Simple Poem About Self

Simple Poem About Self

Write a simple poem about your crush or love.Your poem should contain 2 stanza.Each stanza MUST hava SIMILE and METAPHOR.

1. Write a simple poem about your crush or love.Your poem should contain 2 stanza.Each stanza MUST hava SIMILE and METAPHOR.


Dear crush i hope you f k me , Your d is probably wet so please put your tt inside me hiho


2. make a poem about your self with 2 stanzas each stanza have 3 lines the poem also have 2 simile and 2 methapor#ineedyourhelpplss​


I am an African child born with the skin color of chocolate Bright brilliant and articulate strong and bold I'm gifted enough to be the best i am an African child

3. Tagalog poem about self​


Describe Your Self


here are some of the words that you can use in the end of your sentences.



















it depends on you how you're gonna create it. be creative in every words. these are just an examples of rhymes. you can create ideas by this things. thanks!

4. Poem about your self​

Can someone please me

Cuz' I'm hungry with love

Also, bare me some respect

I don't know too what to select

5. Make a simple poem about intersubjectivity​


The beauty


The beauty is not about on face

The beauty is about on attitude

6. poem about self-declaraction?​

You are giving


Who You are

How You are

What You are

Oh my dear

I am here

Following You

And not reaching You

Explaining the reasons

You are again

Giving clarification

In Your sustenance

In Your presence

That You Yourself are

Declaring in to me

That You are no other person

Than me.


I think this will help

sinearch ko lang yan:)

7. Make a simple poem about COMMUNICATION​

Answer: Poem above

A simple poem about communication

8. simple poem about friction and gravity


5 example of friction

1.rubbing both hands together to create heat

2. skis sliding against arrow

3. a coaster sliding against the table iron being pushed across material

5.a sled sliding across snow or ice

5 example of gravity

1. the force that hold the gases in the sun

2. the force that cause a glass you drop to fall to the floor

3. the force that cause a car to coast downhill even when you aren't stepping on the gas

4. the force that cause a ball u throw in the air to come down again

5.the force that cause propels a toddler down a slide


9. make a poem about your self​

I Am Simply Me

My life is fairly bland,

but it belongs to me.

I’m not popular,

but my friends are more than enough.

I tend to be impulsive

saying and doing what I want when I want.

I can hide my emotions,

better than anyone I know.

I fight, dace and destroy

standing up for what I believe in.

I have no tolerance for the rude,

or the racist and homophobic.

I won’t admit my faults but,

I do know I make mistakes.

I am the sunrise after a sleepless night, blinding your eyes.

If my life was a playlist,

it’s be filled with acoustic songs.

It would be boring, but it would be me.

Dear Romeo, I’m no Juliet,

I’m simply me.

Hope it helps.

10. poem about "building self confidence"​


holo its me

imander da water


halp me

11. make a simple poem about intersubjectivity​

If all life is a dream, is it your dream or mine?

And why should our two worlds agree?

An answer avails if we're both The Divine,

At our source, I am you and you're me.

Though it seems that we're separate (I trust you'll concur)

It's a stretch to conceive "one great soul"—

Still, we sense there are times when our boundaries blur

Our designs coalesce as one whole.

12. poem about sexual self​


Lie to yourself about this and you will

forever lie about everything.

Everybody already knows everything

so you can

lie to them. That's what they want.

But lie to yourself, what you will

lose is yourself. Then you

turn into them.


For each gay kid whose adolescence

was America in the forties or fifties

the primary, the crucial


forever is coming out—

or not. Or not. Or not. Or not. Or not


13. examples of poem about self awareness​


Tintern Abbey

I Am

Song of Myself

On a Columnar Self

The Self-Unseeing


My Own Heart Let Me More Have Pity On



healthy life can't be resist so don't make your self at risk don't be sick have some kick

14. A simple poem about a mature person​


A wise mature person"

It is good to have wisdom

A wise mature person

Is known for his understanding

His word feed many

The words of the wise man

Heal the Nation.

A wise mature person

Always speak to inspire others

Everything that God promise him

He write them down

And kept them to guide others

When he opens his mouth

Blessings comes down.

A wise mature person

Hate evil and love what is good

He always tell the truth

He rebuke, correct and

Guide with great enthusiasm

There is no falsehood

From his mouth

His mouth is full of nice words

Milk and honey.

15. example of poem about self

accept yourself as a work in progress the continue

to build yourself into the person you’re dreaming to be;

the person you have all the potential to be.

accept your flaws, accept your truths. accept your past.

and make light of them. no one can tear you down if

you make peace with who you are and where you’ve

been. if you are going to focus on the negative at all,

focus on turning them into positives. focus on growing.

sometimes, often times, our minds are the scariest

place to sit. it’ll trick you into comparing yourself

to others and it’ll trick you into believing you aren’t

good enough. but you are. you have always been

and you always will be. you’re much more powerful

when you believe in yourself. if you don’t love

all of you, who will?

give yourself time to blossom.

16. simple poem about human rights.​

“Poem About My Rights” By: (June Millicent Jordan)

June Jordan (1936-2002) was a bisexual Jamaican-American poet, teacher, essayist, and activist. Issues like gender, immigration, and race frequently came up in her writing. She also emphasis the importance of intersectionality when it came to struggles for equality and human rights. In “Poem About My Rights,” Jordan centers on race, rape, and gender inequality. Jordan details all the things that are “wrong” about her – wrong color, wrong sex, wrong continent. The poem is vivid and visceral, coming to its peak in the section:

I am the history of rape

I am the history of the rejection of who I am

I am the history of the terrorized incarceration of


I am not wrong: Wrong is not my name

My name is my own my own my own

Hope It helps!

