Lamentation In Tagalog

Lamentation In Tagalog

lamentation in tagalog

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1. lamentation in tagalog




2. is an formal lament lament for the death of the particular person?​


elegy: a formal and sustained lament in verse for the death of a particular person, usually ending in some form of consolation.

3. What is Lamentation?

Lamentation is an expression of great sadness.


There was a great lamentation in our community when people found out that our mayor was tragically killed last Wednesday.

4. Give a sentence about lamentation?

lamentation of angels over the dead Saviour.

5. what is definition of lamentable?​


deplorably bad or unsatisfactory.


of circumstances or conditions) deplorably bad or unsatisfactory.

"the facilities provided were lamentable, not merely basic but squalid"

6. what is the important event of the book lamentations? ​

The book is partly a traditional "city lament" mourning the desertion of the city by God, its destruction, and the ultimate return of the divinity, and partly a funeral dirge in which the bereaved bewails and addresses the dead.

Hope this helps!

7. Choose one of the Psalms listed as a lament. Write your choice below. Using the six-part structure of the lament as described in this Section, examine your Psalm verse by verse and write in the verse numbers that fit with the structure of the lament in the Table provided. NOTE: Some of the Lament Psalms will not have all the parts of this structure, and some parts of the structure may be utilized more than once. Psalm: I. Address to God: II. Lament or Complaint: III. Confession of Confidence: IV. Petition: V. Words of Assurance: VI. Vow or Exclamation of Praise:


di ku sure pa brainliests pls ty

8. what is the meaning of lament?

Grief, sorrow, to mourn.

To show or express sorrow, regret, or unhappiness about something.

9. what is the definition of acquist, gore, lamentation, jocund, and slinger?​


1. Acquist- the act of acquiring or gaining possession.

2. Gore- blood from a wound or cut.

3. Lamentation- the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping.

4. Jocund-cheerful and lighthearted.

5. Slinger- a person who throws or slings. ... The definition of a slinger is a person who flings or throws something. An example of a slinger is a person who launches a catapult.

10. create a simple paragraph about this lament of healthy sway​


Keep your hands clean regularly because many diseases can attack your body though you hands. Try to maintain good hygiene which will keep all the sickness away from your body. Do a regular body as well as dental checkups. Maintain your healthy weight and make sure it is under control.

Helping is caring nyaaa:3

pa brainliests po <3

11. ytivitcudnoc lamentpaki arrange naman pls ​






This is the answer. Hope it helps you.

12. who is the speaker of the poem lament for littlest fellow?


the author


because she create it

13. what is name lament song of the manobo​


Ulag Ing is the lament song of the Manobo.

14. word rumble of lament​



1, 2 bewail, bemoan, deplore. 3, 4 grieve, weep. 5 lamentation, moan. 6 monody, threnody.

15. poems of lamentation​


What is poem if lamentation

Lament, a nonnarrative poem expressing deep grief or sorrow over a personal loss.


1. Dear God,

Protect us from this pandemic that we may live and accomplish our goals in life and protect the ones we love. Help us to adopt to this situation. Give us strength and wisdom to finish our assignments. Amen.

2. Dear God,

We praise you and glorify your name. We praise you for all your beautiful creations. We praise you for giving us another life everyday. Amen.

3. Dear God,

Thank you for giving us life everyday. Thank you for giving us friends and families who support us everyday. Thank you for the animals, plants trees and the air we breath. Thank you for the sunlight and the moon. Thank you for the water. Thank you for the blessings we receive from you everyday. Amen.

I hope i helped

17. Nag uumiyak lament si danding at nagkulong sa kuwarto?​


ok?, so ano po dyan ung tanong?

18. Lamentations 3:22 reflection​


Lamentations 3:22–24 contains this interesting, hope-filled expression: "The Lord is my portion." A Handbook on Lamentations offers this explanation: When we wake up to discover his steady, daily, restorative care, our hope is renewed, and our faith is reborn.

19. A lament of dead A. elegy B. narrative



Correct me if im wrong po.

