Define Material Possessions

Define Material Possessions

Do material possessions define one’s success in life?​

Daftar Isi

1. Do material possessions define one’s success in life?​


A new study found that viewing wealth and material possessions as a sign of success yields significantly better results to life satisfaction than viewing wealth and possessions as a sign of happiness. Money can't buy you happiness, but it could motivate you to live a better life.


yes?because of you're succesfull that means you have work,you have money,what're you gonna do with that money ba?well maybe it's on the person kung anong gagawin nya sa pera nya.bahalaka

2. what is the role material possession in defining one's self​


Role of material possessions on a person's sense of self

Our material possessions play a powerful role in ordinary experience. They can afford lines of conduct, support identity projects, and facilitate forms of self-reflection and emotionality. ... Identity stabilization - Familiar objects have an anchoring effect on mind, identity, and social relationships


3. Do material possessions define one’s success in life? Defend your answer. *​


Yes, coz a new study found that viewing wealth and material possessions as a sign of success yields significantly better results to life satisfaction than viewing wealth and possessions as a sign of happiness. Money can't buy you happiness, but it could motivate you to live a better life.

4. read and copy the sentences the word or group of words in the same sentence that tells the meaning of the word1)ambulance is a vehicle equipped or sick2)bravery means the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger,fear,and difficulty3)apartment refers to a room or set of rooms fitted esp.with housekeeping facilities4)computer is defined as a programmed electronic device that can store,retrieve and process data5)the state of the one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions is called poverty.​

1)ambulance is a vehicle equipped or sick

2)bravery means the quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger,fear,and difficulty

3)apartment refers to a room or set of rooms fitted esp.with housekeeping facilities

4)computer is defined as a programmed electronic device that can store,retrieve and process data

5)the state of the one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions is called poverty.

Bolded and underlined = box

5. In this activity, you will apply what you have learned from the lesson.A. Identify the correct answer. Write the letter of the correct answer._____1. It is any discrimination against any individual on the basis of their skin coloror racial or ethnic origin._____2. It is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come todefine Earth's local, regional and global climates.______3. It refers to a human population that is too large to be sustained by itsenvironment in the long term.______4. It is the state of not having enough material possessions or income for aperson's basic needs.______5. It is often defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, theirpotential, and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.​












6. ______ 1. Rules are vital in one’s life because: a. People are dictated to follow it b. Society likes it c. Peace and order are maintained d. Some are trouble makers ______ 2. These are the reasons why we should study ethics, except: a. He will gain a clearer insight into his claims upon society, and the duties that he owes to society. b. His understanding of moral problems will be widened c. It stimulates mental awareness d. His critical faculties will be trained ______ 3. The philosophical study of morality: a. Rules b. Norms c. Ethics d. Character _____ 4. This kind of ethics actually defines what is right and wrong a. Normative ethics b. Descriptive Ethics c. Moral Ethics d. All of the above _____ 5. Ethics is sometimes called a. Ethical Standard b. Moral Philosophy c. Philosophy of right and wrong d. None of the above ______ 6. Which of the following statements is true of culture? a. Nature is culture b. Archaeologists are scientist c. Culture is power that create something d. Art is part of culture _____ 7. With imagination, our focus can be on a. Things that are impossible b. Things that might be possible c. Things that are present d. Things that are probable _____ 8. As fields of study, the humanities emphasize analysis and a. Exchange of ideas b. Limitations of humans c. Possessions of wealth d. None of the above _____ 9. Which of the following is true? a. Imagination is thinking of something b. Art is discipline c. Philosophy develops intellectual abilities d. All of the above _____ 10. Philosophy means: a. Love of material thing b. Love of wisdom c. Goals d. All of the above












7. 1. The following are tips in managing resources effectively, except A. do all the responsibilities / chores at home. B. use energy and time properly. C. know how to budget money. D. adapt a cheerful and positive attitude towards work. 2. The following are list of resources. Which is not a non-material resources? A. experience B. health C. time D. money 3. What do you mean by budget? A. A plan for determining the amount to be saved . B. A plan for doing household chores. C. A plan for making project. D. A plan for spending and a plan for saving. 4. Doing work and easier means A. budgeting B. evaluating C. project plan D. work simplification 5. Which best define family resources? A. Those that the family possesses and uses in home-making activities to achieve family goals. B. Those that the family inherent or acquired. C. Those that the family designed to simplify work. D. Those that the family considered in effective management.​



This is my answer.

