Persons Are Open And Relational By Nature

Persons Are Open And Relational By Nature

1. Which of the following good sources of entrepreneurial ideas determine the interest, hobbies and preferences of people. A. Changes in the environment B. People's interest C. Technological discovery D. Past experiences 2. Which of the following IS NOT societal environment? A. Economic forces B. Political forces C. Sociocultural forces D. Natural resources 3. Which among the following is the result of identifying entrepreneurial opportunities? A. Creation of entrepreneurial ideas B. Sources of opportunity C. Opening of entrepreneurial venture D. Entrepreneurial process 4. What entrepreneurial idea will you recognized, if you consider the new discovery and advancement of technology as source of opportunity? A. Changes in the environment B. Technological discovery and advancement C. Government's thrust, programs, and policies D. People's interest 5. What source of entrepreneurial idea where expertise and skills developed by a person from its previous work can lead to the opening of a related business enterprise? A. Government's thrust, programs, and policies B. Past experiences C. People's interests D. Technological discovery and advancement 6. What is the process of considering, evaluating, and pursuing market-based activities that are believed to be advantageous for the firm? A. Opportunity seeking B. Opportunity screening C. Opportunity seizing D. Sources of opportunity​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Which of the following good sources of entrepreneurial ideas determine the interest, hobbies and preferences of people. A. Changes in the environment B. People's interest C. Technological discovery D. Past experiences 2. Which of the following IS NOT societal environment? A. Economic forces B. Political forces C. Sociocultural forces D. Natural resources 3. Which among the following is the result of identifying entrepreneurial opportunities? A. Creation of entrepreneurial ideas B. Sources of opportunity C. Opening of entrepreneurial venture D. Entrepreneurial process 4. What entrepreneurial idea will you recognized, if you consider the new discovery and advancement of technology as source of opportunity? A. Changes in the environment B. Technological discovery and advancement C. Government's thrust, programs, and policies D. People's interest 5. What source of entrepreneurial idea where expertise and skills developed by a person from its previous work can lead to the opening of a related business enterprise? A. Government's thrust, programs, and policies B. Past experiences C. People's interests D. Technological discovery and advancement 6. What is the process of considering, evaluating, and pursuing market-based activities that are believed to be advantageous for the firm? A. Opportunity seeking B. Opportunity screening C. Opportunity seizing D. Sources of opportunity​







6 .D




2. What Are the Differences Between City Life and Farm Life? Farm life provides a natural environment surrounded by trees, animals, and the natural life cycle. The environment where cities live is based on concrete, buildings, and very small observable properties. In the agricultural lifestyle, people work in the land every day, cultivate food and breed animals. City lifestyle provides work to office buildings and retail shopping districts. Families living in the agricultural lifestyle are often together, and each member contributes to the management of the farm. City life is more busy, it is more common for families to leave each other pursuing their own personal purpose. In the city, special families are established to take care of the elderly of the family. From the perspective of individual needs, farmers pay more attention to the necessity of things and the necessity of lack of things. Farmers need to prioritize demand, but advertising and commercialism are not so attractive. Urban life makes more materialism possible, and urban people tend to equate their needs. Urban life is often competitive and people are further promoted by material needs. Another contrast between city life and farm life is the surrounding environment. Farm life is often referred to as a more peaceful and healthy lifestyle. For example, farm life provides residents with the opportunity to have a good time in nature, without going to places like parks. Individuals are surrounded by natural gifts such as trees, sunlight, wind, animals, circulation of nature. In contras, people who are living in the city live in daily stress related to urban life such as getting involved in traffic congestion, coping with high crime rates, and in most cases paying a higher tax rate. There is no need to suffer. It is well known that lack of such stress factors can have a major impact on overall quality of life. Alternatively, urban life is often portrayed as being fast-paced, modern, polluted, full of work stress and economic pressure (re-comparison 1). When comparing the life on the farm and the life in the city, there are many differences and similarities between the two. Each of these places has a special and unique one. The choice of the place of residence is very personal and it depends on personal values. I personally prefer farm life, but other people may choose to live in the city because they are enjoying more busy and social lifestyles. Factors to consider before choosing two are the environment, lifestyle, and family values. A. Process Questions: 1. What are the two ideas compared in the text? _________________________________________________________________________ What’s New 12 2. When it comes to family relationship, which living environment is more preferred? Why? ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 3. According to the selection, which is stressful? Farm life or city life? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Which living environment is preferred by the author? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What do you think is the purpose of the author in writing this text? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Which do you prefer, farm life or city life? Why? ___________________________________________________________________________ B. Complete the following with a word or phrase from the text. 1. Natural green environment is to farm as concrete buildings are to _____________________________________. 2. Work in an office/ shopping districts is to city lifestyle as work in the land is to___________________________________. 3. Farm life is to basic needs as urban life is to _____________________________. 4. Farm life is to ________________ as natural environment on the farm offers open wide spaces and healthy atmosphere. 5. Urban life is to _________________as city environment is congested and polluted.