17. poem about your self​

ANSWER:You will the one who will create your own poemEXAMPLE:on how to create your own poemTowards writing poetry in order to generatefeelings in your reader(in which case the poem exhist entirely to serve the reader)


18. a simple poem about a mature person

"You're so mature..."
Is that why you thought
That I could handle
You walking all over me?
Treat me like a child,
Then call me such an adult.
I don't understand.
I was too young for you,
But really I think the problem is
You're still too juvenile for me --
(And I'm five inside.)

19. simple acrostic poem about "BASKETBALL"​



Exciting Tournaments

Mind blowing matches

skilled players

Experienced coaches

well measured court

Righteous referees

Energized spectator

Make my Favorite game BASKETBALL!!

20. poem about your self ​



I am who I am

Who else would I be

I won’t change for you

So why change for me

I won’t waste my life

Being someone I cannot be

Because I’m not a fake

Unwilling to break

Get used to what you see

I’m going to be me.


If my answer helps you, pa brainlest thankyou!


Never change the way you are

Never change yourself not even for me not for anyone

I love the way you talk but you simply walk

You’re too cute but act too mute

You are too true which is not too fake

Everyday is a new day don’t let it just go away

But remember, no one is better than you if you think they are then that’s not u

It’s you’re life your destiny to win or loose in your hands to let it go

I love the way you are, never change for others the way you are

hope it's help

21. poem about your self (aaa)​


when was immedicate and full implementation of RA 1425,was it successfully? explain

22. poem about self love​


The most beautiful and liberating love story

I have ever seen and felt;

It was when I finally learned

To love myself

by Conee Berdera

23. Poem about self 4 stanza

self love is  

a revolution  

that every atom

in your body is  

marching for.

I am who I am

Who else would I be

I won’t change for you

So why change for me

I won’t waste my life

Being someone I can not be

Because I’m not a fake

Unwilling to break

Get used to what you see

I’m going to be me.

No One can change You

not one or two

people can change You.

You are you, stay that way,

everyday is a new day

don’t let yourself fade away.

You know you are in love when they accept you for you.

Then you’ll be the perfect two,

But you have to accept them too.

24. Poems about your self​


yan lods Yung slogan hope it's help


pa brainliest din po pla lods:)

25. Create a poem about simple machines​


The machinery of grace is always simple.

This chrome trapezoid, one wheel connected

To another of concentric gears,

Which Ptolemy dreamt of and Schwinn perfected,

Is gone. The cyclist, not the cycle, steers.

And in the playing, Purcell's chords are played away.

So this talk, or touch if I were there,

Should work its effortless gadgetry of love,

Like Dante's heaven, and melt into the air.

If it doesn't, of course, I've fallen. So much is chance,

So much agility, desire, and feverish care,

As bicyclists and harpsicordists prove

Who only by moving can balance,

Only by balancing move.


26. Tagalog poem about self​


Mayroon akongmarried contract I have with all my work experience in Nakalakip ako ng kopya ng and I have been looking for a new permanent role job and with my the job I have been have a lover teaser jan who has been a very great father friend who and I


I don't know

27. own poem about self.​


is that your poem?


yea cool 10/10 keep it up


hi wla pong question

sorry po

28. Poem about self-acceptance​


You’ve stuck around this long, walking through the treacherous rain with me, pointing to the moon when I forgot to see. You’ve guided me this far. You’ve traveled very far, my dear heart. Come in. Rest. Take off your coat. Let me serve you tea.


Yan po ang nakita ko sa website

29. Poem about from my self


1.I Am Simply Me

My life is fairly bland,

but it belongs to me.

I’m not popular,

but my friends are more than enough.

I tend to be impulsive

saying and doing what I want when I want.

I can hide my emotions,

better than anyone I know.

I fight, dace and destroy

standing up for what I believe in.

I have no tolerance for the rude,

or the racist and homophobic.

I won’t admit my faults but,

I do know I make mistakes.

I am the sunrise after a sleepless night, blinding your eyes.

If my life was a playlist,

it’s be filled with acoustic songs.

It would be boring, but it would be me.

Dear Romeo, I’m no Juliet,

I’m simply


I have to live with myself, and so,

I want to be fit for myself to know,

I want to be able as the days go by,

Always to look myself straight in the eye,

I don’t want to stand with the setting sun

And hate myself for the things I’ve done.

I don’t want to keep on a closet shelf

A lot of secrets about myself,

And fool myself as I come and go

Into thinking that nobody else will know

The kind of man I really am,

I don’t want to dress myself up in sham.

I want to go out with my head erect,

I want to deserve all men’s respect.

But here in this struggle for fame and pelf,

I want to be able to like myself.

I don’t want to think as I come and go

That I’m bluster and bluff and empty show.

I never can hide myself from me,

I see what others may never see,

I know what others may never know,

I never can fool myself- and so,

Whatever happens, I want to be

Self-respecting and conscience free


Pili kana lang po

Hope it helps☺️

30. Poem about Valuing self.​


universe took its time on you

crafted you to offer the world

something different from everyone else

when you doubt

how you were created

you doubt an energy greater than us both


Loving yourself is tough. Waking up every day with a proud sense of who you are can feel exhausting, or even impossible. But we all know, deep down, we can be the best versions of ourselves when we love ourselves fiercely and freely.

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