Four Digit

Four Digit

a number divisible by 4 if the last digit of a number is divisible by four digit is even see two digits form is divisible by four the digit is zero​

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1. a number divisible by 4 if the last digit of a number is divisible by four digit is even see two digits form is divisible by four the digit is zero​

Because anything that is divisible by 100 is also divisible by 4. So when you consider any number it is , some hundreds + last two digits

lets consider 1348

1348= 1300+48

1300 is anyhow divisible by 4 (because it divisible by 100 also), so we just have to check the last two digits.

PS: this method of checking the last two digits' divisibility is applicable not just for 4 but for any factor of 100 i.e 2,5,10,25,50

Pa brainliest po, Salamat ❤️

2. form a four -digit number using the digits 6,4,0, and 7, which of the followeing four -digit give the greatest value?​



(paki BRAINLIEST po sa sagot) ^-^

3. in a certain four-digit number, the thousands digit is twice the ones digit hundreds and the tens digit are both more than the ones digit.what could this four-digit number?

there are many possible answer
you just set your ones digit first for example, if your ones digit is 1 then you can find the thousands digit by multiplying it by 2 and also the number 2 is more than your ones digit which is 1 then the number 2221 is one of the possible 4 digit number fitting the question above.. heres other numbers

4. I am four digit number . My hundreds digit is 7 . My one digit is four less than my hundreds digit . My other digits is are both twice as large as my one digit ?

It is 6763 because;

ones digit- 3
hundreds digit- 7
tens and thousands digit- ????????

This is how you get the tens and thousands digit!

In your problem it says:
The two digits left are as twice as the ones digit. So, the mathematical sentence will be:

3 x 2= N
3 x 2= 6

So, the two digits are 6.

If you join 6,7,6 and 3 together it will form 6763.

5. A four-digit number is to be formed from the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 9. How many four-digit numbers can be formed if the digits cannot be repeated?


Close your eyes and type randomly

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope it helped you

6. 10Four DigitFive DigitNumber​


ten digit number answer


2,4,6,8,10 that's the match number and the given numbers is 3,5,7,9

7. it am a four digit number. my hundreds digit is 7. my ones digit is four less less than my hundreds digit. my other digits 9. What number am I?

Possible Answers:

1. 9, 739

2. 9, 729

3. 9, 719

4. 9, 709

8. what is the greatest four digit even number with no repeated digit

9876 because we can't say 9999 beacause it's repeated right also not 9898 repeated again so 9876
The greatest four digit even number with no repeated digit is 9876

9. i am four digits number. My hundreds digit is seven, my one's digit is four. My other digit are both twice as large as my one's digit. What number am I​




I just know it

10. How many digits are there in eight thousand, four hundred four?​

4 digits sa tingin ko pero wait mo mga comment...


four digits hshshshshshhshshshshshshhs

11. I am a four-digit hundreds digit is seven my ones digit four less than my hundreds digit .my other digits are both twice a large as my ones digit . what number am i​




sana makatulong☺︎︎

12. four example of computer digital artscomputer digital art is a ​


Fractal/Algorithmic Art.Data-Moshing.Dynamic Painting.2D Computer Graphics

13. How many different four-digit numerals can be written using all of the following four digits: 3,4,5,7?

only 1, sorry I didnt read the question clearly

14. ore the tho us ands digita four-digit number suchSum of its digits is 23of the ones digits and thedigits is to the tens digits​



Step-by-step explanation:


15. the sum of the digits of a 2-digit number is 10.The units digits is four more than twice the tens digit


Step-by-step explanation:

tens = x

ones = 2x + 4

10= ones+ tens

10 = (2x+4) + x

10 = 2x + 4 + x

10= 3x + 4

10-4 =3x

6= 3x

3 3



ones= 2(2)+4

= 4+4


follow or pm me if you have more questions ;)

16. 2. When two numbers were subtracted, the result is a four-digit number. The ones digit of the four-og ube has no value. The hundreds digit is eight more than the ones digit. Both the thousands and the tens digits are four less than the hundreds digit. What are these two numbers that were subtracted that have the difference of this four-digit number? a.6,433 and 1,593 b.5,443 and 1,243 c.5,832 and 1,492 d.4,862 and 1,792​help po plsss


A po

Step-by-step explanation:

Calculator po ginamit ko

17. what is the least four digit even number with no reapeted digits


Assuming that 9898 has no "repeating" digits.


The first digit cannot be 0, so there are nine choices, 4 even and 5 odd.

For the second digit we have nine choices. If the first digit is even then we have four even and five odd choices, otherwise five even and 4 odd. Total is 81 choices, 41 even and 40 odd.

For the third digit we have nine choices. Again four even and five odd choices if the second is even, five even and 4 odd otherwise. Total 729 choices, 364 even and 365 odd.

The last digit must be even. So we have four choices if the third is even and five choices if the third is odd. Total 4x364 + 5x365 = 9x364 + 5 = 3281.

18. how many digits are there in eight thousand, four hundred four?​



Step-by-step explanation:




4 digits

Step-by-step explanation:

19. four digit number whose sum of the digits is equal to 15.​


5×3= 15


5+5+5= 15

20. 12 What is the the smallest four digit number with no digits repeated?​

The smallest four-digit number with no digits repeated is 1023.

To arrive at this answer, we start by looking at the smallest possible number, which is 1000. However, this number cannot be used because it has a repeated digit (zero).

So, we try the next smallest number, which is 1001. But again, this number cannot be used because it has a repeated digit (one).

We then try 1002, but this number also has a repeated digit (zero).

Finally, we arrive at 1023, which is the smallest four-digit number with no digits repeated.

21. four-digit odd number whose sum of the digits is 15.​



Sana po makatulog.

22. find the sum of all four-digit numbers that can be formed using the four digits of the number 2003


23. What is the digits are in the eight thousand four hundred four?​


Putting all of the words together, we write










as eight thousand four hundred sixty-five billion, four hundred thirty-two million, ninety-eight thousand, seven hundred ten.



Note: I'm sorry if it's not the answer you wanted:)

Hope it helps!

24. I am a four digit number my hundreds digit is seve. My ones digit is four less then my hundreds digit. My other digits are both twice as large as my ones digit. What number am i?



Step-by-step explanation:

I am a 4-digit number


My hundreds digit is seven


My ones digit is 4 less than my hundreds

7-4 = 3


My other digits are both twice as large as my ones digit

2(3) = 6



25. I am a four digit number. My hundreds digit is 7. My ones digit is four less than my hundreds digit. My other digits are both twice as large as my one digits. What number am i?

ANSWER:  6763


26. what is the greatest four digit number whith no reapeted digit?


The greatest four digit number with no repeated digit is 9876.

Hope this helps

27. The sum of the digits of a 2-digit number is 10. The units digits is four more than twice the tens digit.



Step-by-step explanation:



28. i am four-digit number. my hundreds digit is 7. my ones digit is four less than my hundreds digit. my other digits are both twice as large as my ones digit. whar number am I

ANSWER: 6763

••••••••••••••••••••The answer would be 6763

29. what is the difference between the largest even four -digit number and the smallest odd four -digit number​

Step-by-step explanation:

The largest even four-digit number is 9998, and the smallest odd four-digit number is 1001. The difference between these two numbers is 8997.

30. haw many digits are in eight thuosand ,four hundrend four​


4 po correct me if I'm wrong po pa brainliest

4 po hehe

#hope it helps❤❤

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