20. brows through the book of psalms an list at least two more example of psalms of praise lament and thanksgivingpraise lament thanksgivingplss help me


Rouse yourself! Why do you sleep, O Lord? … Why do you forget our affliction?" (Ps 44:23-24). If many of us have been taught to put on a happy face, to let a smile be our umbrella, to keep our complaints to ourselves, then the Hebrew Bible offers a welcome corrective in the complaint psalms, or psalms of lament.



21. meaning of lamentations

The passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping

22. a lament song of manobo​


Ulag lng


This is the lament song of Manobo

23. if the filipino resiliency something celebratory or is it something lamentable?


My answer here is divided. The positive effect of Filipinos being resilient is that we are not prone to depression and is very loose in pressuring ourselves and therefore our Filipino community is usually lighter and stress frèe. Think of it like how Filipinos are still able to smile after calamities, or how employees with really strict and rude bosses are still able to joke around during work by imitating their boss' frown. This shows how Filipinos are very easy going and adaptable even with extreme or stressful affairs. However, this could also be a serious problem in the most disturbing way like for example, instead of doing something, we settle for less like, we can have better lives but we emd up not having a better one because one would say "It's okay atleast I'm alive." or "I didn't have the nicest marks but atleast I passed!". Sometimes resiliency becomes an excuse for incompetency of people being lazy and not trying hard enough to achieve excellence. I think this is a serious problem we need to address, as we don't strive for excellence anymore. I mean, resiliency is different from being modest. Being modest is actually wanting something, but being okay with something even when you want more, hinders us from achieving more when we can do so much better.

24. Meaning of lamentation? ​


the passionate expression of grief or sorrow; weeping

Step-by-step explanation:






Themes. Lamentations combines elements of the qinah, a funeral dirge for the loss of the city, and the "communal lament" pleading for the restoration of its people. ... Beginning with the reality of disaster, Lamentations concludes with the bitter possibility that God may have finally rejected Israel (chapter 5:22)

Step-by-step explanation:

This book contains the elegies of the prophet Jeremiah. In this chapter he refers to his own experience under affliction as an example as to how the people of Judah should behave under theirs, so as to have hope of a restoration

The book of Lamentations expresses the humiliation, suffering, and despair of Jerusalem and her people following the destruction of the city by the Babylonians in 587 BCE. ... Lamentations is notable both for the starkness of its imagery of the devastated city and for its poetic artistry.Apr 28, 2016

Lamentations, written by Jeremiah, presents a dirge as Judah went into exile. The last two major prophets, Ezekiel and Daniel, spoke and wrote to the people in exile, encouraging them to remember that God was still in control and would eventually restore the spiritual fortunes of His disciplined nation.

25. Meaning of lamentation?

an expression of sorrow or deep sadness

26. A. Definition 1. gallows-2. sanguine-3. lament-​


GALLOWS-a structure, typically of two uprights and a crosspiece, for the hanging of criminals.

Sanguine-optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.

Lament-a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.




1. Gallows - a frame usually of two upright posts and a transverse beam from which criminals are hanged —called also gallows tree.

2. Sanguine- marked by eager hopefulness : confidently optimistic

3. Lament- 'A passionate expression of grief or sorrow.

27. Who is the persona of the poem Lament of the littlest fellow


Edith L. Tiempo


28. are african laments happy or sad?why?​




Always fighthing people and war

29. Lament for the littlest fellow poem meaning

Lament for the littlest fellow is a poem about a wife who was compared by her husband to a monkey. The wife felt belittled by him and felt that she was inside his cage. She felt that she is without freedom in her relationship and marriage life with her husband as she said in the poem " he held the bars and blinked his old man's eyes" and "you wake and i bruised my hand on the living cage".

30. it is a song of lamentation from the death of a loved one​


Gloomy Sunday.


" Gloomy Sunday " also known as the "Hungarian Suicide Song", is a popular song composed by Hungarian pianist and composer Rezső Seress and published in 1933.

The original lyrics were titled “Vége a világnak” (The world is ending) and were about despair caused by war, ending in a quiet prayer about people's sins. Poet László Jávor wrote his own lyrics to the song, titled Szomorú vasárnap (Sad Sunday), in which the protagonist wants to commit suicide following his lover's death.[1] The latter lyrics ended up becoming more popular while the former were essentially forgotten. The song was first recorded in Hungarian by Pál Kalmár in 1935.

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