Modified Sit And Reach

Modified Sit And Reach

what is modified sit and reach​

Daftar Isi

1. what is modified sit and reach​


Hindi ko din po alam ang sagot Jan


pasensya na


This is a modified version of the traditional sit and reach test, designed to control for the variable lengths of people's arms and legs, which is a limitation of the standard test.


hope ot helps



The sit and reach at test is utilized to gauge a customers adaptability (specifically their hamstring and lower back adaptability). The sit and reach at test is the most widely recognized of all adaptability tests. It estimates the adaptability of the customers lower back and hamstrings. All you really want is a case around 30cm high and a meter ruler.

I can measure sit and reach by putting the ruler on the ground between your legs or on the highest point of the progression. Put one hand on top of the other, then, at that point, reach gradually forward. At the mark of your most noteworthy reach, hold for a few seconds, and measure how far you have reached.

I can changed sit and reach at convention permits the backhanded appraisal of the impact of the 4 significant muscle bunches that influence sit and reach at scores: erector spinae, hip rotators, hamstrings, and gastrocnemii.

I can try this region because it is significant in light of the fact that solidness and pressure in this space regularly returns with lower objections. Furthermore, solid and adaptable hamstrings are significant in many games.

Sit and Reach reflection


3. Which exercise measures acceleration and speed? a. 1-minute-Curl-up Test c. Modified Sit and Reach b. 40-meter Sprint d. standing long jump Which exercise asseses lower back and hamstring? a. 1-minute-Curl-up Test c. Modified Sit and Reach b. 40-meter Sprint d. standing long jump​


B. 40-meter sprint

C.Modified Sir and Reach


May module ako nyan:)

Hope it helps



1.b po sagot           2.a  po sagot                                                                                                      

4. 1.I am the network of internal membranes. I modify and transport proteins. 2.I am the sit of protein synthesis which is small,complex assemblies of protein and RNA,often bound to ER.


1. Endoplasmic reticulum

2. Ribosomes

5. 13. This method is modified by making the rows farthenorth to south to allow maximum sunlight to reach the trees.A triangular methodC. quincunx metB. square methodD. rectangular n​


Explanation:bla bla bla

6. All of the following are is example of Muscular Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, except_____? A. 1-minute curl-ups B. 1-minute push-ups C. 1 mile run D. modified sit and reach​





Dont forget mark me brainliest.

7. What kind of simple machine is a screwA. modified leverB. modified wedgeC. modified inclined plane D. modified wheel and axle​

Answer: letter C.

Explanation: A screw is a special kind of inclined plane. It's basically an inclined plane wrapped around a pole. Screws can be used to lift things or to hold them together. Examples of the screw simple machine include swivel chairs, jar lids, and, of course, screws.

C) Modefined Inclined Plane

because screw is a special kind of inclined plane.


hope it helps you po:-)

correct me po if I'm wrong

8. Rewrite cach sentence, correcting the misplaced modifier. Then encircle the al rected modifier and draw an arrow from it to the word it modifies. 1. The girl ran into the house crying loudly.smus ban bol 2. Manny ordered steak at the restaurant cooked rare. o ob 3. Mylene looks pretty in her red gown smiling brightly. 4. We caught a big fish sailing in the river. 5. They gazed at the moon sitting at the porch amidst the bright stars.





1. The girl ran into the house crying

2. Manny ordered steak

3. Mylene looks pretty in her red gown

4. We caught a big fish

5. They gazed at the moon

9. How is inhaled air modified before it reaches the lungs?


First, air eners the nostrills, where it is partially filtered by nose hairs and into the nasal cavity; it is lined by Epithelial tissue which contains blood vessels that warms the up-coming air. The Epithelial secrets mucus that humidifies the air, it is covered  with hair like projection called the cillia.

10. _______ is a group of words with a subject and a verb, which modifies a noun, a verb, a phrase, or another clause. * 1 point A. Clausal Modifiers B. Sentence Modifiers C. Phrase Modifiers D. Single-Word Modifiers


A. Clausal Modifiers

What are Clausal Modifiers?

An infinitival clause, a participial clause, or a clausal increase that modifies the head of a noun phrase is known as a clausal modifier of a noun (ACL). The noun "homework" is modified by the infinitive expression "to do." The noun "homework" is modified by the participial sentence "assigned by John." Adverb clauses doing with a subordinating conjunction, such as after, since, or unless, and serve as an adverb to answer the queries "how," "how much," "when," "how often," and "where." They have a noun and a verb, but they are insufficient to form a complete remark.

