Alice Low Orpheus Biography

Alice Low Orpheus Biography

orpheus by alice low plot?

1. orpheus by alice low plot?

orpheus is a gifted boy who plays his lyre so well that everyone are so enticed with his music. he married Eurydice but not long after, she accidentally stepped into a nest of vipers and died. orpheus can't bear living without her so he journeyed to the Underworld to get her back. he played his lyre to hades and persephone asking for his dear wife. and hades let him have her back in one condition. he should never look back at her unless they've completely left the underworld. but as they were traveling back to earth, orpheus suddenly looked back at his dear wife, checking if she was still following him. he broke hades only condition and Eurydice was pulled back again to the Underworld and the gods never allowed Orpheus again no matter how much he begged for them to get Eurydice back


Orpheus and Eurydice got married. Right after the wedding Eurydice fell to the ground after a poisonous snake bit her. Eurydice and her spirit sunk down into the underworld.

3. Orpheus summary by Alice low

Orpheus and Eurydice get married, but later that night, Eurydice is bit by a snake and dies. So far, so terrible. Overcome with grief, Orpheus travels to the Underworld to bring her back to life. He convinces Hades and Persephone to let Eurydice go, but her release comes with a catch: Eurydice must walk behind him as they ascend to the upper world, and Orpheus is forbidden from looking at her.

Unfortunately, Orpheus is overcome with passion just as they reach the exit. He turns to look at Eurydice and she is immediately sent back to the Underworld – forever. Orpheus is devastated (again) and roams around Greece playing sad songs. Eventually, he is ripped to shreds by a group of drunken mad women.

4. purpose in writing Orpheus by alice low?

To persuade the readers not all love has happy ending and not all things are easy to getto show people the result if the children doesn't follow their parents.

5. characters of orpheus by alice low

Orpheus eurydice hades persephone calliope cerberus

6. who was the characters in the story orpheus by alice low?

The charaters are orpheus,eurydice, calliope, hades, persephone and the cerberus

7. Conflict of orpheus by alice low

When Eurydice died and Orpheus search her in underworld

8. what is the tone of alice low in the story orpheus

i think its a sad tone ..

9. what is the mood of the story orpheus by alice low​


melancholy one


10. The plot of Orpheus by Alice Low

Orpheus was a son of one of the Muses. Her mother specialize in the field of music, thus bestowing Orpheus the gift of Music. His ability to entice and charm everything and everyone was an extraordinary gift. At the time when he had met the love of his life named Eurydice, an unfortunate event happened that cause Eurydice's life cut short. Becaues of this, the lonely Orpheus can't move on from the grief and longing for Eurydice, hence he looked for ways to be reunited with her once again. An idea came to him to go to the underworld. During this time, Orpheus plan to get Eurydice was going smoothly because of his talent at music that charms everyone who listens to it. Through his music, Hades and Persephone was moved by the sincerity and his love for Eurydice. Thus letting Orpheus take Eurydice back again with him but on one condition, he should not look back at Eurydice in going back to the living. But due to an another unfortunate event, Orpheus looked back at Eurydice to make sure if she was on his tail, because of this Eurydice was dragged back towards the underworld leaving Orpheus alone again.

11. falling action if orpheus by alice low

Is when he grieved to much on his wife's death and that when he had the chance, he failed, all because he was not able to keep his promise.

12. introduction of orpheus by alice low

there are nine muses one of the sister is Calliope, she has a son named Orpheus (son of calliope and apollo) he is a great musician, having inherited from his father an extraordinary genius for music. When he sang to the sweet tones of his lyre, he charmed all nature, and summoned round him the wild beasts of the forests, who, under the influence of his music, became tame and gentle as lambs

13. the climax of the story of orpheus by alice low

The climax of the story Orpheus is when Orpheus came down to the underworld to get Eurydice back

14. What is the conflict in the story Orpheus by alice low

What is the conflict of the story Orpheus?