8. Being poor is not limited to material things that a person possesses. A wealthy man or woman even if they are living a comfortable and luxurious life could possibly be poor. TASK: On your filler or on a bond paper, write ONE whole paragraph with minimum of 10 sentences reflecting on and answering the questions below. 1. How do you define a poor person? 2. What makes a person poor? 3. Is being "poor" limited to material possessions? Why? 4. Do you consider yourself poor? If yes, in what aspect?


1. How do you define a poor person?

there two meaning of poor, the first one is lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society while the other one is worse than is usual, expected, or desirable; of a low or inferior standard or quality.

2. What makes a person poor?

they lack a financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living.

3. Is being "poor" limited to material possessions? Why?

it depends, when poor people doesn't have many material possessions but they use their life properly and enjoyable it's enough for them.

4. Do you consider yourself poor? If yes, in what aspect?

yes, in an aspect of socialization. why? because Im bad at communicating with people and I don't want being in crowded place.

9. ______ 1. Rules are vital in one’s life because: a. People are dictated to follow it b. Society likes it c. Peace and order are maintained d. Some are trouble makers ______ 2. These are the reasons why we should study ethics, except: a. He will gain a clearer insight into his claims upon society, and the duties that he owes to society. b. His understanding of moral problems will be widened c. It stimulates mental awareness d. His critical faculties will be trained ______ 3. The philosophical study of morality: a. Rules b. Norms c. Ethics d. Character _____ 4. This kind of ethics actually defines what is right and wrong a. Normative ethics b. Descriptive Ethics c. Moral Ethics d. All of the above _____ 5. Ethics is sometimes called a. Ethical Standard b. Moral Philosophy c. Philosophy of right and wrong d. None of the above ______ 6. Which of the following statements is true of culture? a. Nature is culture b. Archaeologists are scientist c. Culture is power that create something d. Art is part of culture _____ 7. With imagination, our focus can be on a. Things that are impossible b. Things that might be possible c. Things that are present d. Things that are probable _____ 8. As fields of study, the humanities emphasize analysis and a. Exchange of ideas b. Limitations of humans c. Possessions of wealth d. None of the above _____ 9. Which of the following is true? a. Imagination is thinking of something b. Art is discipline c. Philosophy develops intellectual abilities d. All of the above _____ 10. Philosophy means: a. Love of material thing b. Love of wisdom c. Goals d. All of the above

1. A.
2. C.
3. B.
4. D.
5. B.
6. D.
7. B.
8. B.
9, D.
10. B.

10. It is defined as the simple questioning of a person believed to possess knowledge that is necessary, relevant and material to the crime committed which is under investigation.


Criminal Investigation

11. III. Multiple choice. Choose the best answer.21. Bentong lifts up her baby from the crib. Is there work donein this scenario?No, because no force is appliedb. No, because the force applied is perpendicular to theDisplacementYes, because the force applied is parallel to theDisplacementd. Yos, because the force applied is perpendicular to theDisplacement22. Kinetio onorgy is the energy possessed by a body due toitaa. Composition c. Motionb Natured. position23. Of the following units, what is the unit of potential energy?a. Newtonc. Literb. Jouled. Loovon24. It is defined as the capacity or the ability to do worka, Energyc. Powerb. Workd. forco25. A sound is a form ofenergy, that's why itmust travel through a mediuma. Electricalc. Mechanicalb. Electromagnetic d. chemical26. Sound can be transmitted in all materials except,a solidb. liquidd. vacuum27. In a rainbow, the most bend color is:a, violotb. greend. redc. gasc. bluo​