What is a sentence modifiers?

When it comes to the responsibility of modifiers in a sentence, this definition holds. A


adds emphasis, clarification, or detail to a word in a phrase by clarifying, qualifying, or limiting it. Descriptive words, such as adjectives and adverbs, are usually modifiers. Modifiers are words, phrases, and clauses that change the meaning of a statement and typically improve it. Modifiers give detail to a sentence, it more interesting, clearer, and particular. An adjective or adverb is the most basic form of a modifier.

What are phrase modifiers?

noun, pronoun, or noun phrase are known as noun phrase


. Although adjectives and adjective phrases are most usually used to characterize nouns, the English language has five grammatical forms that can execute the grammatical responsibilities of noun phrase modifier. A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that modifies (or informs) another word in the same sentence. For example, the term "burger" is transformed by the word "vegetarian" in the following sentence: Example: I'm going to the Saturn Café for a vegetarian burger.

What is single-word modifiers?

A single-word


is a phrase, clause, or clause that has its significance changed by one word. A grammatical modifier, is a word that changes another part in a phrase or clause. A noun or pronoun is modified by an adjective. Single-word modifiers can be adjectives (e.g., "little," "beautiful," "expensive") or determiners (e.g., "my," "your"), demonstrative determiners (e.g., "this," "those"), or quantifiers (e.g., "this," "those") (e.g., "many," "some," "two").

Rewrite the following sentences, placing the phrase and clause modifiers in the parenthesis in correct position. The people enjoyed the concert. (who came)

Rewrite the following sentences, placing the phrase and clause modifiers in the parenthesis in correct position. Where are the paper napkins? (that I bought)

Rewrite the following sentences, placing the phrase and clause modifiers in the parenthesis in correct position. The lecture was cancelled. (on Philippine music)


11. identify where these physical activities belong to CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS,FLEXIBILITY, or MUSCULAR STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE. 1.WALKING. 2.weightlifting3.modified sit and reach4.hiking5.standing hip flexor stretch6.skating7.plank8.pushups9.biking10.butterfly11.standing hamstring stretch12.situps13.bodyweight squats14.triceps15.jogging ​














12. Adjectives modify nouns, and they can also modify

Adjectives are words that modify nouns. They are often called “describing words” or “adverb” because they give us further details about a noun, such as what it looks like (the white horse), how many there are (the three boys) or which one it is (the last house).

The diffrences between adjective and adverb is Adjectives only modify nouns and pronouns, while adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, clauses, or other adverbs. Adverbs do not modify nouns or pronouns.

According to a oxford dictionary, adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. Often an adverb used to modify an adjective adds a degree of intensity to the adjective, for example :

"The very blue bird flew."

The word “very” in this sentence is an adverb modifying the adjective “blue”. It's telling us “how blue the blue is”.

Learn More About :

2 sentence modify noun as adjective


13. is a group of words with a subject and a verb,which modifies a noun,a verb,a phrase or another clausea.clausal modifiersb.sentence modifiersc.phrase modifiersd.single word modifiers​


c.phrase modifiers


not sure po ako,

14. 1. It measures cardiovascular recoverya. sit and reach b. paper juggling c. 3-minute step test d. zipper test2. It measures the speed and accelerationa. 40-meter sprint b. zipper test c. push-up d. curl-up3. Used to determine the quickness or leg power and speed at the same time maintaininga balancea. 3-minute step test b. hexagonal agility test c. curl-up d. push-up4. Used to assess the endurance of the abdominal musclesa sit and reach b. zipper testc. paper jugglingd. modified cur-up5. Used to assess the arms and upper body's strengtha. paper juggling b. 40-meter sprint c. curl-up d. modified push-up​


1. C2. A3. B4. D5. D


sana makatulong salamat

#skeptron correct me if I'm wrong

15. What kind of modifier that has no to modify?

Dangling Modifier or misplaced modifierchoose one, misplaced modifier or dangling

16. Rewrite each sentence, shifting the modifying elements so that they are as close as possible to the words they modify.1. The boy watched the baby who had graduated from college.2. Henry found a wallet in the street that wasn't his.3. Geraldine watched the ship smiling to herself.4. The fire brightened up the room burning slowly.5. Jane wrote about the Grand Canyon sitting at her desk.​


ACTIVITY 1 "Trace the Roots" Analyze the pictures below and trace the influence that you can see based on the materials and characteristics of the design used. And explain how you came up with your answer. Arts and Crafts Internal (Indigenous) Influences External (foreign) Influences Example The facade of the church depicts the everyday living in the community and their culture The architectural style of the church has a Baroque influence that shows in the intricate design of their façade and interior of the church. People put lit and use it as a thing to smash

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1. The boy who watched the baby had graduated from college.

