Survey Questionnaire About Humss Strand

Survey Questionnaire About Humss Strand

quantitative topics about humss strand​

Daftar Isi

1. quantitative topics about humss strand​

check the photo for the answer



problema: bakit humms kinuha mo?

solution: mag tigil kana

3. research title about HUMSS strand​

Sure! Here's a research title related to the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand:

"The Impact of HUMSS Education on College Readiness and Career Preparedness: A Comparative Study of HUMSS and Non-HUMSS Senior High School Graduates"

4. Research Problem about Humss Strand that you want to conduct​

- Level of Political Awareness of the Students

- Level of English Proficiency among Students

- Level of Emotional Intelligence of the Students

5. Write a research proposal about any topic that is within Humss strand.​


Quantitative topics about the HumSS strand of anthropology may include studying cultural, physical, evolutional, and biological issues. Cultural anthropology research topics are especially popular

6. survey questionnaires about LGBTQ​




7. Make a survey questionnaire about the effect of pandemic. ​


Covid-19 has upended societies and dramatically altered everyday life across the globe. Our present circumstances, while unprecedented, have been profoundly shaped by persistent societal realities—such as entrenched racial and economic inequality, the proliferation of misinformation, and anxieties about the ability of the world’s democracies to confront major crises. In-depth social understanding will be vital to apprehending the crisis and charting a path forward.

8. research title about HUMSS strand​


Humanity Social Science


Anthropology & Culture Quantitative research topics about the HumSS strand of anthropology may include studying cultural, physical, evolutional, and biological issues. Cultural anthropology research topics are especially popular.

9. Give 3 survey Questionnaire about Tricycle


1.All tricycle drivers is our respondents ask them why tricycle driver they choose ?

2.Ask them it's livelihood purposes or not?

3 .how many percent the income of tricycle is help to sustain of daily lives?

10. Write a research proposal about any topic that is within HUMSS STRAND ​

sorry need ko points

pasenya na

11. A poem about "Why Humss Strand"4 paragraph and 5 lines Sana ​


I chose HUMSS because this strand will help me enhance not only my ability to talk in front of many people but also to gain self confidence and to enhance my ability to connect and communicate with the audience.


12. survey questionnaires about food

What is your favorite food?
Which taste of food do you prefer?
What is your favorite appetizer?

13. survey questionnaire about covid vaccine​


Several coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines are currently in human trials. In June 2020, we surveyed 13,426 people in 19 countries to determine potential acceptance rates and factors influencing acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine. Of these, 71.5% of participants reported that they would be very or somewhat likely to take a COVID-19 vaccine, and 48.1% reported that they would accept their employer’s recommendation to do so. Differences in acceptance rates ranged from almost 90% (in China) to less than 55% (in Russia). Respondents reporting higher levels of trust in information from government sources were more likely to accept a vaccine and take their employer’s advice to do so.



14. survey questionnaire about animals in the community​


Did you have time to bond?

What was your and your family's favorite pastime?

Is television become your entertainment?

Do you and your family enjoy doing task at home together?

Does your family play mind games to exercise your brain and to furthermore reduce boredom?

does every member of your family watch television together?

does your family often play board games during the ECQ?


15. make a 3 question about humss strand-pratical research- patulong naman​


1. What are the steps involved in conducting a practical research?

2. What are the benefits of conducting a practical research?

3. What are the challenges of conducting a practical research?

16. Quantitative research title about HUMSS strand​


Although definitions can vary across scholarly institutions and groups, generally the humanities are those disciplines that investigate the human condition, using primarily analytical, critical, or speculative methods. The humanities include (but are not limited to) ancient and modern languages, literature, history, philosophy, religion, and visual and performing arts such as music and theatre.

Closely related to the humanities, the social sciences are fields of study that may involve more empirical methods to consider society and human behaviour, including (but not limited to) anthropology, archaeology, criminology, economics, education, linguistics, political science and international relations, sociology, geography, law, and psychology.

17. Samples of questionnaires about academic strand


In survey questionnaire development projects of ekiti state definitions and dependency relationships

Step-by-step explanation:

Pa brainliest po sana makatulong

18. 3 reseach topic about the humss strand . pa help po


What is HumSS? Who even needs these studies? If you think about the nature of humans, you realize that we are all social creatures. Yes, even introverts are!

Humanities and social sciences are essential for our development. Let’s also see why practical research topics for HumSS students are so important.

HumSS studies our behavior in all contexts possible. It creates a complex overview of our nature on both individual and intercultural scales. Our identities, heritage, and culture are what make us conscious human beings. Also, religion is included as a prominent social science research title.

19. give a research title about humss strand?​


It studies our ancestors under the influence of different environments in the past. Quantitative research topics about the HumSS strand of anthropology may include studying cultural, physical, evolutional, and biological issues. Cultural anthropology research topics are especially popular.

Answer:Quantitative research

It studies our ancestors under the influence of different environments in the past. Quantitative research topics about the HumSS strand of anthropology may include studying cultural, physical, evolutional, and biological issues. Cultural anthropology research topics are especially popular.

20. Example of quantitative research title about humss strand, broad and specific title


technical vocational livelihood

21. what is your idea about survey questionnaire?​


Questionnaire surveys are a technique for gathering statistical information about the attributes, attitudes, or actions of a population by a structured set of questions.

-sana po makatulong. take care always po! ^.^


7 tips for writing a great survey or poll.

Focus on asking closed-ended questions. ...

Keep your survey questions neutral. ...

Keep a balanced set of answer choices. ...

Don't ask for two things at once. ...

Keep your questions different from each other. ...

Let most of your questions be optional to answer. ...