21. C. Yes, because the force applied is parallel to the

Yes, because the force applied is parallel to theDisplacement

22. C. Motion

23. B. Joule

24. C. Power

25. B. Electromagnetic

26. D. Vacuum

27. A. Violet

12. 1. Which of the following statements best describe opinion? a. It is a statement of judgment of a person about something in the world. b. It is an observable thing which creates a conclusion. c. It is factual details. d. It is debatable proven to be true. 2. Opinion possesses the following except what? a. statements of judgment b. purely justification c. tests of justification d. strengthen reasons 3. Which of the following is not an example of fake arguments? a. Argument against person b. Argument against reality c. Appeal to force d. Appeal to pity 4. The human body is a dignified body because of _________. a. its body parts have specific functions using imagery b. its mind capable at limited capabilities c. its unique that carries present situation d. its inherent with dignity that needs to be respected 5. Which of the following is not a condition to meet before you claim the ownership of the body? a. Nobody owns the body except me and me alone. b. It must be share among others. c. A person is responsible of what he or she owns. d. Ownership has full control of over what he or she owns. 6. Which of the following does not shows that body is a component part of a person? a. There is a symbiotic relationship between the body and soul. b. Body is the medium between the self and the world. c. Body is a living person who struggles in life. d. Body is not a material object. 7. Which of the following is related to human existence? a. race b. citizenship c. birthplace d. language 8. What is the difference between gender and sex? a. Gender is culturally defined rather than biologically. b. Gender is rationally defined rather than biologically. c. Gender is biologically defined rather than culturally. d. Gender is biologically defined rather than rationally. 9. Which of the following shows the concept of death? a. The person temporarily imposes limits to existence. b. The human person’s temporal existence will find its end. c. The conscience of person plays primary role in recovering from being lost or fallen. d. Human person relatedness to entities which he encountered in the world. 10. Which of the following shows the concept of conscience? a. The person temporarily imposes limits to existence. b. The human person’s temporal existence will find its end. c. The conscience of person plays primary role in recovering from being lost or fallen. d. Human person relatedness to entities which he encountered in the world. 11. Which of the following shows the concept of temporality? a. The person temporarily imposes limits to existence. b. The human person’s temporal existence will find its end. c. The conscience of person plays primary role in recovering from being lost or fallen. d. Human person relatedness to entities which he encountered in the world. 12. Which of the following shows the concept of concern? a. The person temporarily imposes limits to existence. b. The human person’s temporal existence will find its end. c. The conscience of person plays primary role in recovering from being lost or fallen. d. Human person relatedness to entities which he encountered in the world 13. Which of the following shows the concept of dread? a. Man has to establish relationship to others and to the world. b. Man is simply thrown into the world and left alone to face what he can do. c. Man has guilt feeling. d. Man has readiness to be called as conscience. 14. Which of the following shows the concept of being related to others? a. Man has to establish relationship to others and to the world. b. Man is simply thrown into the world and left alone to face what he can do. c. Man has guilt feeling. d. Man has readiness to be called as conscience. 15. Which of the following shows the concept of resoluteness? a. Man has to establish relationship to others and to the world. b. Man is simply thrown into the world and left alone to face what he can do. c. Man has guilt feeling. d. Man has readiness to be called as conscience.


1 B

2 C

3 A

4 D

5 D

6 ?

7 A

8 B

9 ?

10 C

11 D



14 ?

15 ?


napaka hiral

13. 1. Which of the following is the best description of what constitutes a social issue? A. A problem that prevents society from functioning normally. B. A problem that only seen overseas C. A problem that is only important to politicians D. A problem that has been around for a thousand-year 2. Which can be categorize as a social issue? A. Teens using a beach to build a bonfire B. A boy throwing rocks into a pond C. A High School girl who becomes pregnant D. A mother who takes away her son's phone for not listening to her 3. What Word "BULLYING" is defined, which one does not belong to it? A. It involves hurting someone's reputation B. A state of a person who lacks money or material possessions C. Offensive Activity involving a real or perceived power D. Saying or writing mean things intentionally 4. What is social media addiction? Which statement best describe social media addiction? A. Compulsive and excessive use of social media B. Checked phone every time and everywhere C. craving for internet connection D. taking selfie most of the time 5. Using too much social media is bad for you. A. Agree B. Disagree C. Absolutely disagree D. Absolutely Agree








I just based my answer from my opinion,hope it helped you

14. Read the questions carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if not. 1. St. Thomas Aquinas defined the virtue of justice. 2. The seventh commandment is more concerned with the root of such actions--- "the disordered desires of the heart, its covetousness". 3. In the Old Testament, Christ constantly warns us through His teachings against acts of stealing and unjust craving for material possessions, 4. Upholding justice means, upholding and promoting human dignity. 5. Catholic social teaching has always affirmed the value and dignity of human labor.​







15. Being poor is not limited to material things that a person possesses. A wealthy man or woman even if they are living a comfortable and luxurious life could possibly be poor. TASK: On your filler or on a bond paper, write ONE whole paragraph with minimum of 10 sentences reflecting on and answering the questions below. 1. How do you define a poor person? 2. What makes a person poor? 3. Is being "poor" limited to material possessions? Why? 4. Do you consider yourself poor? If yes, in what aspect?\ maayos na sagot please. report kapag hindi. +brainliest answer

1. If they dont have too much
2. because they dont have enough money and they forgot to save money so when the time comes you have some money
3. No,because everybody is poor at first but when they achieve their goals they became rich.
4. Maybe because we have money but its not enough to pay all our bills.