1) ideas about living/life at he farm and city

2)city because most people in the city take care of the elders even they have their personal goals in life

3)city life because unlike farm life that had a peacefull place and fresh water/air

4)farm life

5)to explaine the difference between farm life and city life

6)farm life because i think its more refreshing and less toxic people.

3. The beliefs, values and ideas of religious traditions have made, and continue to make, significant contributions to the development of human societies and cultures. Religious belief systems articulate responses to questions relating to human nature, identity and purpose, and urge believers to embrace the imperative to live ethical lives. In essence, religions provide a frame of reference for understanding the world and for guiding personal and communal action. This course investigates what religion is and what role religion plays in the lives of individuals in society; how religious traditions respond to the human search for meaning, the place of religion in Australian society including indigenous spirituality before and after European settlement; what citizenship is and what the rights and responsibilities are for all citizens; and develops an appreciation for forms of religious expression. In a world where global travel and work is a real possibility, learners will gain knowledge and understanding of how religious traditions affect cultural values and practices, social, political and economic institutions, as well as an understanding of how religious traditions find expression in the arts, theatre, cinema, media, and literature. The perspective of lived faith is also examined. In this way, learners will identify and understand the worldviews of followers of religious traditions. The study of Religion in Society provides an avenue for learners to develop an appreciation of the way that religion influences our lives as members of a particular society and provides them with the skills to be informed and critical thinking members of their society. It values and promotes open inquiry and respect and tolerance for all religious traditions and draws on personal and collective stories and experiences as examples of authentic and lived religion. write an reaction about this article​


I will agree with this, considering that religion plays a significant role in human society and culture. It is in fact, important to preserve religion, and it signifies the strength of faith and devotion that people have had throughout the past years. Religion has been around for decades in the human race but that doesn't mean it will end sooner or later because it plays an important role in the development of early civilization.

4. Directions: For items 6-10, read the short conversation below and answer the questions that follow. During the class discussion, Sir Emir asked his students what questions they should raise when attending a public forum about building a coal power plant. Sir Emir: If you happen to attend an open forum about building a coal power plant near your area, what questions will you raise to the project heads and authorities? Ryan: Would you rather think of the prize of constructing a coal power plant than to consider the health of the people. Jayvan: Will your project open jobs for those who are out of work? John Carlo: Is your project an environmental-friendly? Kelvin: How can you make sure that your project will not even once disturb our peace and quiet here in our barangay? Flauskyn: When do you plan to start your project? Al quin: Mr. Chairman, do we have other projects related to producing electrical energy other than a coal power plant? Fahad Sir, is your company open for engineer-applicants? : 6. Who among the students raised a question attacking the conscience of the authorities? A. Kelvin B. Jayvan C. Ryan D. Flauskyn 7. Who among the students do not care about the health and the environment? A.Kelvin and John B. Ryan and Jayvan C. Jayvan and Flauskyn D. John Carlo and Ryan 8. Who is most likely to compromise nature over personal interests? A Kelvin and John C. Jayvan, Flauskyn, and Fahad B. Ryan and Jayvan D. John Carlo and Ryan 9. Whose question is thought-provoking? A John Carlo's B. Jayvan's C. Alquin's Da and 10. Who among the students is concerned more about people's health and lifestyle? A. Ryan and Kelvin C. Fabad and John Carlos B. Alquin and Flauskyn D. all of the above​







Explanation: This are just from my opinions,



5. 11. How can intensity of rivalry be characterizes ar png Existing firons ?A. Switching cost is loyB. Number of competing firms.C. Preferencesand tastes of the customers easy change.D. The price of substitute product is substantially lowe11. Which of the following good sources of entrepreneurial ideas deten me me tetesyhobbies and preferences of people.A. Changes in the environment C. People's interestB. B. Technological discovery D. Past experiences12. Societal environment includes the following, except:C. Economic forcesC. Political forcesD. Sociocultural forcesD. Natural resources13. Which among the following is the result of identifying entrepreneumál op tunities?E. Creation of entrepreneurial ideas G. Sources of opportunityF. Dpening of entrepreneurial venture D. Entrepreneurial process4. What entrepreneurial idea will you recognized, if you consider the new discovery andadvancement of technology as source of opportunity?G. Changes in the environmentH. Technological discovery and advancement1. Government's thrust, programs, and policiesJ. People's interest15. Source of entrepreneurial idea where expertise and skills developed by a personfrom its previous work can lead to the opening of a related business enterprise.K. Government's thrust, programs, and policiesL Past experiencesM. People's interests​








hope it help


Product line can be described as

A .all the products a company makes

B.all the products a company sells

C. the development of a single product over time

D. brands that are closely related in terms of their function and benefits provided E. the production facilities used to manufacture products

2 .Why might a company introduce a fighter brand?