2. A wallet in the street found by Henry wasn't his.

3. Geraldine is smiling to herself while watching the ship.

4. The room brightened up by the fire is slowly burning.

5. While sitting at her desk, Jane wrote the Grand Canyon.


Carry on learning!:)

pa-Brainliest po. Thank you

17. *Sonnet *Adverbs - 5sentences modifying verb, 5 modifying adjective, 5 modifying another​


Amidst twilight's serene, undying embrace,

Softly, I whisper, my heart's yearning plea.

With fervent ardor, I strive to embrace

This love's eternal flame, burning wild and free.

In tender solace, we dance, enchantingly.

Delicately, the moonbeams caress the night,

Gracefully, they illuminate our souls.

Passionately, we surrender to love's might,

Endlessly, our fervor intertwines, unrolls.

Eternally, our hearts become uncontrolled.

Infinite beauty, like the morning sun,

Radiantly, it paints the world anew.

Exquisitely, it heralds each day begun,

Unabashedly, displaying love's true hue.

Irresistibly, it pulls me close to you.

Silently, I pray for this love to last,

Intimately, we weave our dreams so vast.

Whispering sweet nothings, the moments pass,

Gently, we nurture a love that's unsurpassed.

Tenderly, we embrace, our souls steadfast.

As dawn approaches, our love takes flight,

Swiftly, it soars beyond the realms of time.

Boldly, we conquer every daunting height,

Passionately, our hearts forever climb.

Unyieldingly, our love remains sublime.

Each day unfolds, a treasure to explore,

Carefully, we mold a life filled with bliss.

Joyously, we dance upon love's grand floor,

Merrily, we bask in its tender kiss.

Wholeheartedly, we revel in pure bliss.

Thus, in this sonnet, adverbs doth reside,

Crafting a tapestry of love's sweet tide.

18. This method is modified by making the rows farther from east to west and fromnorth to south to allow maximum sunlight to reach the trees.​

asa test din namen yan:( nag hahanap din ako ng sagot

19. which type of a modifier comes before the noun? B.pre-modifierC.modifierD.Determiner​


b. pre-modifier

po answer

#pa brainliest po


20. Column A1. 3 Minute Step Test2. 40-Meter Sprint3. Hexagonal Agility Test4. Modified Curl-up5. Modified Push-up6. Paper juggling7. Sit and Reach8. Standing Long Jump9. Stick Drop Testand endurance10. Zipper Test​


Wala akong kinalaman Jan habol ko lamang ay points

pa brainlest

21. if a modifier is an adverb, it modifies a verb, another adverb, or _______________. ​


adjective (a word that describes a noun or pronoun).

22. 23. Carla is a gymnastic player, how would Carla assess the lower back and hamstring?A. sit and reachB. zipper testC. modified curl-Up testD. Modified push-up test​


The correct answer is letter C.

C. Modified curl-up test


hope it's help

tara duo

23. during mcq or modified community quarantine . an employee has a 40% chance to reach the city hall of pasig on monday,80% chance to reach on tuesday, and 50% chance to reach on monday and tuesday. what is the probability that she reaches the city hall either monday or tuesday?a. 90%b. 80%c. 70%d. 60%​



Step-by-step explanation:

Monday = 40%

Tuesday = 80%

Monday and Tuesday = 50%


40% + 80% - 50% = 70%

24. 1. It measures cardiovascular recoverya. sit and reach b. paper juggling c. 3-minute step test d. zipper test2. It measures the speed and accelerationa. 40-meter sprint b. zipper test c. push-up d. curl-up3. Used to determine the quickness or leg power and speed at the same time maintaininga balancea. 3-minute step test b. hexagonal agility test c. curl-up d. push-up4. Used to assess the endurance of the abdominal musclesa. sit and reachd. modified cur-upb. zipper testc. paper juggling5. Used to assess the arms and upper body's strengtha. paper juggling b. 40-meter sprint c. curl-upd. modified push-upand False if it is not​