Hope it helps

16. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the word/s that is being defined or described. Write your answers on the blanks.1. It is a set of abilities that one possesses in order to perform physical activities.2. A physical fitness activity that measures the strength of the upper extremities.3. It is the ability to perform a movement in one direction in the shortest periodof time,4. A physical fitness activity that measures the coordination of the eye and hand.5. The best materials to be used when checking your BMI.​


1. Skill-related Physical fitness (SRPF) consists of components that have a relationship with learning motor-skills quickly and the ability to achieve a high level of performance in sports.

2. The modified pull-up and the push-up are possible alternatives for measuring upper-body musculoskeletal strength and power. The curl-up could also be considered for measuring an additional construct, core strength.

3. speed, The ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time.

4. Eye–hand coordination has been studied in activities as diverse as the movement of solid objects such as wooden blocks, archery, sporting performance, music reading, computer gaming, copy-typing, and even tea-making.

5. Body weight alone can be used to follow weight loss and to determine the effectiveness of therapy. Help Your Patients Check Their BMI .

17. 15. Bagobos is a combinaton of two words, "bago" and "obo". The word "obo" means A. people B. growth C. house D. new 16. Who is the most famous T'boli dream weaver who received the National Living Treasures - Gawad Manlilihikha ng Bayan awarded by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts or NCCA? A. Trexia Sola B. Jester Gumanao Oani C. Norman "Nonoy' F. Narciso D. Lang Dulay 17. Maranao means A. People of the Sun B. People of the Mountain C. People of the Lake D. People of the Land 18. Yakan hand-gloomed fabrics are known for their A. special textile woven from abaca fibers B. small pieces of mother-of-pearlC. use of bold color and geometric patterns D. embroidery and brass ornaments 19. A contemporary artist whose artworks blur the ontologies of musical instrument, sculpture, and installation. A. Dennis Puzon B. Norman "Nonoy' F. NarcisoC. Paula "Pau" Magpayo Feliciano D. Leonardo C. Comargo Jr 20. Which of the following is not a name of Paula "Pau" Magpayo Feliciano's contemporary art work? A. "Bata-Bata" B. "In Retrospect" C. “Art Atelier II D. "Configure" 21. is a defined as the material, or the substance out of which a work is made. A. Artistic Skills B. Medium C. Technique D. Natures of Art a 22. Which of the following is classified as "two-dimensional" art? A. Pottery B. Paintings C. Sculpture D. Installation art 23. The following uses "words" as a medium for making art expect A. Nonfiction B. Sculpture C. Novel D. Poetry 24. These are the abilities that are possessed by artists who operate within a fine art capacity. A. Artistic Skills B. Mediums C. Techniques D. Natures of Art 6 TL anin which arietenand moniulote material​













pa brainlist po plss friend


18. 1: denies the existence of God2. They believe that only thesamensione4. They beliefmay Godoor de lesfollow6 They belief in the afterlife of the stof heaven and he1. A set of belief used to understand the worldR. it define our personal senses of reality9. Beere that God ordened there but Good no longeractively involved in the continuous process of creation10. Belief one God11. Belief in many gods.12. Something that possess holiness13. The term used to describe the influence of Greek outtare on the entireRoman Empires14 The whole complex of distinctive spormal, material intelectual andemotional features that characterize a society or social group15. It considers your own cultune as super from the rest16 A theory about the foundation of a culture rather than a practice whichsubsumes cultural ideas17. A movement artendency forward wodwide Christianty or cooperation18. It is more of awareness and prevention against the sander which includessocial distancing wearing masks and washing of hands orgholtavoid the virus19. A place that is thought of as holy to a particular20. is a worldwiew beer or a model of thought?​


Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!


Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!Beyb oh si optimom pride!