A. To open up high quality retail outlets B.To compete with low price substitutes while protecting existing brand reputation

C. To compete by cuting prices of existing brands

D. To obtain publicity and raise awareness for a new product launch

E.To reduce stock levels by selling off old stock at reduced prices

3. The strength of a brand's position in the market place is built on six elements brand domain, brand heritage. brand assets, brand personality, brand reflection and

A. brand ownership

B. brand packaging

C. brand price

D. brand values

E.brand advertising

4. Global branding can be achieved in three ways geographic extension of existing brands, brand alliance through joint ventures and

A .brand repositioning

B. brand promotion in penetration

D. brand acquisition

E brand values

5. A good brand name should

A. appeal to young people

B. Sound like an animal or natural phenomena

C. relate to the latest technology

D. include the company's name

E be distinctive and easy to remember

6. What is important when considering the notion of brand values? Understanding the difference between lengths and

A .features

D. variants

B. quality

E service

C. depth

7. For what is a family brand name used?

A. Individual products

B. Products aimed at young parents

C. All products

D. Products produced by traditional companies that are identified by the founder's family name

8. What is brand equity Is

A.Profit remaining after deducting production costs

C. Good value products

B. Brands which do not harm the environment

D. Financial value of a brand based on associated good will

E. Fair trading

9. Which one of the following is NOT a reason for a company to decide to re brand a product or service?

A. Merger or acquisition

B. Market awareness

D. Corporate strategy changes E. Legal problems

C. Brand famillarity

7. 1. What does the philosophy means? Love of what?a. critical thinkingb. goodwillc. logicd. wisdom2. What point of view looks at all aspects of a situation?a. eye openerb. holisticcholismd. participation3.What is the process of engaging oneself in matters of usefulness and methodologies to dear out anypractical problem or abstract idea? Doing what?a. dancingb. calculation-mathematics pedantryd. philosophy4. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates a partial-points of view?a. referring to only one source of information for the positionb. participates in a dass discussionclistening to both your teacher's and parent's advice on how to improve your gradesd. watching videos over the internet and keep on playing on line games5. Which of the statement about philosophy is right?a. doing philosophy is a way of engaging in scientific inquiryb. points of view from different people are always contradicting.Philosophical reflection does not develop evaluative skills. > make the right choicea. statementb. statement b C. statement d. all the statements are not true6. What do you call the strong desire for a particular object?a. Immaterial Thingsb. Lovec. Material ThingsD. Wisdom7. What do you call the process by which a person undergoes a reflective state or evaluates his or herexperiences before making any related action?à. Halistic Perspective b. Primary Reflection c Partial Perspective d. Secondary Reflection8. It studies beings in their ultimate causes, reason and principles through the aid of reason alone.a. Cosmologyb. OntologyÇ. Psychologyd. Theodicy9. Who was the Ancient Greek thinker more popularly known for Mathematical formula, the PythagoreanTheorem?a. Aristotleb. Confuciusc Platod. Pythagoras10. What reflection allows us to think holistically?a. Holistic Perspective b. Partial Perspective c Primary Reflection D. Secondary Reflection11. Which of the following, when translated, means 'Love of Wisdom?a. Philosophyb. Pythagorasd. Sciencec Psychology12. The Greek word 'Ethos' means custom or habit. What branch of Philosophy came from it?a. Epistemologyb. Ethicsc Logicd. Metaphysics13. It is a branch of Philosophy where real knowiedge is based on logic, the laws, and methods thatdevelop reason.b. Ethicsa. Epistemologyc. Logicd. Metaphysics14. What is being in Philosophy?c The notion of God, Soul, and Spirita. Anything that exist material and Immaterialb. It follows a certain procedured. Unalded reason.15. Philosophy which provides methodologies and insights on how societal questions, such as moraldilemmas of euthanasia or same sex marriage, can be answered.a. Body of Knowledge b. Intellectual Activity C.. Natural Light of Reason d. Study of all Things​


The answer is B.


The term "philosophy" comes from the Greek word "Philo" translate as "love" and "sophos" as "wisdom", so the meaning of philosophy is "love of wisdom".

I hope it helps :)

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