The intent of writing Orpheus' story is possibly to convey the message of love that has chosen to stand up to and challenge death and salvation. The story of orpheus is all about gods and goddessess.  He was troubled and unsafe, leading him to turn around in search of Eurydice and stay in the underworld. In the end he was still in conflict, because with the consequences of his actions he could not be at peace.\

For more information


15. the exposition of the story of orpheus by alice low

orpheus is the man who go to the underword to see again his wife he do everything but in the end all the thing that he do was gone because of one mistakes..orpheus and eurydice got married and after the wedding eurydice bittebn by the poisonous snake and died

16. the beginning of the story orpheus by alice low​


Orpheus have an musical instrumental (Lyre)

when he plays his lure the river will stop and the trees will bend and the gods and goddesses will listen to him that's the power of his lyre and so on

17. the setting of the story of orpheus by alice low

The setting of the story of orpheus is in the "underworld"

18. Alice low is the author of orpheus true or false ​




Hugh Lupton, As the other answer said, the Orpheus and Eurydice myth has no first author. Nevertheless, a modern writer, Hugh Lupton, retold the story in a book for middle schoolers published in 2013.




Alice Low also wrote the Orpheus

19. WHO was the characters at the story orpheus by alice low?

Orpheus, Eurydice, Hades, Persephone, Tantalus, Ixion, Sisyphus, Cerberus

20. characters of Orpheus byj alice low


21. Character of the Orpheus by Alice low



Orpheus, the son of Apollo and the Muse Calliope. His father teaches him to play the lyre so that all nature stops to listen to his music. He goes to the Underworld to redeem the shade of his dead wife, Eurydice. His wish to have her returned to him is granted, providing he does not look back until he has left the Underworld. He does look back, however, and Eurydice disappears. Later, Orpheus is killed by a group of Thracian maidens in a Bacchic frenzy. Upon his death, he joins Eurydice in the Underworld.


Apollo, a god and the father of Orpheus. He gives a lyre to his son and teaches him to play it beyond the power of any other mortal.


Eurydice , the mortal wife of Orpheus. Fleeing from a shepherd who desires her, she is bitten by a snake and dies. She is granted permission to return to the world with Orpheus if he will not look back until they have left the Underworld. When he looks back, she disappears again.


Hades (HAY-deez) and


Proserpine (proh-SUR-puh-nee), the king and queen of the Underworld. Moved by Orpheus’ music, they grant his request to take Eurydice back among the living, providing he does not look back at her while he is still in the Underworld.


Calliope (kuh-LI-uh-pee), one of the Muses, Orpheus’ mother.


Hymen , the god of marriage, who brings no happy omens to the wedding of Orpheus and Eurydice.


Tantalus (TAN-tuh-luhs),

The Daughters of Danaus

The Daughters of Danaus (DAN-ee-uhs), and


Sisyphus (SIHS-ih-fuhs), shades of the Underworld who are spellbound by the beauty of Orpheus’ music.


22. what is the tone of alice low in the story ORPHEUS ?

loving at the very beggining then turns to hopeful when Orpheus wife died and lastly sad and depressing because he still lost her wife because of his not obeying to the condition of the god Hades.

23. The middle part of the story orpheus by alice low​


when his wife got bitten by the snake


after their wedding euridice got bitten by the snake and orpheus wife is die,go to the orpheus under the earth to save euridice

24. rising action of orpheus by alice low

when Orpheus died his wife and he always use his lyre to make a sad songs

25. Climax of the story Orpheus by Alice Low

is when Orpeus travel down to the underworld to get Eurydice back because of his longing for her

26. Climax of Orpheus by Alice low

Orpheus decided to follow his wife to the under world and bring her back to earth

27. what is the DENUOEMENT of ORPHEUS? by alice low​

anong grade kna po?

if kung grades 56789 i can help you

28. what is the climax of orpheus by alice low?

maybe it was when he was going to the underworld with his harp and also talking to hades about taking away his wife and bringing her back to the earth(in which he did not really accomplished because the task that hades gave him was not obeyed)

29. What is the summary of Orpheus by alice Low

Orpheus, which was written by Alice Low, is a story about the demigod with the same name. The story is about his love for Eurydice, who died after stepping on a poisonous snake.


He risked to get Eurydice back from the Underworld, which he failed to do so after one condition that Hades set forth – to lead Eurydice out of Underworld without Orpheus looking behind him.

30. important events in Orpheus by Alice Low ​


When orpheus go to the under world


because orpheus loved euridice so much he went to the underworld to save his beloved and in the end orpheus could not save his beloved because he looked at it, because the agreement between orpheus and hades never looked at eurydice until has not yet left that place, because of orpheus' eagerness he looked at it from behind and he did not succeed in his wish

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