19. ------1. it is defined as any wastes that is dry in from and is discarded as unwanted. a. bio-degradable b. liquid wastes c. solid wastes d. gas wastes------2. a wastes that can be broken down { decomposed } into their constituent elements by bacteria and other microorganism.a. bio-degradable b. liquid wastes c. solid wastes d. gas wastes------3. these unsafe substances used commercially,industrial,agriculturally, or economically.a. bio-degradable b. liquid wastes c. solid wastes d. gas wastes------4. a type of wastes that include humans waste, runoff { storm water or flood water } sullage, industrial wastewater.a. bio-degradable b. liquid wastes c. solid wastes d. gas wastes------5. it is the collecting, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of waste materials.a. bio-degradable b. liquid wastes c. solid wastes d. gas wastes-------6. these wastes are safe substances used commercially, industrially, agriculturally, or is defined as any wastes that is dry in from and idiscarded as unwanted. a. bio-degradable b. liquid wastes c. solid wastes d. gas wastes------7. it is shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from under ground movement. a. earthquake b. fire c. flood d. typhoon------8. it is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. a. earthquake b. fire c. flood d. typhoon------9. during the earthquake the following should be observed except. a. run b. drop c. hold on d. cover------10. this refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire that may result in death, injury, or property damage. a. fire safety b. fire drill c. earthquake d. earthquake drill------11. it is a flexible pad held over the nose and mouth by elastic or rubber straps to protect against dust. a. dust mask b. gas mask c. face shield d. oxygen------12. this is a form isolation used to prevent the spread of diseases that can be spread through contact with open wounds. a. contact b. strict c. respiratory d. reverse------13. this is a method to prevent a patient in a compromised health situation from being contaminated by the other people or objects. a. contact b. strict c. respiratory d. reverse-------14. a good first aider must possess the ability of devising ways and means. a. resourceful b. gentle c. watchful d. gladsome--------15. this a mutual association or feeling to be shown to the victim. a. sympathetic b. diplomatic c. gladsome d. resourcefulPlsss po helpp brainliest ko po sumagot neto​


1. C. Solid wastes

2. A. bio-degradable

3. D. Gas wastes

4. B. Liquid wastes

5. (wala sa choices, but the answer is WASTE MANAGEMENT)

6. A. bio-degradable

7. A. Earthquake

8. (wala ulit sa choices, but it's FIRST-AID)

9. A. run

10. A. Fire Safety

11. A. dust mask

12. A. Contact

13. B. Strict

14. A. resourceful

15. A. sympathetic

hope it helps : )))

20. Economic Management MULTIPLE CHOICE A large group of people with similar economic attributes that shape their lifestyles and life chances is called a(n) interest group. class. subculture. human capital. economic unit. Whose concept of class was based primarily on how money was made rather than simply on how much money was made? Max Weber Mohammad Khatami Harold Lasswell Karl Marx Pavan Varma The structure of an economy based on the methods of production, patterns of property ownership, and relations between workers and owners is the level of economic development. mode of production. gross domestic product. political economy. means of production. The bourgeoisie is defined by Marx as the wealthiest and most powerful members of society. common, boorish, unsophisticated people. those who use, but do not own, the means of production. service workers, white collar managers, and civil servants. owners of the means of production. The proletariat is defined by Marx as those who use, but do not own, the means of production. the poorest individuals in society. owners of the means of production. common, boorish, unsophisticated people. service workers, white collar managers, and civil servants. The old middle class refers to the wealthiest people in a country. small business owners who possess the means of production. manual laborers and unskilled workers. anyone who works hard for a living. service workers, white collar managers, and civil servants. The new middle class refers to those who own the means of production. manual laborers and minimum-wage employees. those who use, but do not own, the means of production. all people with steady employment outside of the most senior management. service workers, white collar managers, and civil servants. In a post-industrial, economically developed country, the majority of the population falls into the upper class. bourgeoisie. middle class. working class. underclass. What is the term for the income level that half of the population falls below and half of the population falls above? Average income Per capita gross domestic product Purchasing power parity Median income Gross national product The purpose of presenting economic data in constant dollars is to control for increased value due to inflation. control for the value of different currency. present data in the actual market value of the currency being studied. take into account the cost of living in a given country. take into account the distribution of wealth among a countryâs population. Which best describes a key difference between gross national product (GNP) and gross domestic product (GDP)? GDP is the value of all the goods and services that citizens of a state produce, whether they live inside the country or abroad; GNP is the sum of all goods and services produced within the borders of a particular state, whether by citizens or not. GNP is the value of all the goods and services that citizens of a state produce, whether they live inside the country or abroad; GDP is the sum of all goods and services produced within the borders of a particular state, whether by citizens or not. GNP is the value of all the goods and services that citizens of a state produce, whether they live inside the country or abroad; GDP is that number divided by the number of people in that state. GDP is the value of all the goods and services that citizens of a state produce, whether they live inside the country or abroad; GNP is that number divided by the number of people in that state. GNP is the sum of all goods and services produced within the borders of a particular state, whether by citizens or not; GDP adjusts that for comparative purposes by comparing how much one can purchase with the same amount of money in different countries. Purchasing power parity is aimed at adjusting statistics based on the size of a countryâs population. the overall wealth or poverty of a country. how much one can purchase with the same amount of money in different countries. the distribution of wealth among a countryâs population. economic activity of Americans living abroad and noncitizens living in the United States. Most newly industrialized countries (NICs) are found in Asia. the Middle East. Central America. Eastern Europe. Africa. The economic activity of lesser developed countries (LDCs) is often concentrated in agricultural industries and extraction processes for raw materials. service industries such as call centers and tourism. light manufacturing such as textiles factories. heavy manufacturing such as automobile plants. high-tech manufacturing such as production of computer chips or petro-chemicals. The postcommunist states are typically referred to as economically developed countries. lesser developed countries. countries in transition. newly industrialized countries. emerging market countries. The emerging market countries are found primarily among which types of countries? Both economically developed countries and newly ind