Do a test drive.


Hope it's helps



Correlation analysis is used to quantify the degree to which two variables are related. Through the correlation analysis, you evaluate correlation coefficient that tells you how much one variable changes when the other one does. Correlation analysis provides you with a linear relationship between two variables.


comment; cant post here.

23. give some TITLE research about humss strand​


The HUMSS strand in senior high school is designed to effectively prepare students who seek to pursue a college degree in liberal education. HUMSS courses cover a variety of subjects, looking at the world and its people from various points of view. The learning activities are directed towards the development of critical thinking.

HUMSS also focuses on developing your oral communication, media and information, and will hone your skills in reading and writing to a professional level. Because the HUMSS strand is intended for those who wish to explore careers in social sciences, this strand will involve a lot of research and presentation, making it a good preparation for their future careers as journalists, lawyers, teachers, politicians, writers, and psychologists.

24. baka namn HUMSSquestionnaire about working students.​


Okay, here are some sample questions you could include in your questionnaire about working students:

1. Are you currently a student who is also working?

2. How many hours per week do you work?

3. What type of work do you do (e.g. part-time job, internship, co-op)?

4. Why did you decide to work while studying?

5. How do you balance your work and study commitments?

6. Do you find it difficult to manage both work and study? If yes, why?

7. Does your work schedule interfere with your academic schedule? If yes, how do you manage this?

8. How has working affected your academic performance?

9. Have you had to make any sacrifices in terms of your personal life or extracurricular activities due to your work commitments?

10. Do you feel that working while studying has helped you develop any new skills? If yes, what are they?

11. Would you recommend that other students also work while studying? Why or why not?

12. Do you think that employers should be more accommodating to the needs of working students? If yes, how?

13. Do you receive any support from your school or employer to help you manage both work and study? If yes, what kind of support?

14. How has working while studying impacted your financial situation?

15. How do you plan to balance work and study commitments in the future?


pa brainliest naman pa Ace na ko ohh:>


What motivated you to work while studying?How many hours per week do you spend working while attending school?How has working affected your academic performance?What kind of job do you have, and how does it relate to your chosen field of study?What kind of support do you receive from your employer in terms of flexibility or accommodations for your school schedule?What challenges do you face as a working student?How do you manage your time between work and school responsibilities?Have you ever experienced burnout or fatigue from balancing work and school? If so, how did you address it?Have you had to sacrifice any extracurricular activities or social events because of work or school?Do you think working while studying has prepared you better for the workforce, or has it been a hindrance to your overall career goals?


What is the highest level of education completed by the working student's parents?How supportive are the working student's parents of their decision to work while studying?What is the financial situation of the working student's family?How much financial support do the working student's parents provide for their education?What is the primary reason for the working student to work while studying?How many hours does the working student spend working in a week?What kind of job does the working student have?How does the working student balance work and study responsibilities?What are the challenges that the working student's parents and family face with their child's decision to work while studying?How do the working student's parents feel about their child's academic performance while working?

25. 500 words essay about humss strand in sinior high school life​


The Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand is one of the four strands offered in senior high school under the K-12 program of the Philippines. It is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the various disciplines that fall under the humanities and social sciences, such as history, English, social studies, and philosophy.

One of the most notable features of the HUMSS strand is its focus on critical thinking and analysis. Students are encouraged to question and evaluate the information they are presented with, and to form their own opinions and perspectives. This helps to develop their critical thinking skills, which are essential for problem-solving and decision-making.

The HUMSS strand also emphasizes the importance of communication skills. Students learn how to effectively express themselves through writing and speaking, which are essential skills for any career in the humanities and social sciences. They also learn how to listen actively and to interpret and analyze different forms of communication, such as literature, film, and media.

Another key aspect of the HUMSS strand is its focus on history and culture. Students learn about the different periods and events that have shaped our world, and how they have affected the societies we live in today. They also learn about different cultures and how they have influenced art, literature, and other forms of expression. This helps to promote cultural understanding and appreciation, which is essential for living in a diverse and globalized world.

In addition to these core subjects, the HUMSS strand also offers a range of electives that allow students to explore specific areas of interest. For example, students can choose to take classes in literature, drama, and theater, which will provide them with a deeper understanding of these art forms. They can also take classes in philosophy, which will help them to think critically and to explore different perspectives on life and the world.

The HUMSS strand also prepares students for a wide range of careers, including teaching, law, politics, and journalism. The skills and knowledge they gain in the strand will also be useful in any career that requires critical thinking, analysis, and communication skills.

In conclusion, the HUMSS strand in senior high school life is an essential and beneficial aspect of the K-12 program of the Philippines. It provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the humanities and social sciences, and helps them to develop critical thinking, communication, and cultural understanding skills. The strand also prepares students for a wide range of careers, and helps to promote a better understanding of our world.

26. HUMSS... questionnaire about working students YUN 1 TO 5 SANA PO ​


How do you manage your time between work and studies?

What are the challenges you face as a working student?

Do you feel like your job affects your academic performance?

How do you cope with stress from both work and school?

In what ways has being a working student helped you in your personal growth and development?

27. give 3 title about HUMSS strand , and three strength , and weaknesses​


I cant properly see the questions

28. ACTIVITY 3: Directions: Complete the graphic organizer below about survey and questionnaire. STATISTICAL INSTRUMENTS SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Write a description of SURVEY Write a description of QUESTIONNAIRE​


Where's the graphic organizer po?

29. Examples of research title about Humss Strand​


Ambient awareness and its connection to social media

30. Samples of questionnaires about academic strand


You choose examples from choosing a questionnaire by strand for pioneering ... It has been a survey faster car, surveys can about academic

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