They may seek professional help to cope and deal with recovery. Others, who choose to do nothing, don’t reach out for help. They may become depressed and think suicidal thoughts. These victims of bully’s decide they can’t handle life itself anymore so they commit suicide. Additional people may develop eating disorders, if they were bullied because of their weight. The victims of bullies may secretly cut or harm themselves. Why do people, teens especially, think they need to end their life to stop all of the hurt?

The victim may feel suicidal, and just want to end their lives in a matter of seconds.


10. possible solution to cyber bullying​


Below are 9 strategies we as educators can employ to prevent cyberbullying in our classrooms.

Create digital citizens. ...

Educate yourself. ...

Discuss Bullying. ...

Supervise. ...

Teach students it's okay to report abuse. ...

Establish firm policies. ...

Encourage Active Student Participation in Decision Making.

11. list down the possible emotions that a bullied person experience. if you were the person being bullied would you manage your emotion?​

the emotions would be

feel bad

lose confidence

you'll be sad

12. possible effect of getting bullied


Bullying can lead to such psychological effects as low self-esteem, loneliness, and increased potential to lapse into illness. These issues may persist into adulthood. It should be recognized that these mental impacts do not stop at the bullied, they also extended to the bullies.


people who experience bullying are suffering from mental and physical health issues some of them are not attending school and some of them even ended their own life because of sorrow and sadness...

Explanation: hope it will help

13. Complete the table below. Think of possible preset code/categories/themes for the given questions. Areas of Focus Codes/Categories 1. How do you deal with bullies? ​


ignore nalang pag ganun




ignore na lang para walang gulo

14. 1.what is your idea of bullying2.what are the reason why people bully 3.what is the stand of the article about bullying 4.what are the effects of the bullying 5.what are the possible solution against bullying ​


1.Stop Bullying: Ideas for Your School. Stop Bullying! Bullying is deeply hurtful to students and destructive to the culture oMANILA, 6 September 2019⁠—One in three young people in 30 countries said they have been a victim of online bullying, with one in five saying they skipped school due to cyberbullying and violence, according to a new poll released today by UNICEF, the United Nations organization working for children’s rights.

2.Assumptions about bullies include believing that all bullies are loners or lack self-esteem. However, the reasons behind bullying can run the gamut from lack of impulse control and anger management issues to revenge and a longing to fit in.1 Here is an overview of the top eight reasons why kids may bully others.

3.MANILA, 6 September 2019⁠—One in three young people in 30 countries said they have been a victim of online bullying, with one in five saying they skipped school due to cyberbullying and violence, according to a new poll released today by UNICEF, the United Nations organization working for children’s rights.

In the Philippines, latest national data show that cyberviolence affects almost half of children aged 13-171. The prevalence of cyberviolence for males (44 per cent) is almost the same for females (43 per cent).

4.One-third of cyberviolence experienced by Filipino children are in the form of verbal abuse over the internet or cellphone, while a fourth are through sexual messages. More females received messages of sexual nature or content than males. However, twice as many males than females reported having their nude body or sexual activities, whether real or falsified, shown on the internet or cellphone.

5.The people who bully do not get any punishment unless the victim retaliatestes. Bully causes humiliation division and inequality in society.

Carry on learning;;;

15. In this question what is bullying


what is bullying?

Entry 1 of 4) 1a : a blustering, browbeating person especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable tormented by the neighborhood bully. b : pimp. 2 : a hired ruffian.

Sana Po makatulong


Bullying occurs when an individual (or a group of people) repeatedly and intentionally cause harm to another person (or group of people), who is unable to avoid being targeted. Bullying can include: Physical bullying (hitting, tripping, damaging property)

16. What would you do if there was a bully bullying someone?Defend the person who is bulliedIgnoreAttack the bully[Do not report, Please. This is just a Question.]


Defend The person Who is Bullied


The best thing to do is to help. Even that bully hurt you. because we feel genuine happiness when we know that we helped semeone.


Answer:Defend the person who is bullied

Explanation: Because we should not tolerate people who bully being a bystander is bad watching people who bully other people is wrong. Help him/her so that you do not regret it in the end.

17. it is possible to adopt anti bullying in elementary and secondary level why?​

because for me, no matter what you do to enforce that bullying is forbidden in elementary or high school, it still won't work, because children are stubborn now, and I know this because this is what happened to us

18. Easy questions about bullying

Why does bullying happens

Who are those person who are bullying

What solutions can a person make to avoid bullying

What are the effects of bullying to students

19. give the possible effects of bullying​

What is effect of bullying

Bullying can affect everyone—those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide

Kids who are bullied

Kids who are bullied can experience negative physical, social, emotional, academic, and mental health issues. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience:

Depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood.

Health complaints

Decreased academic achievement—GPA and standardized test scores—and school participation. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school.

Hope it helps


20. shycological effect of bullying give me a question about bullying​


What are the psychological and mental effects of cyberbullying?


Cyberbullying can cause debilitating fear, destruction of self-esteem, social isolation, poor academic performance. It can also lead to difficulty in forming healthy relationships and most importantly, victims can develop severe symptoms of post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression.



21. Question : Child Bullying ​

Answer:tell him that he/she is wrong

22. Write 5 possible effects of bullying or teasing during puberty




because they will remember it. u can search it. pa brainliest po

23. Question: Child Bullying Answer: Child bullying my h melic H​


mga batang nag bubuli

24. list down the possible emotions that bullied person experiences​


Depression and Anxiety.

25. question child bullying​


I'm sad and shocked because when we move the kids in our place bully me and it's my first time Tobe bullied


I'm so sad bullying should be ban

26. What can you possibly do as a student to preventWhat can you possibly do as a student to prevent bullying of the LGBT group? bullying of the LGBT group?


Being a student, we must be able to be open minded about this kind of topic. For the reason of achieving our goal of having a better world for everyone. As a mere student spreading love and defending people from the LGBTQ group can make a huge differemce considering the amount of hate they receive for merely loving a person they feel safe with. We must always remember that we must not be hurtful to people that we see as different from the rest the world.

27. what are possible effect of Cyber bullying in terms of behavior​


It can cause Trauma And Depression



Cyberbullying literature suggests that victims generally manifest psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, loneliness, low self-esteem, social exclusion, school phobias and poor academic performance


28. As teenagers, how can you possibly address cyber bullying?​

To adrrress cyberbullying i will let them know the consequences an individual may face because there is already a law about cyber bullying.


Think before making every post online, and avoid making posts that can have a negative effect on your reputation.Learn what cyberbullying is and what behaviors are involved in cyberbullying.Avoid putting inappropriate photos online because they can be the fuel that cyberbullies use.Messages from unknown people without opening them. Also, avoid opening messages from known bullies.Treat everything and everyone with respect.


Hope it help.!Pa brainliest


29. who are the possible victims of cyber bullying

I think the possible victims of cyber bullying are those who are introverted people and those who are expressing theirselves on the internet and doesn't know, and how to socialize.

30. questions about bullying​


Does the bullying can cause criminally??



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