Huh? nasan yung tanong?

21. ______ 1. Rules are vital in one’s life because: a. People are dictated to follow it b. Society likes it c. Peace and order are maintained d. Some are trouble makers ______ 2. These are the reasons why we should study ethics, except: a. He will gain a clearer insight into his claims upon society, and the duties that he owes to society. b. His understanding of moral problems will be widened c. It stimulates mental awareness d. His critical faculties will be trained ______ 3. The philosophical study of morality: a. Rules b. Norms c. Ethics d. Character _____ 4. This kind of ethics actually defines what is right and wrong a. Normative ethics b. Descriptive Ethics c. Moral Ethics d. All of the above _____ 5. Ethics is sometimes called a. Ethical Standard b. Moral Philosophy c. Philosophy of right and wrong d. None of the above ______ 6. Which of the following statements is true of culture? a. Nature is culture b. Archaeologists are scientist c. Culture is power that create something d. Art is part of culture _____ 7. With imagination, our focus can be on a. Things that are impossible b. Things that might be possible c. Things that are present d. Things that are probable _____ 8. As fields of study, the humanities emphasize analysis and a. Exchange of ideas b. Limitations of humans c. Possessions of wealth d. None of the above _____ 9. Which of the following is true? a. Imagination is thinking of something b. Art is discipline c. Philosophy develops intellectual abilities d. All of the above _____ 10. Philosophy means: a. Love of material thing b. Love of wisdom c. Goals d. All of the above