3 A



correct me if im wrong

Hope it helps

25. Let Us Assess Direction: Encircle the letter of your answer 1. Which of the following is True about Physical Fitness? a. physical fitness is the ability of an individual to perform daily activities efficiently without undue fatigue b. physical fitness is made up of 10 major components c. physical fitness doesn't involve exercises d. none of the above 2. Health-related factors in fitness component are the following, EXCEPT: a. strength c. flexibility b. cardiorespiratory d. agility 3. Which exercise assesses the endurance of the abdominal muscles? a. 1-minute-Curl-up Test c. Modified Sit and Reach b. 40-meter Sprint d. standing long jump 4. Which exercise measures acceleration and speed? a. 1-minute-Curl-up Test c. Modified Sit and Reach b. 40-meter Sprint d. standing long jump 5. Which exercise asseses lower back and hamstring? a. 1-minute-Curl-up Test c. Modified Sit and Reach b. 40-meter Sprint d. standing long jump​


1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. c


I hope it helps








pa brainliest plssss

26. joshua has difficulty with moving, standing, sitting. he was diagsnosed with a physical activity how will you modify him to help him focus on the classroom​?


As Joshua has difficulty with moving, standing, and sitting, it may be beneficial to make some modifications to his classroom environment to help him focus better. Here are a few suggestions:

Seating: Provide Joshua with a comfortable and supportive chair that is adjustable to his height. If he needs additional support, consider using a cushion or a backrest. You could also consider using alternative seating options, such as a standing desk or a balance ball chair.

Desk placement: Ensure that Joshua's desk is positioned in a way that allows him to see the board and the teacher easily, but also in a location that minimizes distractions. Consider placing him near the front of the classroom or away from any windows or high-traffic areas.

Movement breaks: Encourage Joshua to take movement breaks throughout the day to help him stay focused. These breaks could involve stretching, walking around the classroom, or doing a few quick exercises. You could also consider incorporating movement into classroom activities, such as having students stand up and stretch between lessons.

Alternative activities: Provide Joshua with alternative activities that allow him to participate in classroom activities without requiring him to sit or stand for extended periods. This could include providing him with a clipboard or lap desk so that he can work while lying down or allowing him to use a standing desk during certain activities.

Assistive technology: Consider providing Joshua with assistive technology that may help him better participate in classroom activities, such as a voice-to-text software or a device that allows him to control the computer without using a mouse or keyboard.

Ultimately, the modifications made to Joshua's classroom will depend on his specific needs and abilities. It may be helpful to work with a physical therapist or other medical professional to develop an individualized plan for Joshua.

27. Adjectives modify nouns, and they can also modify


Adjectives modify nouns and they can also modify the pronoun

To answer the question above, let’s discuss more adjectives and pronouns!

What is an adjective?

An adjective is one of the parts of speech that is used to modify or describe nouns/pronouns. An adjective usually comes before a noun but also it can come after a verb.

An adjective comes before a noun, for example:

1. A beautiful lady comes to me for asking direction

2. Maria cannot use my ugly pants

3. A small village is ruined by the government

An adjective comes after a verb (Noun)

1. My mother is fact Karen's dog is cute

2. The sky became clear

What is Pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that is used for other nouns, for example, I, you, they, we, he, she, it, her, him, and them.

Example of adjective modify the pronoun:

1. I am gorgeous

2. She is odd

3. It is cheap

We can also use two or more adjectives together, for example, They are beautiful and handsome siblings.

Learn more about adjectives








hope it helps

29. It is a one word (or a unit) that modifies the meaning of another word, phrase or clause. *1 pointA. Phrasal ModifiersB. Adjectival Clausal ModifiersC. Single-Word ModifiersD. Adverbial Clausal Modifiers​



C-Single word modifiers

Is one word that modifies meaning of another word, phrase or clause.

30. which PowerPoint feature adds special effects to modify the scheme for presentation? A. color scheme B. animation C. transition sittings D. handouts​


transition po


sure po ako research Kona po

pki follow nalang din po please


C. Transition Settings


transition settings is a transition occurs adds special effects to modify the scheme settings direction the slide enters from for presentation.


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