22. The following are list of resources. Which is not a non-material resources? *1 pointA. experienceB. healthC. timeD. moneyHow can you help your family in wise spending your family income? *1 pointA. Make a list of all the things needed at home before going to a store.B. Buy first the things you wanted like “sitsirya” before buying things needed.C. Don’t mind the qualities of the things you buy.D. Go to the store that offers cheap merchandize but have low quality.This time of Pandemic, how can you help your family in managing your money efficiently ? *1 pointA. I save a pat of my daily allowance for future useB. I recycle my used notebooks, pens, etc so that I can use them again.C. I avoid buying unnecessary things like toys, if we are out of the budget.D. All of the aboveNeeds are those things which the family needs to survive on a day-to-day basis. *1 pointA. basic needsB. incomeC. secondaryD. expendituresWhich best define family resources? *1 pointA. Those that the family possesses and uses in home-making activities to achieveB. Those that the family inherent or acquired.C. Those that the family designed to simplify work.D. Those that the family considered in effective management.What do Doing work and easier means __________. *1 pointA. budgetingB. evaluatingC. project planD. work simplificationInherited land, farm, and garden are example of what kind of family income? *1 pointA. Money incomeB. Real incomeC. Psychic incomeD. Family incomeWhat do you mean by budget? *1 pointA. A plan for determining the amount to be savedB. A plan for doing household chores.C. A plan for making project.D. A plan for spending and a plan for saving.The following are list of sources of family income. Which is not included. *1 pointA. SalaryB. BonusesC. RentalsD. ResourcesWho are the important resources in home management? *1 pointA. fatherB. motherC. childrenD. all of the aboveWhich is NOT a factor to consider in effective management? *1 pointA. resourcesB. values and goalsC. skills and interestD. wants and leisureWhich best define family income? *1 pointA. Money that an individual receives in exchange for providing goods or services.B. Total income earned by all the members of the household.C. Money income received over a certain period of time.D. Those that the family considered in effective management.The following are list of resources. Which is not a human resources? *1 pointA. abilities and skillsB. energyC. knowledgeD. moneyThe following are tips in managing resources effectively, except _________? *1 pointA. do all the responsibilities / chores at home.B. use energy and time properly.C. know how to budget money.D. adapt a cheerful and positive attitude towards work.Which best define family resources? *1 pointA. Those that the family possesses and uses in home-making activities toB. Those that the family inherent or acquired.C. Those that the family designed to simplify work.D. Those that the family considered in effective management.The following are types of sources of family income. Which is NOT included. *1 pointA. Money incomeB. Real incomeC. Psychic incomeD. Family incomeHow can you help your family in wise spending your family income? *1 pointA. Go to a store where you can be assured of good quality and standard priceB. Buy fruits and vegetables that are not in season.C. Don’t mind the qualities of the things you buy.D. Do not compare the prices of the products to be bought.Which is classified as “enjoyment income?” *1 pointA. farm, inherited landB. trip to Hongkong, free dinnerC. bonuses, dividends, interestD. salary and wagesWhat source of family income also called as “enjoyment income?” *1 pointA. Money incomeB. Real incomeC. Psychic incomeD. Family incomeThe income earned by all the members of the household is called __________. *1 pointA. Family incomeB. Real incomeC. ProfitD. Expenses​


The following are list of resources. Which is not a non-material resources? *

A. experience

B. health

C. time

D. money

How can you help your family in wise spending your family income? *

A. Make a list of all the things needed at home before going to a store.

B. Buy first the things you wanted like “sitsirya” before buying things needed.

C. Don’t mind the qualities of the things you buy.

D. Go to the store that offers cheap merchandize but have low quality.

This time of Pandemic, how can you help your family in managing your money efficiently ? *

A. I save a pat of my daily allowance for future use

B. I recycle my used notebooks, pens, etc so that I can use them again.

C. I avoid buying unnecessary things like toys, if we are out of the budget.

D. All of the above

Needs are those things which the family needs to survive on a day-to-day basis. *

A. basic needs

B. income

C. secondary

D. expenditures

Which best define family resources? *

A. Those that the family possesses and uses in home-making activities to achieve

B. Those that the family inherent or acquired.

C. Those that the family designed to simplify work.

D. Those that the family considered in effective management.

What do Doing work and easier means __________.

A. budgeting

B. evaluating

C. project plan

D. work simplification

Inherited land, farm, and garden are example of what kind of family income? *

A. Money income

B. Real income

C. Psychic income

D. Family income

What do you mean by budget? *

A. A plan for determining the amount to be saved

B. A plan for doing household chores.

C. A plan for making project.

D. A plan for spending and a plan for saving.

The following are list of sources of family income. Which is not included. *

A. Salary

B. Bonuses

C. Rentals

D. Resources

Who are the important resources in home management? *

A. father

B. mother

C. children

D. all of the above

Which is NOT a factor to consider in effective management? *

A. resources

B. values and goals

C. skills and interest

D. wants and leisure

Which best define family income? *

A. Money that an individual receives in exchange for providing goods or services.

B. Total income earned by all the members of the household.

C. Money income received over a certain period of time.

D. Those that the family considered in effective management.

The following are list of resources. Which is not a human resources? *

A. abilities and skills

B. energy

C. knowledge

D. money

The following are tips in managing resources effectively, except _________? *

A. do all the responsibilities / chores at home.

B. use energy and time properly.

C. know how to budget money.

D. adapt a cheerful and positive attitude towards work.

Which best define family resources? *

A. Those that the family possesses and uses in home-making activities to

B. Those that the family inherent or acquired.

C. Those that the family designed to simplify work.

D. Those that the family considered in effective management.

The following are types of sources of family income. Which is NOT included. *

A. Money income

B. Real income

C. Psychic income

D. Family income

How can you help your family in wise spending your family income? *

A. Go to a store where you can be assured of good quality and standard price

B. Buy fruits and vegetables that are not in season.

C. Don’t mind the qualities of the things you buy.

D. Do not compare the prices of the products to be bought.

Which is classified as “enjoyment income?” *

A. farm, inherited land

B. trip to Hongkong, free dinner

C. bonuses, dividends, interest

D. salary and wages

What source of family income also called as “enjoyment income?” *

A. Money income

B. Real income

C. Psychic income

D. Family income

The income earned by all the members

household is called _________. *

A. Family income

B. Real income

C. Profit

D. Expenses

23. 1. MULTIPLE CHOICEDirections: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on the space before each number.1. It is the state of a person who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions.a. Pandemicb. Povertyc. Bullyingd. Pollution_2. It is an occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly and affects a large number of people over a wide area orthroughout the world.a. Pandemicb. Teenage pregnancyc. Climate Changed. Overpopulation3. It is defined as the abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger or more powerful.a. Climate Changeb. BullyingC. Pollutiond. Poverty4. The effects of this social problem are loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves.a. Climate Changeb. Bullyingc. Pollutiond. Poverty5. It is detrimental to human health and the planet as a whole, especially by environmental contamination with man-madewaste.a. Bullyingb. Pollutionc. Pandemicd. Poverty6. These are a series of lines grouped together.a. Paragraphb. Stanzac. Rhymed. Simile7. Which is NOT true about a poem?It has the same form no matter the type.C. It has different types and purposes.b. It is a way of communicating ideas or information.d. It may convey feelings/emotions of the speaker._8. Spreading rumors about someone in school is what kind of social issue or problem?Discriminationb. BullyingC. Injusticed. Poverty9. Which message does the speaker wish to convey in the poem, "I Shall Never Pass This Way Again"?a. The world has a lot of problems. Stay kind.C. Life is short. Let's spend it doing good.b. We only live once. So be kind.d. People are suffering so be kind.10. Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounds. If it occurs at the end of two or more lines, what is it called?a.End rhymeb.Middle rhymec. Rhymed. Stanzasend help ASAP​













nasagutan ko n po yan at tama po lahat ng answers ko

24. nd analyze the following statement and questions. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS ON THE SPACE THE NUMBER. (ERASURERS will be marked wrong and 5Pts will be deducted for NOT FOLLOWING a 1. What do you call a group of individuals sharing a common culture, geographical location and government? 2. What term refers to the set of beliefs, ideas, values, practices, knowledge, history and shared experiences, attitudes, as well as material objects and possessions accumulated over time and shared by the members of society? 3. used to describe the shared ideas, norms, and principles that provide members of society the standards that pertain to what is right or wrong, good or bad, desirable or undesirable. 4. What do you call a set of symbols that enables members of society to communicate verbally and non-verbally? 5. Which term refers to the things that convey meaning or represent an idea? 6. What do you call a position that everything about the other culture is wrong, unreasonable, detestable and even wicked? 7. What term refers to a particular circumstance of a certain culture and is defined by location, weather, time and other factors? n 8. What do you call a view that one's own culture is better than anyone else's culture? 9. What is that belief which recognizes and accepts the cultural differences between societies? 10. The concept of Cultural Relativism is more and rather than being a moral principle. 11. is the process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable like the values and customs of our society or social group. 12 What type of socialization implies on this statement "It occurs early in a child's lifestyles and is primarily due to have an impact directly from the family and close friends”? 13. What part of socialization process that denotes culture, language, social structures, and the individual's rank within them? 14. What type of socialization when an individual moves to a new group, and he must learn the new values and beliefs of the new group? 15. What socialization occurs between the ages of childhood and Adulthood? 16. What type of socialization when a person learns on appropriate behavior to be displayed within a smaller group which still part of a larger society? 17. socialization implies when cultural knowledge is passed on to the next bearer which will perpetuate and ensure the continuance of their traditions and practices? 18. It refers to culturally determined rules that people regarding what is right, wrong, proper, or improper? 19. What refers to this statement "It is not ranked position, but simply a label that implies certain roles that must be performed"? antion 20. This process of socialization occurs during the early years of an individual's life. ​



2.The set of beliefs, ideas, values, practices, knowledge, history and shared experiences, attitudes as well as material objects and possessions, accumulated over time and shared by the members of society. ... Some examples of non-material culture are symbols, language, values and social norms.




6.Ethnocentrism. Only $47.88/year.




10.cultural relativism


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